Are You One of God’s Rascals?

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Faith | 26 comments

I’ve had an idea for a Bible study for a while. Last week I finally started putting my thoughts down. Let me know what you think.

Have you ever wondered how God feels about you when you’ve disappointed yourself? I hope my 85-pound standard poodle, Max, will help answer that.

Max is regal, playful, and affectionate, but he’s a rascal. At 55-pounds, his half sister, Cosette, looks up to him literally and figuratively. Our UPS man calls them “the twins.”

Their different natures showed themselves at dog training. Cosette, eager to please, plopped at the “s” in “sit.” Max, on the other hand, wanted the treat but also wanted control. He sassed me with high-pitched barks before he reluctantly complied. Our son said, “Mom, you know he’s cussing at you.”

Like I said, he’s a rascal.

While Max adores and protects his little Coco, he’s also sneaky. Cosette is our number one squirrel chaser. Using this to his advantage, Max will scratch at the door like he wants to go out. When I open it, a white blur sprints past me expecting Max to follow. But Max steps back.

I eye him, and he gives me a side-glance. “You dirty dog,” I say.

His jaw opens in a wolf grin, and he saunters over to snatch her chew.

The dictionary defines rascal as 1. a base, dishonest, or unscrupulous person.

  1. a mischievous person.[1]

Have you noticed that God has some rascals in His family too? With all the noble examples of faith in the Bible, why did He highlight these people in Hebrews chapter eleven—the “faith chapter”?

Here are a few examples:

  • He named General Barak instead of Judge Deborah, when Barak refused to go to battle without Deborah.
  • He named womanizing Samson and not the wise prophet Daniel, even though Samson broke his oaths and Daniel remained faithful even when it meant being thrown to the lions.
  • He named Gideon and not Paul, even though Gideon needed constant reassurance while Paul was ready to go anywhere Christ pointed.

After wondering at God’s choices, I realized God wanted to show us that faith—not perfect performance—lights up His eyes. And our faith doesn’t even have to be huge. A mustard seed of faith in a big God moves mountains.

Faith—not perfect performance—lights up God's eyes. Share on X

God knew that some of us would question our worth when we failed to perform well. He understood our weakness to trust in what we see instead of in His Word. He knew our flesh would accuse us of never doing enough. So He recorded the stories of people who lived their faith—real people who stumbled and failed—so we could see how faith looks in action.


Max has shown me imperfect rascals can have good cores. In spite of his mischief, he’s fiercely protective. He patrols the yard and checks on each family member before retiring. On group walks he makes sure no one is left behind. And no dog better even think of touching his Coco.

As you can tell, I’m pretty high on my rascal, and for good reason. In spite of his stubborn streak, I know Max loves me. God loves His rascals too. For in spite of our flaws, He knows we love Him. He understands our struggle and sees the person He’s created us to be.

Question: Do you want to know more about God’s rascals? Are you one? 🙂

Click here to comment.


Debbie W. Wilson

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #WholeHearted Wednesday#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #LivefreeThursday#Thankful Thursdays, #Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus


[1] <>
















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  1. Nancy B

    What an interesting slant on this topic! I would be interested to dig deeper. Thank you for this opportunity.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Nancy, reading the stories of those listed in Hebrews 11 brought this out. I’m having fun taking a deeper look at them.

  2. Ellen

    So the perfect word for the day…a little faith lights up His eyes! I can do that! Thank you Debbie for helping us walk by faith in our struggle to Follow Him in spite of my flaws.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ellen, that’s what it’s all about. “We all stumble in many ways” (James 3:2). It takes faith to keep walking when we do

  3. Sandi B

    Yes, I am a rascal! Hurry, I want to do this study.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Sandi!. I appreciate your prayers for me to use my time well and for God’s guidance if this idea is from Him.

  4. Melissa

    Very interesting post Debbie. Love the photos of the dogs. Yes, I am a rascal. 🙂 I am thankful that God loves me and forgives me.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Melissa!

  5. Linda

    Hi, Saw your blog on 48 Days. Just started there and have no idea how it really works. This was a great blog. Linda

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Linda. 48 Days is a great place to make new friends.

  6. Ann

    I never thought of myself as a rascal – I’m probably more like your Cosette – but I love that he sees us as He intends us to be and not as a product of every misstep! And I love the pictures of your dogs-they’re wonderful!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, in many ways I’m like Cosette too. But the rascal side does pop up sometimes!

  7. Stephanie sudano


    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Stephanie! 🙂

  8. Judith Kowles

    I enjoyed this post so much. You brought out such a good point but I also loved seeing your dogs and how you used them to bring out a spiritual point. Thanks so much.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Judith for reading and for hosting Whole-hearted link-up.

  9. Edward Flores

    Thank you for those encouraging words. My wife will love them.
    I just happened to have read them, and I know they apply to me. This morning in my prayer time, I repented for my sake, my wife, and my little family: two older sons, our seven year old daughter, our three granddaughters, and two grandsons. Most of all for the sake of Christ and the building of His Kingdom. All you said I have experienced with the regrets that last a lifetime. I am deeoly grateful each day for God’s mercy and grace, and now I have more peace and grace as I battle the old memories and regrets. Each day I am grateful for the acceptance and forgiveness Father God gives me by his mercy.
    Thank you for the clarity and truth in your words.
    Edward F. Flores

    • Debbie Wilson

      Edward, praise God! It sounds like another prodigal has returned home! The angels are rejoicing, and our Father is killing the fatted calf! You may benefit from my book Give Yourself a Break. It has several chapters that can help you fellowship with Jesus now including, Renegade Thoughts, Messy Emotions, Worry, Regret, Temptation, and Spiritual Attacks. Bless you!

  10. Horace Williams Jr

    I love that word “rascals” Debbie. I must admit I fall into that category! I am thankful that God still chooses to use me for His glory. His grace and mercy is undeserved but I am blessed by his love. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your life… those are some big ol poodles! I hope you have a wonderful week and may God continue to richly bless you and yours!

  11. Debbie Wilson

    Horace, I’m too am thankful for His unconditional love. And blessing back to you, my friend!

  12. Lori

    I love the title of this post, Debbie! I’m a rascal and I’m thankful God loves me anyway. I read an email yesterday about asking for more faith. It said don’t ask for more, use what you have. If you have faith to pray, you have faith to see God work. It doesn’t take a lot of faith to move mountains, we just have to have it. Thanks for sharing this with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lori, I love that. “If you have faith to pray, you have faith to see God work.” #truth!

  13. Kylie

    Debbie, your post title made me chuckle. As a girl who is a little bit mischievous in the best of ways (I’m always looking for an adventure) I love that he loves that side of me – and not just loves it, but purposes it for his glory. He is so amazing, isn’t he?

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Kylie. He is!

  14. Kristi Woods

    Great examples from the Bible, Debbie. I imagine there’s a bit of “rascal” in all of us. Sounds like it’ll be a good Bible study. (What cute dogs, too!)

    • Debbie Wilson

      I think you’re right, Kristi. Thanks.

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