Are You Ready to Walk in Faith?

by | Sep 22, 2020 | Battles, Faith, Fear | 11 comments

How do we learn to walk in faith? Many of us can point to a fork in the road where we had to choose between faith, fear, or some other option. Horace Williams faced that fork as a young adult when a stroke took away the life he’d taken for granted. Like many who choose faith, he can now look back on that tragedy and see God’s mercy. I know you will enjoy and be challenged by his message today as we celebrate the release of his new book The Furnace of Affliction!

Are You Ready and Willing to Walk in Faith?

Do you remember the last time you were afraid?   I mean, a time when you were truly terrified. I’m not referring to the last horror movie you watched. (I don’t watch them myself because I don’t enjoy the idea of scaring myself to death!) No, I’m more interested in the time when you let fear paralyze you from doing something you were called to do—a moment when you allowed fear to interfere with your walk in faith.

Faith is the cornerstone of Christianity. Without faith in Jesus Christ, your eternal destiny is destruction, separation from God forever. However, as a Christian, you have been chosen by Jesus for service. A service that includes the necessity to walk in faith, meaning you must prepare yourself to do so.

For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift from God, not as a result of works, so that no one can boast. it is the gift from God. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8-10 NASB).

You Are a Masterpiece

Before I go any further, please look at the NLT version of this same scripture passage. Really meditate on what Jesus is saying to you and me who believe and put our trust in Him.

God saved you when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this. It is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done so that none can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. (emphasis added)

You know, for several decades after asking Jesus to come into my heart at the age of five, I was not doing too many good things that brought honor and glory to Christ. But God. On September 9, 2012, nearly twenty-six months after a life-altering stroke, I recommitted my life to Jesus. Not long afterward,  it became my heart’s desire to give people hope using my testimony of faith, encouraging other Christians to walk in faith.

Faith Means Action

Several months after my stroke, I was blessed to land at a particular rehabilitation facility. I was sent there to learn to walk again as my left side had been severely weakened from the stroke.  God blessed me with a tremendous physical therapist who loved the Lord.

So many times, she’d encourage me to persevere in my rehab and not give up.  She would repeatedly make a comment that if I don’t use it, I will lose it.” Meaning if I didn’t begin to train my brain to use my left side again, the muscles would succumb to atrophy. The muscles would begin to degenerate and decline.

The same thing holds for us as Christians. If we are not active in our Christian walk, our faith can decline or become stagnant. Then we cannot fulfill the purposes of God and bring Him glory. A word of warning, if you choose to let your faith in God deteriorate, God may bring things into your life that send you running back to Him. Painful, difficult, and extremely trying circumstances.

So, what can we do to be active in our Christian life and walk not to sleep in our faith?  I want to mention a few things that, if we do consistently, will help us to be active in our Christian walk.

Walking in Faith

Find time for personal moments with God. (Mark 1:35)

Ask God to search your heart for anything that interferes. (Psalm 139:23-24)

Include meditation and memorization during your quiet time. ( Psalm 119:11)

Thank God daily in your conversations with Him. (Philippians 4:6)

Have a willingness to serve God obediently. (Psalm 100:2)

Serving God is not an easy thing, but God never promised us easy. See what Jesus shared with the disciples after predicting that they would abandon Him in His time of need.

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NASB).

Many of the disciples scattered like bugs once Jesus Christ was arrested and put on trial. If we don’t actively practice these five things in our Christian walk, we too can be susceptible to stumble and fall in times of adversity.

Many of the disciples scattered like bugs once Jesus Christ was arrested. If we don't actively practice these five things in our #Christian walk, we too can stumble in times of #adversity. @Pleasing2Potter Share on X

But remember what I pointed out earlier from God’s Word? We have been chosen. We are a masterpiece. Don’t let the word masterpiece scare you because you are God’s jewel; you are His treasure. You have value to Him. You’re God’s showpiece. An example of Jesus Christ.

So I will ask you again, are you ready and willing to walk in faith, bringing honor and glory to God? Are you going to commit to preparing yourself in your Christian walk? If you wait until adversity arrives, seasons of pain and suffering could easily overwhelm you, just like the disciples who ran away.

Live with Hope

Never forget that God has not abandoned you in times of adversity. God loves you, unconditionally. He wants what is best for you. The Lord will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He is continuing to strengthen your faith in Him. Sometimes that means you’ll encounter painful circumstances in life. However, you can have hope, knowing God is preparing you!

He is refining you, renewing your faith, and restoring to completeness in Him! That is how you can live with hope. Your walking in faith has a unique purpose- especially designed by God, the Creator of heaven and earth! Doesn’t that get you excited instead of fearful? God will empower, equip, and encourage you to fulfill His purpose for your life.  So prepare yourself to thrive in your Christian life and walk in faith bringing all glory and honor to Him.

Walking in faith,

Horace Williams Jr.

Horace Williams Jr. is a born-again Christian who loves Jesus Christ, a stroke survivor, and an award-winning author. He has seen the power of prayer and God’s healing in his own life as he continues to recover from a massive stroke that paralyzed his left side in the Summer of 2010. Horace recommitted his life to Christ on September 9, 2012. He writes to inspire, encourage, and remind readers of God’s transforming power and love. His brand- new book, The Furnace of Affliction: How God Uses Our Pain and Suffering for His Purpose is a book overflowing with hope and encouragement and has been endorsed by many including Sheila Walsh. Get a brand-new copy of his just-released book here.

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  1. Ann J Musico

    A beautiful and powerful testimony to Christ’s faithfulness and mercy. I always remember what Joyce Meyer said years ago – do it afraid!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I like that! Horace has the gift of encouragement. God is certainly using him for His glory.

      • Horace Williams Jr

        Thank you , Debbie for helping my light to shine for the glory and honor of God. May hearts be drawn closer to Him.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    I pray I walk in faith every moment. I am thankful to be His. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, me too, Melissa. Thank you.

  3. J.D. Wininger

    Faith is indeed a muscle; if we don’t use it we’ll lose it. “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:14-26). May we each endeavor to grow stronger in Christ each day. Thank you for sharing Ms. Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, J.D. Spiritual exercise keeps us strong.

  4. Jerralea

    Wow, second time today I’ve run across an acrostic using the word faith. Perhaps a message meant for me?

    Anyway I love Horace’s story. So glad he let his affliction help him be better, not bitter.

  5. Lisa notes

    So happy to see Horace’s book here! “Use it or lose it.” That’s good advice for all of us. I know his book will bless many. He has a great testimony.

    • Horace Williams Jr

      Thank you, Lisa. I consider you a dear sister in Christ like Debbie here. I pray you are blessed and encouraged as you read my new book. iIlook forward to yourreview from an avid book reader like yourself.

  6. Horace Williams Jr

    Amen, Jerralea. I am so thankful that God continues to use my testimony of faith for His glory. It is not always easy, but He continues to empower and encourage me to do His will.

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