Are You Full of Hope?

by | Jul 26, 2016 | Faith, Hope | 24 comments

Are you full of hope? Hebrews chapter eleven shows people of faith are people of hope. That makes sense, doesn’t it? Those who trust God have more reason for hope than those who don’t. But problems with no visible solutions test our faith and challenge our hope.

download-2          Photo by: Marjorie Bertrand

A planned vacation to Yosemite National Park for my husband’s birthday presented such a challenge. Because our daughter works for an airline we’re able to fly standby at a reduced rate when seats are available. In the day of overbooked flights, that can prove to be quite an adventure in itself. This trip was no exception.

We planned our trip around the flight loads. Since the park filled up, we had to book non-refundable accommodations ahead of time.

The night before our departure we learned that all the flights out of Raleigh for the next couple of days were overbooked. I loathed the thought of getting up before dawn and sitting at the airport for nothing. I also hated to pay for reservations we wouldn’t be able to use.

We packed anyway, in hopes two seats would miraculously open up. In the meantime, I had to remind myself that God was greater than this situation. We’d prayed as we planned our trip. God knew about this when we’d booked our lodging. Maybe someone needed our cabin. I asked for grace to trust and not grumble no matter what happened.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Heb. 11:1 Share on X


At 2 a.m. our bedroom door opened. “Mom, you don’t need to get up before 7. I found you seats on another airlines,” my daughter whispered.

Wonderful! But it wasn’t until the next day that I learned how amazing this was.

The Evidence of Things Not Seen

Larry and I puzzled over our half-full plane. How could it be half-empty Tuesday morning when there had been no seats at 11 p.m. Monday night? While making our connecting flight in Phoenix, I learned the answer.

Late the previous night, a plane’s air conditioning had broken. The airlines immediately rerouted most of their passengers. Shortly after midnight, they added an extra plane—our plane—for the remaining travelers. I told my daughter, Ginny,  what had happened, and she told me the rest of the story.

At 2 a.m. Tuesday morning, Ginny felt an undeniable prompting to call a specific carrier. She resisted at first. She works in reservations and knew airlines always list their flights on the computer. Why the urge to phone? Finally, she obeyed the unseen guide. The person who took her call stunned her with available seats.


Maybe it was not listed because it was a last minute, one-time only flight. All I know is that, when a seasoned airline employee couldn’t find seats, God created some and directed her to them. What a personal God!

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for.

Not all situations turn out as we hope. An ice storm kept me from using confirmed seats to a conference. But even then faith rescued me from disappointment and gave me hope that God’s will for my life is perfect (Rom. 8:28).

Our family created a special memory huddling around the fireplace, and God provided a seat on a flight the following day. Faith allowed me to enjoy a situation I could not change instead of stewing over it.

Our hope rests in God’s character. Even though we can’t see His invisible hand or understand His plan, like the wind, His goodness is evident to those who look for it.

Like the wind, God's goodness is evident to those who look for it. Share on X

Question: What do you tell yourself when your situation looks hopeless?

Click here to comment.


Debbie W. Wilson


If your hope is waning, maybe you need to be still and let God love you. Click here for B. J. Thomas’s song.

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  1. Julie

    Debbie- Great post! The best thing I tell myself is to look in the Bible. I can fall down the slope of self-pity real fast. Reading in the Bible about another hopeless situation and then how God acts is so encouraging.
    I’m glad you got to visit Yellowstone! It’s such a place of God’s beauty!
    Visiting from #TestimonyTuesday

    • Debbie Wilson

      Julie, I couldn’t agree more. I love reading the biblical account of humanly impossible events and witnessing God’s deliverance!

  2. Kristi Woods

    Gosh, yes! If we’ll simply look for God’s goodness, even in difficult situations, we’ll find it. You’ve written a though-provoking post, Debbie. I hope your vacation was wonderful. Certainly it has many good memories attached from the looks here. Visiting via #testimonyTuesday.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Kristi. We had a great time. But experiencing God’s provision was the highlight!

  3. Melissa

    I am thankful for the hope I find in God and His love and mercy. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Melissa!

  4. Connie Bass

    Debbie, hope you are doing well! My thanks to you for sharing this message is two pronged. I needed it and I also need it to share with a sweet lady who needs to hear this message of hope that only God can provide> Love you and would love to see you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Connie! I would love to see you too. I may need to take a trip over to your neck of the woods some time! Or come to mine!

  5. Ann

    “Even though we can’t see His invisible hand or understand His plan, like the wind, His goodness is evident to those who look for it.” What a beautiful and powerful truth that is Debbie! I love your personal experience of God’s goodness and can say I have experienced it many times in my life. Being open to seeing Him move, I think, opens the way for Him to do so in His way and timing and helps me to wait with expectancy.

  6. Debbie Wilson

    Me too, Ann. Thanks so much!

  7. bluecottonmemory

    Such a good story about how trusting God to iron out the schedule – works. Faith and hope are real and he has the plan!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Maryleigh.

  8. Liz

    So, GOOD, Debbie! I got chills reading this! God is SO cool! Isn’t He!? I just love seeing the evidence of His work in our lives! Thanks for sharing!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Liz, His taking care of us was more awe-inspiring than the beautiful surroundings!

  9. Beth

    Oh my! I know how it feels to fly “stand by,” Debbie. My bro-in-law who used to work for American Airlines has gotten us those kinds of tickets as well as my hubby. Back when we were in seminary, he worked for American Airlines as well. That’s how we got to travel to Hawaii for our honeymoon and then the next year to Switzerland and Italy. But flying stand by is always an adventure in trusting the Lord–not necessarily the airlines! I’m so glad that God provided for you and your hubby! And equally glad that you got to go to a beautiful place like Yosemite. I do know the disappointment of not getting to go to a conference as well, but it seems you are firmly trusting God’s sovereignty in all things! Hugs to you, my friend.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Beth, I haven’t had the nerve to do the overseas stand-by, but I would like to! Thanks for sharing your experience.

  10. Becky Hastings

    What a beautiful gift! Yes, the plane tickets, but the gift of seeing faith and obedience in action! I can picture God smiling the whole time as the blessing unfolded!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Becky. He is a good Father!

  11. Donna @ Soul Survival

    Debbie, we have had our share of travel adventures, but as you pointed out, God is always faithful! When I’m tempted to get anxious, I try to remind myself that God is sovereignly in control of everything in my life!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Isn’t that a wonderful comfort?! Thanks, Donna.

  12. Lori

    Debbie, this is wonderful! I am so thankful I have HOPE because of God. He does some amazing things when we least expect them. Thank you for sharing this encouragement with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Lori! He is the God of hope! Blessings, my friend.

  13. Shelley

    When last June ’15 my son was arrested on a murder one charge, I went into shock, didn’t know how God was gonna show up but boy did he. From the very day he was arrested till one year later today, while he awaits a trial date in remand Centre God has worked in all of us miraculously that it’s overwhelming. I had a speaking engagement two weeks after his arrest at my church ladies breakfast. The First Ladies breakfast for my church ever that I was putting on. My message was titled ‘Flowers from God – Walking with God Through the valleys of Life’. I could have never guessed when I started organizing this breakfast I would be in the darkest valley of my life. This breakfast blessed me and the women who came as well as at that time no one knew what had happened yet.

    My stepdaughter works for an airline so we can do the same but I’ve been afraid to cause both me and my husband work and didn’t want to waste our vacation days. Now I will step out in this.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Shelly, what an amazing story. How wonderful to hear God is walking with you through the valley. May He bring you through to the other side triumphantly in faith and hope. And may He lead you in your trip. God bless you! ~ Romans 15:13

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