Are You Tired of Feeling Shabby?

Don’t you love opening a new book? I asked 
Tina Yeager to introduce her new release to you. Tina’s book Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose helps readers discover how God reinvents shabby and “flawed folks like us into cherished masterpieces who glorify him daily.” Here’s Tina.

Shabby to the Utmost Chic

I adore television shows, antique malls, and all the shabby chic trending in the marketplace. The rescue of discarded junk and dated dwellings touches a deep need in my soul. Maybe these renovated items offer a ray of hope to all who feel damaged and worn.

The process begins with a nondescript dust-collector. The visionary sees beyond its current state and salvages the uninspired property. The artist pursues the unseen potential of his object until a new and amazing result shines forth to inspire the world.

I relate to these object lessons because my shabby heart needs renovation, too.

I spent years despairing over my drab and tattered spirit and lamented the purposeful glory others seemed to enjoy.  Polished friends rose and stepped into the limelight of their purpose. The agape in my heart prompted me to draw near and cheer their success. But shame thoughts urged me to hide under the nearest dust cover. The glow of others’ achievements could highlight my blemishes. Chippy and cast-off girls like me didn’t seem to belong among those God could use for his glory.

I didn’t believe myself good enough. Sins discolored my past. Age and fear chipped away at tomorrow. My secret label, “Failure,” bled through the cheap varnishes I’d applied. Year. After. Year.

I’ve unwittingly joined Satan, the infamous accuser, in slander attacks against my identity using those half-truths. The shame-battering occurred after criticism, before starting a project, and at professional conferences. Unlike a physical assault, the bruises proved easy to mask from others. Hope bled from my soul unseen. I feared imposing upon others for spiritual first aid and believed I could heal in the shadows on my own.

Much like trashed and forgotten antiques, people cannot access their unseen potential without the intervention of a Great Upcycler.

Meet the Great Upcycler

My Redeemer spoke truth-salves into my splintered mind and heart. He sanded away the lies and buffed the jaggedness from my wounded perspective. Christ invited me to surrender my veneers and step into an authentic role.

My Redeemer spoke truth-salves into my splintered mind and heart. He sanded away the lies and buffed the jaggedness from my wounded perspective. @TYeagerWrites Share on X

I shared my testimony of struggle with shame. Instead of the battering from my long-term enemy, a community of other weathered souls gathered around me. Together, we arm ourselves with truth to expose and dispel the accuser’s sabotage attempts against our purpose. We each bring unique beauty and gifts to share as vital pieces in the Ultimate Artist’s boutique of treasures. Christ gilds our souls with layers of his character, each of us patterned in a different design. He delivers beautiful stories and life transformation through us to bless the world.

Join me in discovering the power of submitting ourselves, dust and rust and all, to the capable hands of our Salvager. Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose guides us on a journey of spiritual transformation. Each chapter includes heartwork questions and a craft to illustrate the insights shared regarding how we can fulfill our Christ-centered potential. For an even more meaningful experience, a list of suggested charities or mission projects provide a way to donate the projects and share the message of hope with those who need it most. Videos for each craft appear on and Tina Yeager’s YouTube channel. Download a free Upcycled inspirational flip book template at

Meet Tina Yeager

Award-winning author, speaker, Flourish-Meant podcast host, licensed counselor, and life coach, Tina encourages audiences to fulfill their potential. She hosts a Subdue Stress and Anxiety course featuring 15 expert presenters. (Use affiliate code WILS99 and save if you choose to order this course!) Check out Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You and Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose (Bold Vision, 2022). Connect with Tina at or in the Upcycled Facebook group.

Other Resources & Opportunities

November 8th is mid-term elections. I highly recommend this Blessings to Israel podcast hosted by Brian Thomas on Discerning the Times.

If you are in the Raleigh/Cary area I’d love to see you at Esteemed Coffee on November 18th! See below. Grab a friend and join me.

Click here to comment.

Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InspireMeMonday, #InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory and here , #Let’sHaveCoffee#Recharge Wednesday, #Grace&Truth,

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  1. Barbara Harper

    What a neat analogy. There are so many flawed people in the Bible that God uses and transforms for His glory–and so many we known in our times. What a blessing that He wants us just as we are and renovates us into trophies of His grace.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Barbara, I draw great comfort seeing how God used his flawed followers. Thanks for dropping by.

    • Tina Yeager

      Yes, Barbara! Such a great insight! God ONLY uses flawed people, since the only perfect human being to walk this earth was Jesus. 🙂 Thanks so much for your beautiful comment!

  2. J.D. Wininger

    Thank you so much for allowing Ms. Tina to introduce her newest book to us. It’s one I’ll be adding the library at our church I think.

    • Debbie Wilson

      That’s wonderful! Thanks, J.D.

    • Tina Yeager

      Thank you, J.D.! I’d be so honored to see Upcycled in your church library! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and support!

  3. Ann Musico

    I can strongly relate to this! It has taken many years and much prayer and work to uncover all the lies that kept me feeling less than. And I’m not totally there but it’s a process and I am MUCH further along than I was. I am so grateful for our Great Upcycler!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Ann!

      • Tina Yeager

        Thanks for sharing your journey of transformation, Ann! Such a powerful testimony! We all need to embrace renewal as a process. I so love your heart of gratitude and praise!

  4. Joanne Viola

    This is such an encouraging and comforting analogy. It brought the mind the concept of repurposing. When we think (or believe the lie) that we have no purpose, God steps in and adopts us and adapts our lives for a new purpose. A beautiful message and the book cover is beautiful too!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanne, I like that, “God steps in and adopts us and adapts our lives for a new purpose.” Amen. The cover is beautiful isn’t it?

    • Tina Yeager

      Thanks for your lovely, heartfelt words, Joanne! I adore the way you’ve connected repurposing with discovering our Christ-centered purpose. I’m so grateful for your comments!

  5. Stephanie Sudano

    Love the analogy and unique writing style of this post – and of course the content. Reminds me of Roman’s 12:2 a favorite verse!

    • Debbie Wilson

      You’re right, Stephanie. Romans 12:2 does relate.

  6. marie

    I love this so much. I am heading over o her site right now. Thank you for sharing this.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Marie.

    • Tina Yeager

      Thank you, Marie! Blessings to you!

  7. Nancy E. Head

    It’s hard to see our sins and be honest about them but not let them label us as failures. Thank you for encouraging us, Debbie, to see ourselves as God does. God bless!

    • Tina Yeager

      Nancy, you are so right. We tend to focus too intently on our own flaws and miss the beauty our Salvager offers us. God bless you!

  8. Annie Yorty

    Looks like a good book, Debbie. I love the analogy.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I does look good. Thanks, Annie.

  9. Jennifer

    I love this. I had never thought of God as our salvager. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I will check out this book.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Since I like distressed furniture, this is a perfect analogy. Thanks, Jennifer.

  10. Yvonne Morgan

    Love this analogy too. He turns my shabbiness into something beautiful for His purposes. Good luck with the book.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yvonne, I love that picture too.

  11. Jane

    Beautiful truth-filled message!❤️

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