A Sure Way to Restore Peace of Mind

As I was cleaning out my attic and basement this weekend, I thought about how peaceful order makes me feel. Why do I hold on to things that clutter my life? Since I opted to clean rather than write, I’m resurrecting a post on peace that I hope will help you enjoy the peace of an uncluttered heart.

download-2                    Photo by: Patrick Fore

I don’t think of myself as an idol worshiper, but an event forced me to reconsider. After a series of unpleasant twists and turns in the road of life, one morning I discovered that one of my favorite French chairs was coming apart. At the sight, I came unglued.

Like lancing an infected boil, all my fears and confusion spewed out. I was able to get down to business with the Lord. He cleaned out my infection by exposing some idols that had crept into my heart. He granted me the grace to say, “It all belongs to You. I don’t want to lose these things, but I surrender it all to You. I love You more than all these things.”

A simple prayer, but powerful. Deep peace followed my surrender and soothed my brokenness.

By nature I am a fighter and fixer of things I care about. If something is wrong, I want to jump in and make it right. In some circumstances that may be good, but sometimes it can turn into a power struggle with God. Sometimes God allows things I can’t fix to invade my world so that I remember that I don’t know best. I’m not in control. Pull out the white flag, “Lord, You are my captain, if this is Your will, I surrender. Your will is “good, acceptable, and perfect” (Romans 8:28).

When I get to heaven and see life from God's perspective I'll be amazed at His wisdom. Share on X

I know when I get to heaven I will be amazed at God’s wisdom. I won’t wish He had written my story differently when I am able to finally SEE life from His perspective.

Now, here is the best part. After you’ve surrendered everything, there is nothing left to worry about! Maybe that is why the widow in 1 Kings 17 was willing to give her last meal to the prophet Elijah. She had already accepted her and her son’s inevitable death.

After you’ve surrendered everything to God, there is nothing left to worry about! Share on X

How ironic. God used this woman’s last meal to sustain Elijah, the woman, and her son for the rest of a three and a half year famine. That is the surprise of brokenness and surrender. When we give God our all, we become channels of His resources. Because this woman gave her last bit of oil and flour to Elijah, the three of them were sustained until the famine ended.

For God to make our hearts like His, we must surrender all to Him. I’ve found that surrender must be renewed as new substitutes for God are exposed. With each renewal comes fresh peace.

What idol has God uncovered recently? Efficiency, security, family, health, feeling useful…? Why not offer them back to God and watch Him work?

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Debbie W. Wilson

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  1. Carol Hoal

    Funny how the Lord works..and of course, I know you know I don’t mean in a humorous way–BUT, within the last 24 hours, God has ripped some pride away…pride in “it’s just the way I am wired!” Proud of how I get things done, can handle more than others, function well under stress….NOT GOD’S BEST…so he’s showing me humility. Comments made by my son and husband have caused me to reflect and take more time allowing God to show me that His ways are better….and sometimes, the ways and words of others are as well.

    Thanks for your timely message that emphasized what God was already doing…uncovering!


  2. Keita ikeda

    Thank you. – I love the book of ezekiel

  3. Earle Finley


    Very appropriate word for these times or anytime.

    God bless you,


  4. janis mosteller

    That is a good word. I love the passage about the widow. God has the ability to take our small resources and surrendered to Him bless them. Just when I think I don’t have much to give!! What a good word!

  5. Ann


    You reminded of the many times I’ve had to surrender things AND people to our Lord. He is my Peace in the presence of what the enemy would like to steal, and destroy. And sometimes he did. But I still had my Peace.

    Love ya!

  6. Connie Jo Earls

    Hi Debbie. I appreciate your transparency which makes the devotional more personal and powerful. I am encouraged. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Donnie Woeltjen

    Debbie, I did not open your devotional until today (two days after I saw you) and it was God’s timing for me to read it now. The passage. and it’s meaning, jolted my thought process on a matter………and to help me remember that my wrestling was in vain. For Christians, things we can’t control, are already being handled by God. God’s Grace and my love to you.

  8. Sue McGee Wind

    I needed this. It helped me when I was in Alabama. I am printing it out now to have accessible to read it again. God bless you for your ministry. ILY.

