Are You Engaged in the Right Work?

Are You Engaged in the Right Work?

How do we know if we’re doing the right work, if we’re investing our time, energy, and resources in the best way? I once shared a house with two roommates. We rotated the weekly chores so that we had different ones each week. One roommate offered to help me with mine....
Stop Believing Lies About Your Career Now

Stop Believing Lies About Your Career Now

Are you, or someone you know, unhappy in your career? Grace McCready uncovers three lethal lies that many of us have bought into at one time or another and shows us how to stop believing lies about our careers. Three Lies We Believe About Our Careers Even before I...

How to Restore the Whistle in Your Work

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go… Remember the seven dwarfs singing as they headed off to work? Does that describe your Monday mornings? Unfortunately, many of us view work as a necessary evil. Though the curse certainly added sweat and thorns to our labor, work...
What Was Your Favorite Christmas Gift?

What Was Your Favorite Christmas Gift?

Christmas often resurrects memories of childhood and Christmas past. Do you remember a favorite Christmas gift? Today, Cynthia Baughan Wheaton shares about her favorite Christmas present. I asked her to share because she also has a book that will interest many of you...

How to Protect Your Work From Loss

The pit of my stomach rehashed my loss. I replayed the scenario chiding myself for not being more assertive. I’d told the Apple tech my computer stored all of my talks, articles, manuscripts, records—and much more. “Please don’t wipe it clean unless you know my backup...

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