A Big God and a Great Team

The sound of beeps and light eased me into consciousness. “Is the surgery over?” I asked.

“Yes, you’re in recovery,” a young woman said.

“What did they find?”

“They don’t tell us,” she said.

download-2“Why am I shaking?” I asked.

“That’s a normal response to pain,” she said and injected a syringe into my IV.

Heavy sleep blanketed me once more.

More trembling, another injection, and sweet slumber returned.

“Breathe. Take a deep breath,” the nurse woke me. I inhaled and the long beep on the monitor quieted.

Two females flanked me when I woke the next time. “Is your blood pressure normally low?”

“Uh, I guess,” I mumbled.

“You can’t leave until we raise it. Wiggle your toes,” the senior nurse commanded.

I obeyed.

“It worked. You can go.” And off they wheeled my bed to my final station before dismissal.

Those who follow my blogs know the month my book was released I stepped onto a medical roller coaster. After eight weeks of tests and uncertainty, I’m happy to say the melon-sized cyst was benign and is gone!

And for all who said God just wanted me to experience the title of my book, Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God, you were right. I learned God’s name is bigger than any giant we will ever face. God's name is bigger than any giant we will ever face. Share on X

But, just in case living your title is necessary to writing, I’ve chosen the name of my next book: Enjoying the Gardens of Tuscany!

The medical crew that attended my surgery was a small part of the attentive team my heavenly Father assembled for this journey.

I’ll never forget the morning my Bible study gathered around me and sang praises to God when we feared I had cancer. Their gentle tears and fervent prayers washed over me like healing rain.

Neither will I forget how my friends and family rallied around me with their presence, prayers, and encouragement. Each expression of care was as unique as the one who gave it. My daughter made carrot juice and bought clothes for me to try. My son called each day from work and prayed for me. My husband’s cheerful heart was good medicine. Extended family sent chocolate covered strawberries and words of encouragement.

A close friend’s company brought comic relief when I donned baggy paper shorts for my MRI and calm when the doctor gave the results. Another friend called from across the continent to pray at the moment I’d read the dismal recovery rates for the type of cancer my PA suspected.

My Big God encouraged, guided, and upheld me through each step. He never left my side. He directed His army on how and when to support me.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him,
And rescues them.
O taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
O fear the Lord, you His saints;
For to those who fear Him there is no want” (Ps. 34:7-9 NASB).

Your encouragement, prayers, and tangible support boosted me. Thank you for being part of God’s supply.

God is always worthy of our praise. But some days are party days. Today I’m celebrating the One who answers prayers and thanking those who cheered me on!

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Debbie W. Wilson

Photo by: Mark Asthoff

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #WholeHearted Wednesday#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #LivefreeThursday#Thankful Thursdays, #Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus #SoulSurvival

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  1. Marlou Kirby

    Rejoicing with you, dear one, and praising our big God! And I want to do research with you in those Tuscan gardens! Love you so much. ❤️

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! Let’s go!

  2. Kay Holland

    Praising God with you! Thanks for being His platform for faith – such refreshing faith, indeed!

  3. Billy Pierce

    Yea God!

  4. Ellen Stevens

    How GREAT is our GOD! Waking up to this blog so blessed my heart Debbie! He always does it BIG in all the right ways from strawberries to phone calls, cheerful words of encouragement from HIS people and especially personal verses from HIS WORD! My heart is overwhelmed with HIS GOODNESS this morning for you!

  5. LW

    Praise God! I am so thrilled to hear the great news, Debbie. I continue to pray for your speedy and thorough recovery my dear friend.

  6. Kathy Mayr

    Yaaay Debbie!
    I’m so happy for your good news and how great is our God for surrounding you with an army of earthly angles to love and support you through this trial. I’m so glad you are well and it is behind you now.

    Take Care,

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Kathy. Me too!

  7. Earle Finley


    The goodness, kindness and mercy of a great God.

    Love & rejoice with you,

    Earle & Sara

  8. Sandi

    Dear Debbie,

    All who cheered you on and many more we don’t know about, are rejoicing with you and praising our BIG GOD.

    Your blog today is encouraging for me personally because I never feel like I have done enough. I have struggled with this for years.

    But, I see that when you do the one thing God tells you too do is enough in His eyes and that is enough!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Sandi, that is a wonderful application! I too often feel I don’t do enough. Since those thoughts don’t lead to thanksgiving or praise of God we can know they don’t come from Him! You do for others much more than most I know, dear friend.

  9. Susie Browne

    Thanks for sharing. God is bigger than any problem we might face and His love, goodness, and faithfulness will get us through any challenges we go through in life.

  10. Melissa

    God is so wonderful. He loves us so much! We are truly blessed. Rejoicing with you. 🙂

  11. Brenda Blackwood

    Praise the Lord for His great mercy and grace. What an encouragement to hear your story of God’s faithfulness. Each time I walked in my bedroom I was reminded to pray for you. I am so thankful for this great news! Love you Debbie, Brenda

    • Debbie Wilson

      That’s so sweet! Thanks, Brenda.

      • http://www./

        I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”

  12. Pam

    Sweet friend, what joy to hear the great news! It is indeed a day to celebrate! I have been so eager to hear and I already sent an email to Sydney and Elise to let them know as well. I rejoice with you, for you, and to God for this! I hope you are recovering well and will be enjoying all the things you love very quickly. Love and hugs, Pam

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Pam. I’m still praying for Sydney!

  13. Hap

    Awfully glad you’re OK. Take care,
    Love, Hap

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Hap!

  14. Ann

    I couldn’t be happier to hear your wonderful praise report Debbie! That is truly wonderful. And I will continue to pray for a speedy, full recovery and total healing.

  15. Scottie Dietz

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow! So thankful for your news!!

  16. Meade DeKlotz

    So glad to hear the good news Debbie!!

  17. Andy Lee

    Praising, praising, praising God! Love the title of your next book. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      🙂 Thank you for cheering me on!

  18. Ann Johnson

    I’m soooooo very thankful to Him who made you and has numbered your days and has healed you and loves you with an everlasting love. We love you and will continue praying as we always have.
    Ann (for Ann and Sam)

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, thank you and Sam for your prayers, friendship, and encouragement. I hope this summer will be filled with good health for us all!

  19. Katrena

    Thank you Jesus for the manefestation of what we already knew by faith!

  20. Debbie Wilson

    Amen! Thanks, Katrena!

  21. Pam Pace

    Pam Pace says so glad to hear the wonderful news. God is so good! Love you lots.

  22. Michele Morin

    Such good news, and what a great gathering of the body of Christ around you and your need! I love it when the church shows up! We’re a living picture of the God who shows up!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Michele, well said. I picture the visible arms of the invisible God.

  23. Joanne Viola

    Rejoicing with you! It is so beautiful to read of others showing up in your time of need. Glad to have stopped here from Grace & Truth. Blessings!

  24. Mari-Anna Stalnacke

    Praise the Lord! He really is so good. All the time. Thanks for sharing. Abundant blessings to you! Keep on dancing and praising the Lord in front of all your fears!

  25. Lori

    I’m praising the Lord with you, Debbie. I love the title of your next book :)I had a good giggled when I read that. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

  26. Debbie Wilson

    Thanks, Lori. I have people who want to help me research that one!

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