by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 13, 2016 | Life Experiences, Life skills, Marriage, Relationships
What makes it hard to yield to others? While I’m working on another project I’m bringing back what I wrote on my struggle to submit to Larry when he asked me to stay home from something I’d helped to plan. Photo by: Joshua Hibbert Larry’s request... by Debbie W. Wilson | May 30, 2016 | Gratitude, Life Experiences
The sound of beeps and light eased me into consciousness. “Is the surgery over?” I asked. “Yes, you’re in recovery,” a young woman said. “What did they find?” “They don’t tell us,” she said. “Why am I shaking?” I asked. “That’s a normal response to pain,” she said and... by Debbie W. Wilson | Feb 15, 2016 | Battles, Life Experiences, Temptation
A small area of warped flooring caught my eye after we moved furniture for construction work a year and a half ago. Since my living room backed up to our master shower, I feared another leak. A small poke behind the sheet rock revealed wet insulation. Our workers... by Guest Post | Jul 6, 2015 | Healing, Life Experiences, Perspective
If you haven’t met Amy Carroll yet, you are in for a real treat! Enjoy her words today as we celebrate the release of her book Breaking Up with Perfect. *** As I rummaged through the damaged store, I hurried toward a colorful decoration that caught my eye. A... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 27, 2015 | Leadership, Life Experiences, Life skills
What is the difference between being shrewd and being stingy when securing services? Many years ago I spearheaded a conference for youth. A musician friend, I’ll call John, agreed to travel with his family to lead the worship. He was FANTASTIC! His talented presence... by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 23, 2015 | Life Experiences, Perseverance, Perspective, Relationship with God
For a summer college internship, I ran a Boy Scout Camp kitchen. My team and I were cracking eggs by 6:30 A.M. My arms ached stirring dozens at a time in a heavy cast iron skillet. After breakfast, we scrubbed pans and prepped for lunch. A gap between lunch and supper...