When You Need Stamina

by | Nov 8, 2022 | Battles | 31 comments

“I don’t have the energy to trust again,” said a young wife, separated from her husband. A week of fever has left our family feeling weak and lethargic. The problems facing our nation and the world require more energy than most of us feel we can summon. How do we tap God’s energy and find the stamina to stay engaged when we’re battle-weary?

Today Larry shares some tips on how to build spiritual stamina.

Make Wise Choices

Weariness tempts us to seek relief over wisdom. While we need rest and breaks from our battles, we must avoid unprofitable choices or relationships that provide temporary pleasures but sap our spiritual strength.

Inappropriate choices can remove our motivation to persevere and put distance between us and our heavenly Father, the source of hope, energy, and strength. When a spouse, who is having difficulty with their partner, becomes too close with someone from the opposite sex, pessimism sets in and their motivation to persevere evaporates (I Corinthians 6:12, 9:24-27, 10:23; Psalm 51:10).

Remember Your Purpose

In His Excellency, George Washington, biographer Joseph Ellis points out that of the many virtues the father of our nation possessed, his stamina made the biggest difference. George Washington and the depleted Continental Army, a third of whom were shoeless, found stamina to press on by focusing on the cause for which they were fighting.

George Washington and the depleted Continental Army, a third of whom were shoeless, found #stamina to press on by focusing on the cause for which they were fighting. Share on X

I often meet single moms who face the ongoing battle of holding down a job, helping with homework, keeping the home clean, and dealing with the selfishness of one they have loved and trusted. Where do they get their stamina? They focus on their purpose and their God (2 Corinthians 10:5; Romans 5:1-5; James 1:2-4).

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

The writer of Hebrews tells us to think about Christ and what He has done for us.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV).

I pray that you and your family will experience increased spiritual stamina as you face your personal challenges. Thank you for your friendship and support for us as we help children and adults find spiritual stamina. You are a real encouragement and help.

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If you are in the Cary, NC area, I hope you’ll join me on November 18, 2022 at Esteamed Coffee. I’d love to see you.

Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InspireMeMonday, #InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory and here , #Let’sHaveCoffee#Recharge Wednesday, #Grace&Truth,

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  1. Joanne Viola

    This >>> We can find stamina to press on as we focus on our purpose and our God. It may not change our circumstances but changing our focus will provide the stamina needed, day by day. Much wisdom in this!

    • Debbie Wilson

      I like that too, Joanne. Thanks so much.

  2. Barbara Harper

    How we need to keep turning our eyes from our circumstances and problems back to Jesus, looking unto Him for grace and strength and wisdom and power.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Barbara!

  3. Stephanie Sudano

    Lovely and timely! Thx for persevering in your work to our benefit!:)

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Stephanie!! Bless you, my friend.

  4. Yvonne Morgan

    He is my strength when I feel like giving up. Thanks for the reminder Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      He is our strength! Thanks, Yvonne.

  5. Ann Musico

    I very much appreciate you and all you do. This was a very timely post for me after the results of this election. I needed to be encouraged to keep my eyes on God and trust that His will shall be done no matter what it looks like here.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I’m with you, dear friend. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and not to lose hope based on what we see with our physical eyes.

  6. Jeannie Waters

    Thank you for the reminder stamina is a gift God gives us when we’re weak in our own strength. What an encouraging post.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jeannie.

  7. JD Wininger

    So enjoyed this encouraging piece Mr. Larry and Ms. Debbie. By keeping “our eyes on the prize”, we can find the stamina needed to take that next step. Sometimes it comes down to exactly that, doesn’t it? Finding the courage and tenacity to take just one more step. Well said sir; thank you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, J.D. Finding the courage to take one more step!

  8. Anita Ojeda

    I’ve discovered my stamina fades quickly if I’m not taking care of myself mentally, academically, physically, and especially spiritually. If we don’t replenish ourselves, we burn out quickly. Even ultra-marathoners take rest and recovery days! For single moms, it might mean asking for help with childcare so the mom has time to replenish her reserves.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Anita, those are excellent observations and suggestions. We must take care of ourselves if we are to have stamina for the tasks required of us.

  9. Joanna Eccles

    Your blog reminds me of Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” We can’t let our weariness wear down our ability to obey. We must go back to God and ask for strength to endure. He will get us through.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanna, I needed that verse today! Thanks.

  10. Katherine Pasour

    Your message is so timely for the busy holiday season–but not just for that. One of your examples took me back to the past when a crisis in my marriage led me to an inappropriate friendship that caused even further emotional conflict in our marriage. We need the stamina that our Father provides to get through those trials. Thank you for your message. It reminded me that we made it through that crisis when we both cried out for help to our Lord.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Katherine, thank you for sharing your testimony of hope! God hears and responds to our cries. When we fall we won’t be hurled headlong, because He holds our hand!

  11. Annie Yorty

    Larry, thanks for these interesting points. We need to accept the conditioning of trials so that we’re spiritually prepared to endure until the end of the race. Blessings!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Well said, Annie!

  12. Stacey Pardoe

    Debbie, this blessed me deeply today! I loved the reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus! I tend to get so caught up in looking around me as I run the race that I forget my goal is Jesus – to know him and carry his love to the world. Thank you for this today! I am always blessed by your words!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Stacey, I too get distracted. Thanks for your encouragement!

  13. Jennifer

    What a timely message. There are days of battling Lyme Disease that make me feel I having nothing left to give. Then I am reminded of Jesus who gave so much. Thank you for this reminder. I needed it again.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Jennifer, I empathized with you! I battle mold and metal poisoning. Right now we are recovering from Covid. Abiding in Jesus and trusting His strength sustains us on those days we have none of our own.

  14. Phyllis White

    Sounds like a fun and festive read!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Phyllis, I’ll make sure your name is in drawing. I realized I had the link going to the previous post.

  15. Nancy E. Head

    I was a single mom for eleven years. Christian friends helped me keep my focus aimed in the right direction–upward to God–and around me with my children.

    God is our helper who gives us inspiration through the stamina we see in other–like the patriots you cite.

    Great post, Debbie. God bless!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Nancy, I can only imagine how you experienced God’s strength in those years. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Paula Short

    Larry, I appreciate your insights and encouragement within.so wonderfully spoken.
    Thank you for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

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