2 Easy Ways to Boost Job Satisfaction

by | Aug 30, 2016 | Labor Day, Work | 19 comments

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

~ Confucius[1]

Did you know God created work before the fall? It is not part of the curse. It is not how we pay our dues until we can retire and do what we want. Work done as God designed adds meaning and satisfaction to our lives. Let’s look at two ways to improve our job satisfaction.

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  1. Work with God.

God showed the first couple how to labor. He created Adam on the sixth day and introduced him to his vocation. Together, they went to work. Imagine the fun they shared as Adam dreamed up names for every type of animal and bird God brought him. “I’ll call the striped one zebra and that fellow with the funny nose a rhinoceros.”

On Adam and Eve’s second day, God rested with them. In their first two days of life, God showed them how to work and rest with Him.

God defined the new couple’s roles in Genesis 1:28 and 2:15. Talk about a lot of responsibility. The first couple managed a zoo, aquarium, farm, and botanical garden. They were also charged to rear a family.

Yet they were not overwhelmed. They knew who owned the enterprise. They also knew their Creator was their Provider. Who do you call 'Provider,' your job or your God? Share on X

He supplied everything the couple needed to prosper, including wisdom, strength, and sunshine. He prepared every detail for their prosperity. In fact, rest was part of His formula for success.

Sadly, humankind’s fall into sin marred this relationship and brought a curse on the earth. Obstacles fretted away the delight of productive labor. Sin created power struggles within families.

Christ came to restore our relationship with God and each other. One day, He’ll remove the curse from the earth (Romans 8:21). But even now, because of Christ, we can work and rest with God again.

  1. Serve one master.

    Herbert Bayard Swope said, “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is try to please everybody.”

Who are you working to please? Jesus said, “‘No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (Matt. 6:24 NIV).

That means we can serve God in our work no matter what our job title may be. Noah built an ark. Abraham tended sheep. Nehemiah and Daniel served in government positions. Esther was a queen, and Deborah was a judge.

When sin brought a curse on the world, Adam and Eve felt their vulnerability. Like the first couple, we feel our nakedness—exposure—in a dangerous and unpredictable world. To protect ourselves, we strive to prove our worth and provide for our families. Feeling vulnerable is one of the thorns of living in a fallen world.

The awareness of risk can cause us to look at work in an unhealthy manner. When work becomes a harsh taskmaster or usurps God’s rightful place as Lord and provider, it’s time to refocus. Are we expecting our jobs to supply the security only God can give? Share on X

When we see God as our provider and work as a way to serve Him, work becomes sacred and meaningful.

Question: What difference would it make if you viewed Jesus as your provider and your job as a way to serve Him?

Click here to comment.


Debbie W. Wilson

Adapted from Give Yourself a Break: Discover the Secrets to God’s Rest.

[1] <http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/15321.confucius>

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  1. Pam

    Well said, my friend! Your words reflect the wisdom of the Lord as well as lived experience. I think too often we don’t know ourselves well enough when we are younger to appreciate what the work is that He has for us and when it is not from Him, it can be easier to get bogged down. When He leads you to that place that is just the right size (not too big, not too small, but just right as Goldilocks might say) a person can be surprised how it feels to work hard and still be “in the zone” and not be aware of how hard or long the work is or what the pay stub says. If we will only seek Him! He knows us best and loves us most!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Pam, you summed it up perfectly! Thank you, my friend.

  2. Brittany

    Excellent piece. I must remember this when days get hard as a teacher, and I just want to consider other career opportunities. God chose my career, and He is leading every step of the way. As long as I am with Him, I am walking in the right direction. Thanks so much for this!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Brittany, I commend you for being a teacher. That can be a tough job but it leaves a lasting imprint in your students. We all remember our favorite—and least favorite—teachers. Yes, I agree, If I’m in step with Him I’m where I need to be. But He does use discomfort to redirect us when it’s time for something new. When I could no longer bounce back from overnight student parties I began to want to work with adults. I believe God used that to move me to my next assignment. Many blessings.

  3. Raymon

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  4. Horace@pleasingtothePotter.com

    Even though for many years my satisfaction was found in my successes at work; I know God was using my experiences for the job HE wants me to thrive in…sharing His truths. It has become the most satisfying occupation I have embraced and for that I am thankful. Such a blessing to feel you are in His will as you seek to live for Him. I am grateful for the reduction of sleepless nights and worries about my work because I know he has empowered me for this job! Thank you for this post of encouragement Debbie. Have a fantastic weekend and may God continue to richly bless you and yours!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Horace, thank you for sharing your personal experience. How awesome to hear your joy in working for Him and with Him!

  5. Karlene

    “When we see God as our provider and work as a way to serve Him, work becomes sacred and meaningful.” Looking back, I wish I’d been more in tune to this truth in my younger days. Would have saved me a lot of heartache and bitterness over working situations. Visiting today from #GraceandTruth.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Karlene, some things are learned by doing it the wrong way. Glad you’ve discovered it now, my friend. If I’d only consistently practice what I know!

  6. Lori

    This is very encouraging, Debbie. Job security is nice, but knowing God’s security is even better. I’d rather have my treasures in heaven forever than here on earth temporarily. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Lori. God security lasts forever!

  7. Liz

    Love this, Debbie! Such truth! I worked a long time for job security, but discovering God security has saved me! Blessings!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Liz. Thanks so much.

  8. Ann

    Debbie what a beautiful post! To answer your question it makes all the difference in the world! I was the office manager for a friend years ago who had a real estate office. She was struggling and her business was slowly failing. I went from working every day to 3 days a week. My friend was so upset and felt so responsible for me! I told her that she had to do whatever she felt best and not to worry about me because she wasn’t my Provider and if she had to close the office I would still be fine. She did and I was! Keeping the focus right is so important here.

    • Debbie Wilson

      What an awesome testimony, Ann. Your story reminds me that knowing God is our provider also helps the employer who feeling responsible.

  9. Jerralea

    Wonderful post with so many good points!

    “In their first two days of life, God showed them how to work and rest with Him.” I never thought of it in just that way before.

    Also, you are so right, God is our provider, not our employer. This line of yours was a favorite, too: “When we see God as our provider and work as a way to serve Him, work becomes sacred and meaningful.”

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jerralea!

  10. Aimee Imbeau

    We need an attitude adjustment in many areas of life – but work is a huge one! My husband and I are teaching our kids to work towards a job they love – but even then, it can be easy to get caught up in negativity and weariness if we aren’t focused on Jesus. Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Aimee, what a gift for your children to have parents guiding them in this area that affects so much of life. Blessings to you.

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