If My People: An Urgent Call for God’s People to Pray

by | Sep 29, 2020 | Prayer | 23 comments

Thousands of believers gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Saturday to repent and pray for revival and national healing. Too many good things happened to fit into a blog. Below are some highlights from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s keynote address which begins at 2:53 on the Saturday Part one recording.

Historic Markings

The gathering on September 26, 2020 marked the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower. The anniversary of the signing of the Mayflower compact falls on 11/11/2020—election day.

The Pilgrims established this country for the glory of God. Puritan lawyer John Winthrop said, “We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.” He also warned that if this city fell away from the God of Israel, then the destruction that fell on Israel would fall on it.

President George Washington, at his inauguration, dedicated our country to God. He said, “The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”

Blatant Disregard

Rabbi Cahn listed the many ways our nation has not only disregarded the eternal rules of order and right but celebrated sin. “What we used to call evil, we now call good. The things we once called good; we now call evil. The things we once revered we now revile, and what we once reviled we now celebrate.”

Jonathan described how a statue of George Washington had been wrapped in an American flag and burned and a rainbow flag raised in its place. “The rainbow does not belong to man. The rainbow belongs to God. It was not given as an emblem to the pride of man. It was given as a sign of the mercy of God. If we mock God’s laws and ways, what mercy can we expect to find?”

He told how the Word of God stands against all oppression and injustice of any color, race, gender, group, or individual.  “If you say black lives matter, and certainly they do, how do you say black lives matter and say nothing of all the black lives killed in this land before they could breathe their first breath? How can you be silent before the shed blood of millions of black sons and daughters? How can you not protest all the abortion clinics strategically placed in black neighborhoods for the purposes of destroying black lives? If these children could speak, they would say, ‘Why did our black lives not matter?’”

Chilling Parallels to Ancient Israel’s Judgment

Judgement for ancient Israel began on the very ground where Israel had committed herself to God. The planes that launched the attack on America on 9/11 left from Logan Airport, which is located on the island that had once belonged to John Winthrop, the one who committed our country to God. Their first target was the twin towers, which stood on the spot where George Washington dedicated America to God at his inauguration in New York City—Ground Zero.

Judgement for ancient Israel began on the spot Israel had committed herself to God. The planes that launched the attack on 9/11 targeted the spot where George Washington had dedicated America to God—Ground Zero. #CallToPrayer Share on X

Since 9/11, our country has sadly followed the path of Israel in defiance against God. Nineteen years after Israel’s enemies breached her borders shakings began. Nineteen years after 2001 is the year 2020. Need I say more?

Israel’s prophets laid out two destinies. Would they choose life by following God or destruction by following Baal? Sadly, Israel did not repent.

America at the Crossroads

Jonathan believes America is at the precipice, a crossroads of life and death, calamity and revival, judgment and mercy. If we forge laws that defy His Laws, can God bless America? If we dilute His Word and consecrate sin, we will be held accountable.

What will America choose? Without repentance there will be no revival. At the moment Rabbi Cahn said America could experience both—greater shaking and revival—the sky thundered!

If greater shakings lay in our future, they may be the platform for great revival. We don’t know the future, but we know we live in desperate times. This is our time for personal repentance and prayer, for God’s promise still stands:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV).

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Photo by jhudel baguio on Unsplash

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  1. Ann J Musico

    Amen Debbie. Truly we must begin personally with repentance and prayer and cover our nation in prayer at this pivotal time.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, thank you, Ann.

  2. Pam Ecrement

    Amen! Amen! Amen, Debbie!! This is so much truth! I watched on and off all day Saturday and was blessed and pray that many more across this land and many more churches as well will join this call to repent before it is too late.

    Our son’s pastor (Steve Berger) was one who participated and briefly spoke. That church also contributed many of the worship team members. I am adding a link for you from a short 20 minutes message Steve gave on Sunday AM for their church in front of the Supreme Court. (https://gracechapel.net/media/repentance-our-only-hope-part-4/)

    God bless you richly for this, my friend♥️

    • Debbie Wilson

      Pam, love hearing about the people you know. Thanks for the link. Blessings to you!

  3. Melissa Henderson

    Amen. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV. Amen.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! Thanks, Melissa.

  4. Lucille

    Thank you, Debbie for sharing this day of calling for repentance! I wanted to be there & I haven’t been able to find it anywhere! Praying for my own repentance!

    • Debbie Wilson

      The link to the recording is in my opening paragraph. Click the red word recording. Well worth the investment of time. Anne Lotz spoke around 9. Michael W. Smith and Don Moen led some of the worship times. Awesome!

  5. Katherine Pasour

    If ever our country needed prayer, it is now. Thank you for sharing this thought provoking message. I pray that we will follow the prayer in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and humble ourselves before Him and seek His guidance. Each of us can do our part to make a difference.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Katherine. I agree. If we each do our part. God was willing to spare Sodom if only 10 were found righteous. May we do our part. Thanks!

  6. J.D. Wininger

    We, as a nation, are indeed at a crossroads Ms. Debbie. I believe that for a nation to repent, it’s people must first do so. That will only happen if we each accept responsibility for whatever role we’ve played in this once great nation arriving at where it is today. I’ve had to ask myself far too many times this very question. Have I been apathetic to the indoctrination of our young people? Did I look away as history I lived and participated in was changed to reflect not what happened, but someone’s “spin.” Did I lower my head and my voice when man made laws that removed prayer from school, the Ten Commandments from our courthouses, and the very name of God from our public eye? Repentance must start with each one of us. Then, perhaps we can create the groundswell of righteousness that can lead us as a nation to return to the principles we were founded upon. Wonderful post ma’am. Thank you for this clarion call.

    • Debbie Wilson

      You’re right J. D. We have to start with ourselves. Your thoughts challenge me.

  7. Nancy E. Head

    “What we used to call evil, we now call good. The things we once called good; we now call evil. The things we once revered we now revile, and what we once reviled we now celebrate.”

    Lord, forgive us. Lord, help us. Lord, be with us.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen and amen. Thank you, Nancy.

  8. Steffanie

    God help us and be with us!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, we need you Lord Jesus! Thank you Steffanie.

  9. Sylvia A Schroeder

    Thank you Debbie. Heavy-hearted for the nation. How desperately we need revival!

    • Debbie Wilson

      I am too, Sylvia. Jesus is still on the throne!

  10. Jeannie Waters

    Debbie, thank you for sharing a summary of the Rabbi’s amazing message. It is both chilling and encouraging in that we are called to pray in obedience to Scripture as so many did in Washington last Saturday. May we be found faithful in prayer.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Jeannie! May we be faithful.

  11. Mary Geisen

    You are not the only one who wrote a post this week referencing end times. There is so much happening that is leading us in the opposite direction away from God. I am praying nonstop for our country and world.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Mary, it encourages me greatly to hear from many believers who are praying for our nation. May God have mercy.

  12. Shirley

    Does rabbi Cahn believe that the lives of black unborn babies are more important to God than the lives of black people that are already born but unrightously slain by police?
    I listened to his message at the Return?

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