Wouldn’t Life Be Better If

Wouldn’t life be better if everyone acted as they ought? If only—

  • my kids would…
  • my spouse wouldn’t…
  • my boss did…
  • my in-laws didn’t…
  • my government…

However, the wisest people I know haven’t come from ideal circumstances. Some of the most radiant believers I’ve met have survived grave injustices. If well-being depends on other people’s choices, anyone and everyone can ruin ours.

Reframing Life’s Aggravations

David’s life would have been easier if King Saul had offered to mentor him instead of trying to kill him. Yet, God used his time of fleeing for his life to refine David into a great leader. The Psalms birthed from his pain continue to minister to millions.

And what about Old Testament Joseph? Wouldn’t his life have been better if his ten brothers had been kind to him? Yet, God used their cruelty to strengthen Joseph and put him in a position to save many lives, including the line of Jesus!

Jealous leaders and cruel kinsmen could not thwart God’s plans for these men. In Joseph’s own words, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good” (Genesis 50:20 NLT). Both Joseph and David prospered in hostile circumstances.

Ironically, David who earned an A+ in character during adversity later failed during prosperity. Could the circumstances we resist be the tools God uses to chisel out Christlike character in us and protect us from lasting loss? Often the hardest parts of our lives make the greatest stories.  James 1:2-4 says so.

They Became Strong in Battle

Biblical and modern stories of people with courage inspire and encourage me. I’m so excited to announce the September 5th release of my new book, Little Strength, Big God: Discover a God Greater than Your Goliaths. Here is a short description. 

Loss and intimidation are not new to God’s people. What if you had to choose between―

– Drowning your baby or letting your worst enemy raise him?
– Bowing before an idol or being thrown into a fiery furnace?
– Compromising your convictions or being tossed to the lions?
– Living in fear or leading ill-equipped volunteers against an intimidating enemy?

The believers who faced these decisions felt their limitations. Yet they found strength in the Lord. You can too. Using the men and women highlighted in the last half of Hebrews 11, Little Strength, Big God will help you turn your weaknesses into strengths to accomplish God’s purpose in your life. When trouble attacks, you don’t need a bigger God―you need clearer vision. Discover the transforming power of a God greater than your Goliaths and live strong today. You can preorder now!

Wouldn’t life be better if everyone acted as they ought? Easier, for sure. But perhaps God is using these battles to polish us and write a bigger story to showcase His glory.

If you're in a raging battle right now, take heart. You just may be part of a bigger story. #battles, #BigGod Share on X

Comment here.


Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InspireMeMonday, #InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory, #Let’sHaveCoffee, #Grace&Truth


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  1. Donna Reidland

    Congratulations, Debbie, on your new book. I look forward to reading it. Blessings!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Donna. I feel the stories in it really suit our times.

  2. Ann Musico

    So much truth here Debbie. Easier is nicer but as I’ve heard Joyce Meyer say, you can’t have a testimony without a test! Nothing is ever wasted in God and He only intends our good – a future and a hope.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Ann, I’ve heard Joyce say that. She nailed it.

  3. JD Wininger

    So excited for your new book Ms. Debbie. I suspect it will prove to be most timely my friend. Your post made me stop to consider what “Goliaths” I’m facing today and what ones I expect to face in the future. The time to prepare is NOW!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, J.D. I put it aside for a while, and when I came back our country had changed dramatically. It continues to shift even more since I submitted my manuscript. I pray God will use it to strengthen His church.

  4. Barbara Latta

    Debbie, I also think about the Israelites when they had to conquer the Promised Land. They had to fight battles to live in their new land, but each victory was because of God’s intervention. The prize came through what we wouldn’t consider a weapon such as blowing horns and singing praises around the walls of Jericho. When they trusted the Lord they won against all the giants they faced.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yes, how creative our Lord is! Love these stories. Thanks, Barbara!

  5. Marilyn C.

    Debbie, your words & your new
    book are a reminder that in the hrs. & days ahead, Satan & his demonic forces will realize how they have underestimated the Power & Authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings & Lord of lords. Until then, we pray, trust, & obey. ❤️❤️

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yes! Love that, Marilyn!

  6. Joanne Viola

    Debbie, I started reading your book this week and it is wonderful and encouraging. Truly a book for these days we are in. Sure life might be better if everyone behaved as they should. But somehow in the midst of every challenging situation, God is always showing us more of Himself, more of His faithfulness to His own, and more of His strength.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Joanne. I love how you put this. God does show Himself in our weaknesses and challenges.

  7. Nancy E. Head

    God tells us to fear not. We can trust Him to let His plan unfold for our ultimate good. Thanks, Debbie. Great message. God bless!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Amen! Thank you, Nancy.

  8. Paula Short

    Amen, indeed. So wonderfully spoken and so very encouraging, Debbie.
    Visiting today from Anita’s #1&2.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Paula!

  9. Nancy Ruegg

    You shared a new-to-me insight in this post, Debbie: “David who earned an A+ in character during adversity later failed during prosperity.” No doubt your books contain more of the same; I’m adding them to my TBP list!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      A sober warning when we pin our hopes on better circumstances. Thanks, Nancy! I hope you enjoy it.

  10. Jeannie Waters

    Debbie, this thought-provoking post is worth pondering. Sometimes I fall into the “if only” bucket of thoughts, wishing life were easier. Sometimes we don’t see the value of challenging times, but God is always at work. I live this sentence: “ . But perhaps God is using these battles to polish us and write a bigger story to showcase His glory.”

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I can too, Jeannie. That’s one reason I love these biblical stories. They challenge my western school of thought.

  11. Yvonne Morgan

    Congratulations on your new book Debbie. And thanks for the lovely message. I keep learning to thank God for all the times the what ifs didn’t go my way.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yvonne, that habit demonstrates real faith. God isn’t finished yet!

  12. Lauren Renee Sparks

    Looks like a great book, Debbie!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Lauren. I enjoyed spending time with some of God’s unsung heroes and some popular ones as I wrote it.

  13. Lisa notes

    There are so many times I could fill in the blank myself: “wouldn’t life be better if ___”
    It’s sometimes hard to accept that reality is what it is, and for better or worse, this is the place and time and people we are meant to live and love, right here, right now. May God bless each of us in our radical acceptance of this one wild and precious life.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Lisa, I agree. It is hard. My first response isn’t to graciously trust God and accept each chapter. But doing so brings great peace and hope.

  14. Flutter Fun

    Wow, such an amazing article, Thank you for sharing this.

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