Would You Deny Yourself Security for Christ’s Sake?
When Jesus called His twelve disciples to follow Him, He knew the path would lead to eternal life. He also knew it would include suffering, and for most of them—martyrdom. And He summoned the crowd together with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wants to...
Wouldn’t Life Be Better If
Wouldn’t life be better if everyone acted as they ought? If only— my kids would… my spouse wouldn’t… my boss did… my in-laws didn’t… my government… However, the wisest people I know haven’t come from ideal circumstances. Some of the...
How to Unleash Mountain-Moving Prayer
Horace Williams Jr. is a fellow blogger who has written some inspiring books on prayer. I’m currently enjoying his new book Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life. Horace writes from personal experience. I invited Horace to encourage us on prayer and introduce...
An Interview With Susan G. Mathis About Mary’s Moment
I want to introduce Susan G Mathis, an international award-winning author, and her tenth Thousand Island Gilded Age novel, Mary’s Moment. Have fun learning about Susan and her new book which is set in the beautiful Thousand Islands in Upstate NY. What inspired you to...
What Does the Bible Say About Women and the Church?
Truth will set us free every time. What does God have to say about women’s place? It’s time to dig in. You might well be surprised.