Does God Ever Seem Harsh?

“Stop, stop!” I ran to stop the man clearing our land. I’d asked him to remove a section of trees so we could plant some evergreens behind our new house. I thought he had gotten a little carried away with his yellow bull dozer.

Meet Debbie W. Wilson

Meet Debbie W. Wilson

Meet Debbie As an author, speaker, Bible teacher, and former counselor with Lighthouse Ministries, Debbie W. Wilson has helped hundreds of women find victory in life’s battles. Not only is our world in chaos, some of us add the additional pressure of being hard...
My Sweet, Serving Valentine

My Sweet, Serving Valentine

I’m delighted to have my friend and fellow author Dawn Wilson inspire us with thoughts on her Valentine this week. Also, I think you will enjoy her post on “Was Valentine’s Day Pagan or Christian?” Now here’s Dawn. Love That Digs In to...

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