Are You Worried You’ll Make the Wrong Decision?

Did you ever play blindfold games when you were a child? I remember one in which the blindfolded partner navigated through a maze by following instructions from a trusted partner. “Three steps forward. Stop. Sidestep right.” Success depended on a trustworthy guide and a trusting listener. Sometimes trying to discern God’s will in a decision feels like playing blindfolded.

When I pray, I hope to receive clear directives like: Go with this doctor. Attend this conference. Send your child to this school. Move to this neighborhood. Instead, like the childhood game, God often says, “Take two steps forward; stop.”

It seems more efficient to say, “Put your child in this school,” than to say, “Call Sarah; see how her children did there. Sidestep. Attend a homeschool convention. Turn around; visit your public school.”

As in the blindfold game, God wants my full attention. He wants me to trust Him instead of trying to figure out the straightest route.

The Promise

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV).

This scripture indicates God doesn’t hide His will from us. However, instead of lighting up the path with a floodlight, He walks behind me whispering His directions as I go. My heavenly Father wants me to enjoy His company on the journey.

When I’m predicting everything that might happen or hurrying and worrying through to a decision, I miss the pleasure of His presence.

I’ve realized some of the stress I experience while trying to make the best decision comes from my effort to maintain an illusion of control. Like Eve, I want to be like God—in control.

I’ve realized some of the stress I experience while trying to make the best #decision comes from my effort to maintain an illusion of control. Like Eve, I want to be like God—in control. #RefreshingFaith Share on X

What Do I Fear a Wrong Decision Will Cost?

God created us to need Him. Psalm 23:3 (NIV) promises that our good Shepherd guides us “along the right paths for his name’s sake.” His reputation is on the line. He watches over my every step. Providing for my needs is His job. Trusting Him is mine.

Here are some questions to consider to help take the angst out of a decision.

  • Why does this matter to me?
  • What am I trying to attain or avoid?
  • Do I feel my well-being (physical, emotional, spiritual, or financial) or someone else’s rests on this decision?
  • Does my perspective change if I shift my view from making the right decision to trusting God to be my provider, healer, source of joy, and strength?

For example, if you’re in the process of choosing the right place for your child’s education, why does that decision matter so much to you? Are you afraid for your child’s safety, career future, the influence of peers, or something else? Are you trying to avoid pain or regret? Do you believe God wants the best for your child? Do you feel your child’s welfare is up to you?

When I identify what I fear a wrong decision could cost, I am able to bring that concern to God.

Shifting the Burden

Even when God gives a clear answer, it doesn’t eliminate the need for faith (Heb. 10:38). Ask Gideon. Having God personally tell him His will for his life didn’t erase all of Gideon’s doubts. A wise decision won’t eliminate the need for trust either. So whether in making a decision or trusting Him with how a choice turns out, we must exercise our faith muscles.

No wise decision will eliminate the need for trust. So whether it is in making a decision or trusting Him with how a choice turns out, we must exercise our #faith muscles. #wisdom Share on X

Look at that decision again. How can you turn this into an opportunity to experience God? Perhaps the first step is to thank Him that He already knows your needs and praise Him for being your good shepherd.

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6 NASB).

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Photo by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

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  1. Evelyn

    At this time I am at a place and making decisions regarding my future. This piece is so timely and helpful. Thank you Debbie for sharing your wisdom with us.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Evelyn, I’m so glad you found it helpful. This is an area that I have to go back to from time to time.

  2. Janice

    Such encouraging words Debbie! Timely for me indeed! I’ve never noticed before in Psalm 23 that He guides me in His right path ,for His namesake! Wow! God goes before us guiding our ways for his sake!! One of my fave scriptures with this theme is Psalm 25:12- Who, then, are those who fear the LORD? He will instruct them in the ways chosen for them. Im so thankful that we are not alone in our decisions , especially when we desire to be in Gods will

    • Debbie Wilson

      Janice, I love that verse. Thank you so much for sharing it.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lol! Ashley, actually I wrote it for me!

  3. Ann J Musico

    This was the perfect message for what is happening in my house at this very moment. Thank you my friend.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, that encourages me so much. May you move forward with peace and confidence.

  4. Marilyn C.

    Thanks, Debbie. This is so good & so needed as we walk by faith & not by sight. Reminds me so much of Exodus 33:12-23, when
    the Lord promises Moses, “My
    Presence will go with you & I will give you rest.” Lord, teach us Your Ways so we may know You.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Marilyn, I love that verse. It is his presence that gives us rest.

