A Sure Cure for Being Double-Minded

Are you being double-minded over something? A couple told me about the plans for their daughter’s upcoming wedding. The wife was obviously enjoying the preparation and dreaming required to create this wonderful event. The husband—not so much. You want to guess what he brought up? The cost.

The husband wanted to make his wife and daughter happy, but he fretted about the expense. His worries poisoned his joy.

How many times have I done that? Something cost more time, energy, or money than I’d anticipated, and I let my concerns steal my peace and joy. I felt resentment instead of gratitude for the opportunity.

This can happen in small ways. We agree to help a child with a project, and it takes more time than we thought. What began as an investment in our child turns into frustration over what we feel we’re giving up. And our child senses it.

The Bible says a double-minded person is unstable is all his ways. How can we keep from being double-minded?

The Bible says a double-minded person is unstable is all his ways. How can we keep from being #double-minded? #faith Share on X

How to Be Single-Minded

A trial is anything that tests us. How we respond when a situation taxes our purse, tries our patience, or strains a relationship reveals our mode of operation. Are we walking by faith or by fear? In the Spirit or in the flesh? We need wisdom when distractions pull us in different directions.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do” (James 1:5-8 NIV).

Use the acronym AWE to laser focus.

  1. Ask God.

    Let’s use planning a wedding as an example. If the husband and wife want to fulfill their daughter’s wishes and keep harmony between themselves, the best place to start is to ask God for wisdom. All those affected, individually and together, should ask Him for wisdom on how to proceed with the confidence He’ll answer.

After listening for the Lord’s leading, they can share their ideas with each other. It’s not a matter of what the daughter wants, what the wife wants, or what the husband wants. It is about what’s best for the whole.

Jesus said we can’t serve two masters (Matt. 6:24). He must be first. But what do we do if not everyone wants God’s will?

We are responsible for ourselves. We must set aside the desire to please people, even those we love, to please the Lord (Gal. 1:10). No one ever regrets following His will. But we always regret not obeying Him. He sees the future. We can trust Him to lead us to the best decision.

Ask Him for wisdom on how to handle differences of opinions. Working through our different perspectives can bring us together in God’s perfect will.

  1. Walk by Faith.

    Once you sense God’s leading, enjoy the process of walking with the Lord and each other. If you decide to pay for the big wedding, the money is gone whether you choose to enjoy the activity or not. If you say yes to a commitment, trust God to be with you as you fulfill it. Don’t waver in doubt over whether you made the right decision. You asked God to lead you. Trust that He is and let it go (Psalm 23:3).

  2. Evaluate.

    If you lose your peace, go back to step one. Did your decision come from faith in God’s leading or from something else? A man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps (Pro. 16:9). If more information causes you to question you commitment, you may need to ask out of it (Pro. 6:2-3).

Double-mindedness drives us, and those around us, crazy. Single-minded trust in the Lord provides peace and stability.  When we walk by faith, an awful mess can become an opportunity to experience our AWEsome God.

Add your comments here.

Congratulations to Dani for winning a copy of Everyday Brave in last week’s drawing!


Photo by Joyce Adams on Unsplash

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  1. Ann Musico

    If I didn’t know better, Debbie, I would think you’ve been eavesdropping in my house!! My daughter’s wedding is this Saturday and I am so excited and happy to be able to give her a beautiful day. Her dad is too however the money has been a big issue for him and to be perfectly honest, it has annoyed me. I love your acronym and despite some challenges along the way, I trust this will be a beautiful, memorable day for her and her husband and we will all enjoy it and be grateful we were able to do it. It’s only by His grace and provision anyway. Thanks for another great post.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I’m smiling at God’s timing. May it be a glorious day you all enjoy!

    • No Retaliation

      “. . .however the money has been a big issue for him and to be perfectly honest, it has annoyed me.”

      What was it about a wedding needing a budget, that annoyed you? Your post implies an indifference to the effort and sacrifice reflected in that money. I hope for the groom’s sake that you did not breed this entitled, disregard for a man’ sacrifice into your daughter.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    I love this! AWE. What a great way to make sure I am showing God’s love in all my words and actions. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I like how you remind us it is a way we show Him our love!

  3. Pam Ecrement

    Well said, Debbie, and an outstanding example to use regarding a wedding. Thanks for your AWE model and continuing to write about ways to walk out our Christian life with integrity.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Pam. Enjoy hearing from you.

  4. Stephanie Pavlantos

    Yes, this hits home with me. Even though I am not the worrier over money in my house, my husband and I have this battle on replay. This AWE is a great way to remember to ask, walk in faith, and evaluate. Thank you.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Stephanie, I’ve driven myself crazy doubting my decisions. Thankfully, most of the time, my husband and I calm each other if one of us becomes double-minded. But there are times we confuse each other too. Walking by faith is practical in many ways, even in keeping a happy marriage!

  5. J.D. Wininger

    Wonderfully simple… Ask, Wait, Evaluation (AWE). I love how you included the Evaluation portion. So many times we “think” something is what God “maybe” wants us to do, so we charge full-steam ahead only to hit the wall. If things start not going well, it’s time to evaluate and validate that what you heard was God’s will and not our will masquerading in our mind. In my life, I found that what started out as God’s will got lost in my execution. Stopping to get back on the right path shortened the journey considerably. Amazing post and “Life Advice” Ms. Debbie. Thank you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, J.D. I can get sidetracked and need to get back on track too!

  6. Julie Lavender

    I love your AWE acronym, and I especially love this reminder: “When we walk by faith, an awful mess can become an opportunity to experience our AWEsome God.” Thank you for sharing!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Julie. When we walk by faith it’s amazing how He reveals Himself to us. I sometimes need reminders to stay in faith.

  7. Rebecca Jones

    AWE, good to remember, I hate being double minded.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Rebecca!

  8. Lauren Renee Sparks

    I love that acronym . Easy to remember. laurensparks.net

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Lauren. Acronyms help me remember things. Blessings to you.

  9. Travis Wells

    Debbie here it is a year later and this word is still relevant. It’s seems as if I have Ben under self sabotage and a demonic force with in my mind in wavering when it come to simple tasks like recognizing God for being God. I am praying tonight that Holy Spirit encases my space and heals my mind but this reading was awesome and much needed . Thanks so much for your obedience and may God restore your strength even now and continue to be a messenger on how to clearly expedite fatigue action.

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