Helping Women Find Victory in Their Battles

“I highly recommend Debbie as one of the best Bible teachers I know. She has a remarkable ability to make complex concepts understandable, using illustrations and applications that are both meaningful and memorable. Your audience will absolutely love her!

~ Tara Furman, Founder, Knowing God Ministries

Growth isn’t a straight line. I thought I was completely trusting God at twenty-two when I moved across the country to join an international youth ministry. Years later, with different challenges, I wondered if I was trusting God at all. Trusting God with adventure was exciting; trusting Him in the routine of cleaning up after small children was not. That too was part of my faith journey.

I would love to help your group experience the joy and peace I’ve found that comes from trusting a big God through the ups and downs of life.


Inspirational Biblical Teaching for Your Event

Contact Debbie to learn how she can help your women experience victory in their battles.


Little Women, Big God Topics


Rahab: Unshakable Faith
Do you want unshakable faith—faith that doesn’t stumble over temptation or collapse at bad news? God chose a prostitute to teach us how to build solid faith. Discover her secrets and enjoy the security unshakable faith delivers.
Ruth and Naomi: Trusting God When Life Stinks
Loss shakes our view of God and causes us to question His love for us. Watch the dance of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility in the story of Ruth and Boaz and discover God’s redemptive love for us.
Bathsheba: Beauty From Ashes
Have you ever been burned? Then you know the nagging questions betrayal raises. From David and Bathsheba’s story, discover how God can bring beauty from ashes.
Mary: Great Expectations
What expectations would you have if an angel called you highly favored of God? Confusion, rejection, and hardship accompanied Mary on her journey through the first Christmas and the years that followed. Learn the secret to her serenity. (Can be used for Christmas.)
Little Women, Big God Retreat
Choose three to five of the women Matthew listed in Jesus’ genealogy. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.

More Christian Living Topics

How to KNOW You're Going to Heaven

“As each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment” (Heb. 9:27 NLT), everyone needs to secure their eternity. Doing so allows us to live with assurance and face death without dread. A clear presentation of how to gain eternal life.

Forgiveness Brings FREEDOM
What new or old wound is haunting you? Forgiveness is one of the hardest things we ever have to do, but one of the most liberating. Discover what forgiveness is and is not, and how it can be your ally.
God Made Us Different to Make a Difference
Have you noticed how God doesn’t make cookie cutter Christians? Our personalities, gifts and passions differ by Divine design. Discover how being the person God designed you to be is not only more fun, it is God plan!
Taming the Tongue (James 3 and Proverbs)
Have you ever wished you could bite off your tongue after biting off someone else’s head? With the power of life and death wielded by such a small organ, it is vital to learn how to surrender control of our tongues to God.


God’s Design in Marriage, Becoming One (Genesis 2 and Ephesians 5)
Marriage was God’s idea, and it was a very good idea! However two becoming one can cause friction! A fresh look at God’s blueprint offers hope and health to modern marriages.
Three “B”s to Becoming a Better Wife (1 Peter 3)
Discover time tested ways to enhance your relationship with your husband by developing the wife’s three “B”s: Behavior, Beauty, and Best
Climbing Out of the Pit
Many biblical characters faced depression. This session offers some practical and spiritual helps to climb out of the pit.
Living Life with Power
Do you want to do the right thing, but find yourself failing? Do you feel aimless and weak in your faith? The Lord told His disciples it was better for them for Him to leave so He could send them the Helper. Animals have instincts to guide them, believers have the Holy Spirit.
Discover and Enjoy Your Spiritual Gifts (Romans 12:3-8)
Did you know that you are gifted and a gift to Christ’s body the church? Learn how to identify and enjoy your special spiritual gift. Better understand why others don’t think like you. (This can be a retreat.)

Recipe for Rest

GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK Topics or Retreat (Hebrews 4)

Do you tend to be hard on yourself? Discover the peace that comes from entering God’s rest. (This can be a retreat, a keynote, or an introduction to the Bible study by the same name. Individual titles include: The Time to Rest, The Recipe for Rest,  The Work of Rest, and How to Enter God’s REST.)

Walk with Him topics or retreat — Walk by Faith, Walk in the Light, Walk by the Spirit, Walk in Peace.
From Messy Emotions to Mighty Faith
Messy emotions are our friends when we learn how to listen to their messages to renew our minds. This seminar teaches a simple tool to help you REAP your thoughts and transform your life.
Stress Is Inevitable, Worry Is Optional (Philippians 4:4-9)
How is stress robbing your joy and peace? Life contains stress, but God offers a way to exchange our natural worries for His supernatural peace.
Finding Freedom from Guilt and Regret
What sticky threads of guilt haunt you? Learn how to get rid of guilt and live clean.
Mary and Martha: Keeping the Right Focus
Have you ever started out well and ended up stressed and anxious? Martha did too. Jesus shared a secret with her that can help all multitaskers keep our peace even with busy schedules. (Can be used to address holiday stress.)


Your story
Capture your own story of faith in a powerful format that is easy to share with others.
Making the Bible Come Alive
Discover a simple way to personally hear from God.


​If you are planning a seminar or a women’s event, then Debbie Wilson is the right choice for you. Her messages are relevant, applicable, and I highly recommend her.
Diane Rumley

Co-Founder, Support Military Spouses

​​Debbie Wilson spoke to us with wisdom in a very relatable fashion on how to build an unshakable faith. She is very approachable. Our ladies thoroughly enjoyed Debbie. She was great at pointing the audience to trust God in all circumstances, both good and bad. Her sense of humor was also much appreciated!
Amy Smith

Middleburg Women’s Bible Study, Middleburg, Virginia

Our ladies enjoyed the day so much and were so excited about having Debbie there. I received nothing but wonderful comments about the morning. Her message truly was the center of all that we had worked so hard to do. God was so faithful to allow her to meet the ladies right where they were.
Peggy Warren

Director, Piney Grove Proverbs 31

When Debbie spoke, our women listened—intently! She is passionate about her topic and connects with her audience emotionally.  God’s word moves her! She is funny, relational, serious, compassionate, and dedicated. She has a deep working knowledge of the scriptures and an insightful perspective on applying God’s word to our daily lives, our circumstances, our relationships, our joys, our trials, our mistakes, and our pain. If you are looking for someone who will capture the attention and hearts of your women and speak Godly words of truth, wisdom, and encouragement, then Debbie Wilson is your girl!
Susan Deese

Coordinator, Northwest Community Church Women's Mentoring Ministry, Cary, NC

God has clearly gifted Debbie with the ability to bring Scripture to life — in understandable, practical, and applicable terms. I highly recommend Debbie for your groups if you want to deepen your women’s walks with God in a meaningful way.”

Lisa T.

North Carolina

Debbie is a wonderful Bible teacher and study leader who “rightly divides the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).  Her knowledge and understanding of scripture are invaluable as she points her audience to Jesus and the freedom found in Him.
Ella Thompson

Women's Bible Study Leader

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