  9. gayla stahler

    Thank you for this honesty!! I too have experienced great mercy when I have surrendered all to His will.

  10. stephanie sudano

    this one was wonderful!

  11. Carmen Horne

    Oh goodness, this is good, “I know that when I get to heaven I will be amazed at His wisdom. I know I won’t be wishing He had done it differently when I am able to finally SEE things from His perspective.” Our perspective on things makes such a huge difference in how we see life, doesn’t it? ~~your neighbor visiting from Suzie Eller’s place today.

    • Debbie Wilson

      It certainly does, Carmen. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Ann

    This was good all over again and just a beautiful confirmation of where I am at this moment. Without going into the details we had an offer on my dad’s house that quickly went bad. I had such confidence in God and His timing and then this all happened just before we left on vacation last week. It was a bit of a struggle but I returned to that place of peace in God – trusting that He has the right person at the right time and it will all work out for our good and His glory – and it will! Praise God. Thank you Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! What peace it brings to know God has a plan. Thanks, Ann. And may that perfect buyer show up soon!

      • Ann

        Thank you! That’s my expectation!

  13. Pam

    SO TRUE!!! I think we are similar in our desire for order as well as how we respond to something we have had for some time that starts to decay and fall apart. Thanks for sharing these good words! Love and hugs!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Pam. I’m not proud that things like that can cause me to lose my focus. But glad God uses them to draw me back!

  14. Karen Del Tatto

    Hello fellow fighter/fixer. I could relate so much to this post!! And it came at exactly the right time.

    Not more than a half hour ago I had a melt down because someone had left a cup on my newish end table in a puddle which sat there so long that it bubbled up the stain.

    I am also going through a family crisis right now that made your insight, “Sometimes God allows things I can’t fix to invade my world so that I remember that I don’t know best.” bring me comfort, reminding me that the Lord will accomplish all that concerns me in His perfect timing and His perfect will and that one day I will see the wisdom of it all.

    I am so glad I stopped by. I leave here blessed.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Oh, Karen, my heart goes out to you. It’s so hard when we can’t control what matters to us. But God uses that to teach me self-control. Ouch! Blessings, my friend.

  15. Mrs Thomas

    This post was so good! Every day I intentionally surrender everything to the Lord in my morning prayer routine. I state clearly that I am just a beggar, co dependent and rely on plugging into HIM for every area of my life. I am very task oriented and used to want to control everything! But then I got married and had twins, nothing drives you to Jesus like those blessings hahaaha. Nothing is in my control and when you know that, digest it there is so much peace. HALLELUJAH!

    Thank God for you pursuing what you are called to do and as I grow in my walk, I will definitely use your resources.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Mrs. Thomas, I’m smiling reading your comment! Yes, marriage and twins must certainly create an awareness of the need for Jesus. Blessings, my friend. Keep up the good habit of daily surrender.

  16. Beth

    I think one idol I’ve clung to lately is “motherhood,” Debbie. I’m an empty-nester but my youngest is only 20 and has only lived on his own since turning 20 in Feb of this past year. He feels like he needs to move to California where the computer jobs are more cutting edge. He’s a computer-whiz and has had a contract job with Boeing for a year and a half but doesn’t feel challenged (his words, not mine!). Even though some of my concerns for him are what a mother should have and do, I think I’ve let this rock my world a bit too much. I know there’s a level of mistrust in my son, certainly, which means it is also in my God who is always in control. Thanks for your words of wisdom today, my friend. They are a soothing reminder to keep my eyes firmly on the Lord and not on my circumstances or grieving mama heart! 😉

    • Debbie Wilson

      Beth, that is a tough one. We want to nurture and protect. I think of how much it grieved Abraham to let Ishmael go at such a young age. May God grant you peace as you trust in Him. And may your son rise up and lean on the Lord. Love to you.

  17. Lori

    Debbie, I have said these very words many times -” It all belongs to You. I don’t want to lose these things, but I surrender it all to You. I love You more than all these things.” It is amazing how the Lord give peace when we are willing to give it all back to Him. Thanks for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Lori! He doesn’t tolerate other gods in our lives. Thanks so much!

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