by Debbie W. Wilson | Aug 24, 2021 | Betrayal, Bible Study, Broken Relationships, Discernment, Relationships
Unsafe people live, work, and worship among us. They insert themselves as experts on social media. They may appear friendly and helpful. But a dark streak lurks beneath their scrubbed exterior. How do we recognize unsafe people? Laban, whose name means white, was a...
by Debbie W. Wilson | Jun 15, 2021 | Father's Day, Relationship with God, Relationships
Father’s Day, like many holidays, taps a variety of emotions. Gratitude for the faithful fathers in our midst, longing for the ones who are gone, and confusion over the ones who abandoned their roles. Let’s look at the impact human fathers have on our view of our...
by Larry Wilson | Jun 8, 2021 | Contentment, Relationships
Today Larry offers three tips for finding quality friends. Author Dan Miller once asked, “Is the music still in you”? If life has become more of a grind than a joy, you may need a friend. Women seem to understand this need more than men. Yet we all need friends. Even...
by Debbie W. Wilson | May 18, 2021 | Broken Relationships, Life skills, Relationships, Wisdom
Do you value gentleness or view it as weakness? Some people think noise and coarseness show strength. The Bible teaches the opposite. Gentleness is powerful. Are You Gentle? How do you treat your weaknesses? Do you castigate yourself when you fall short of your...
by Debbie W. Wilson | May 4, 2021 | Battles, Broken Relationships, Mother's Day, Relationships, Trusting God
The smell of burning sacrifices made it impossible for Samson to ignore the Philistines’ celebration. He hung his head. It’d taken blindness and captivity to open his spiritual eyes and loosen the bonds of his self-centeredness. His mother’s eyes had shone every time...
by Larry Wilson | Mar 2, 2021 | Battles, Life skills, Relationships
Prodigal: “a person who leaves home to pursue a reckless, wasteful lifestyle” Webster’s New World Dictionary Do you have a loved one who is a prodigal? Whether a family member or close friend, this person’s decision to pursue a reckless life and turn from the people...