by Debbie W. Wilson | Nov 23, 2015 | Contentment, Peace, Relationships, Thanksgiving
One Thanksgiving I told a relative how much our son enjoyed going to her house for special occasions. “He probably wouldn’t feel that way if you did more,” she said. Ouch. She was at my house for Thanksgiving. I obviously hadn’t met her expectations. Jesus’... by Debbie W. Wilson | Jun 15, 2015 | Contentment, Life skills, Rest, Work, Worry
Three unexpected surgeries and follow-up therapy within a span of a few months emptied our emergency funds. What happens when what you’ve put aside is not enough? Larry and I invited his mother to live with us when we saw her independence waning. But, she refused to... by Debbie W. Wilson | May 11, 2015 | Battles, Contentment, Faith, Perseverance, Relationship with God, Spiritual warfare, Temptation
My heart hurt when I saw Bruce Jenner’s distress in his interview with Diane Sawyer (April 24, 2015) and heard of his family’s grief. I grieved for the viewers who listened in the hope of having their confusing thoughts and desires explained. Jenner believes his pain... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 13, 2015 | Battles, Contentment, Life skills
I felt like I’d stepped into a scene from Mary Poppins. “Feed the Birds” began to play through my mind as I spotted a man feeding pigeons in London’s Hyde Park. I smiled at the birds perched on his shoulders and head. But when he turned around I stepped back and... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 14, 2014 | Contentment, Eternal Perspective, God's will, Life Experiences, Life skills, Relationship with God, Trusting God
One day, the Lord approached me. “I’d like you to play a role in my story,” He said. “Wow, me? What can I do?” I said. “I’ve picked you to glorify Me. I’ll guide your every step. Here,” He held out my worn leather Bible. “This contains everything you need to know to... by Debbie W. Wilson | Jul 17, 2012 | Battles, Contentment, Life skills, Relationship with God, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is not my first response to irritation. But since God’s commandments are not burdensome, when He says to always give thanks, He must want to lighten my load, not weigh me down. In context this wisdom reads: 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as...