  5. Jerralea

    Love this! “He walks behind me whispering His directions as I go.” We have to step out!

    I also like where you said, “Providing for my needs is His job. Trusting Him is mine.”

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jerralea. What a wonderful and assurance to know he knows our needs.

  6. J.D. Wininger

    “Step 1 – Pray.” I’m still learning to apply this in my life; but I’m also learning to depend upon God’s grace and mercy when I fail to do so. As much as I’m learning to trust and depend on God to guide my life, I’ve recognized that as long as I am in this human form, my human nature will tell me I can do something myself. I think perhaps one of the greatest lessons of faith I’m learning is to give myself grace. If we recognize that we’re human and we’re going to make mistakes, and that we can always apply the promise of 1 John 1:9 to our lives, then God will continue to guide us in our journey. It become easier to trust Him when we remember He will never fail us. Loved this post Ms. Debbie. Thank you ma’am.

  7. Debbie Wilson

    J. D., Grace is so important to this walk of faith. I am with you. I’m continuing to appreciate and learn what it means.

  8. Theresa Boedeker

    “Even when God gives a clear answer, it doesn’t eliminate the need for faith.” Either way, we need to be walking in faith and relying on God.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Theresa, too often I’ve realized I’d rather walk by sight. Taking to myself in this post.

  9. Dawn Wilson

    This is excellent, Debbie. Most of my Christian life, I’ve focused on making wise, biblical choices, knowing how they can change the direction of our lives. Along the way, I’ve learned to trust God’s faithfulness. He’s helped me make many wise decisions. But even when I “blew it,” I discovered God’s sovereign love and grace used “bad” choices in ways I could never anticipate. Thank you for this good word about the importance of our faith walk.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Dawn. Making wise, biblical choices certainly clarifies many choices and protects us. Having a clear “no” from God’s word eliminates confusion. It’s those in-between areas—which school, doctor, opportunity, or neighborhood—that aren’t clearly laid out in scripture that cause me trouble. I can put too much focus on trying to predict instead of trusting. Thanks again!

  10. Nancy

    Hi Debbie,
    I just wanted to say that this came at the perfect time! Thank you!
    Praise be to God!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Praise the Lord! Thank you, Nancy.

  11. Stephanie

    Love those words reminding me what is important and how key perspective is. Very timely for our family too! Thx Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Stephanie, thank you! So glad this was timely for your family.

  12. Jeanne Takenaka

    Wow, Debbie. What a great post! I love the questions you encourage us to ask in the midst of making a decision. They really reveal our hearts and intentions. I also appreciate how you remind us that God walks with us through each decision. He wants us to listen to Him and to trust Him.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Jeanne. We can’t get away from the need to walk by faith, even though sight “feel’s” more comfortable.

  13. Lisa notes

    I’ve used that Isaiah 30 verse often in my years! It’s such a comfort to know that God goes with us, all the way, every day. And if we do make a wrong turn, he’s right there with us still, gently nudging us back in the right direction. A beautiful post, Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lisa, that verse is a real comfort and source of peace. Thanks so much for sharing what it’s meant to you.

  14. Nancy E Head

    I love this message, Debbie. Decisions can be so hard. God is faithful to lead–even if the path seems to twist. God bless!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Nancy, my analytical and intuitive sides can argue with each other and put me in tangle. God’s word and character steady me when I’m off-kilter.

  15. Mariel Davenport

    yes, it all comes down to trusting our trustworthy Lord. beautiful words of encouragement, thank you for sharing this at the link up.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Mariel! God Bless.

  16. Barbara Latta

    Decisions can be difficult because we are surrounded by so much negativity and our senses want to take over. I have found when God’s peace fills my heart I know I am listening to Him.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Barbara, negativity and strong opinions can certainly make me doubt myself. God’s peace is a wonderful affirmation. Thank you.

  17. Joanna Eccles

    I relate to wanting to control my little area of the world and borrowing trouble from tomorrow concerned that I will make the wrong decision. I like your questions to ask why this matters so much and what is holding me back from trusting God. His is Sovereign over the whole universe and a good God too. He is worth trusting with all the issues of my life, big and small. Thanks for the encouragement.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanna, for me issue usually returns to trusting God’s character. When I get back there, I find peace. Thanks for your thoughts.

  18. Jeannie Waters

    Debbie, this post offers a wonderful perspective on prayer and trust. I love this quote: “He walks behind me whispering His directions as I go. My heavenly Father wants me to enjoy His company on the journey.”

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jeannie!

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