How to Unleash Mountain-Moving Prayer

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Blog, Book Review, Prayer | 26 comments

Horace Williams Jr. is a fellow blogger who has written some inspiring books on prayer. I’m currently enjoying his new book Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life. Horace writes from personal experience. I invited Horace to encourage us on prayer and introduce his latest book.

A Faith that Moves Mountains

I love images of mountains! They are one of my favorite pieces of God’s creation to use in pictures to complement my writing. My first recollection of mountains is from me as a toddler living in Western Germany. Our tiny military home was at the base of the most majestic snow-capped mountains that climbed high up into the sky.

Then, at age twelve, I almost slid off the side of a mountain in Colorado that summer while hiking with campers. I thought I was a goner! Mountains are a visual reminder of the power of Almighty God. It seems they are enormous and immovable, and in the case of a volcano, they could erupt at any time.

What is so fascinating about mountains is that from ground level, we have no idea what’s going on in those mountains—a mountain lion hunting prey. A herd of goats navigating the mountains’ jagged edges with ease. Or maybe a bald eagle nesting its young high in the mountains. A peaceful stream makes its way down to the river below.

Jesus talked about mountains. When I was young, this scripture confounded me. In Matthew 17, Jesus cast a demon out of a young boy, which the disciples could not do. The disciples questioned why they couldn’t. Read what Jesus said.

Jesus replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20 NIV).

Take note of a few things. First, think how little the disciple’s faith must have been. (Smaller than the tiniest of seeds, the mustard seed.)

It is easy for us Christians to fall into the “trap” of hoping versus believing. Going to God in prayer should not be a last resort or a “dart throw.” When we go to our heavenly Father, we must go to Him with complete faith, believing in His love for us and that He knows what is best. That is how we achieve powerful prayers.

Moving Mountains?

Did you catch that last sentence of Matthew 17:20? “Nothing will be impossible with you.” So, let me ask you this. Do you believe Jesus? What about this verse?

“I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13 NLT).

Let me help you wrap your head around the mountains that ONLY our faith in God can help you move.

  • Mountain of Anxiety
  • Mountain of Doubt
  • Mountain of Discouragement
  • Mountain of Fear
  • Mountain of Loneliness
  • Mountain of Financial Obstacles
  • Mountain of Hopelessness
  • Mountain of Worry
  • Mountain of Grief

 Is there a “mountain” that you need to lay at the feet of Jesus right now? Maybe you’re “faced” with some of these mountains right now. Or possibly something similar? If not, you will have to face insurmountable mountains at some point. Will you have at least a mustard seed faith or try to face things alone?

Start practicing praying in faith with complete faith in the God with the power to create the heavens and the earth—a God who empowered Elijah to call down fire from heaven. Who gave Jesus the ability to raise Lazarus from the dead and Himself raised from the dead three days after His brutal crucifixion.

When you trust God with the “small” things, and He reveals Himself to you, it becomes easier to confidently bring those “mountains” before His throne of grace. When you experience his power in your life, your relationship with Him deepens, and there is no fear when you face mountains, regardless of the size. That mustard seed is growing!

When you trust God with the “small” things, and He reveals Himself to you, it becomes easier to confidently bring those “mountains” before His throne of grace. #prayer @Pleasing2Potter Share on X

God Wants You to Ask!

I love the Bible story about the blind man Jesus healed. Look at what happened.

And Jesus stopped and commanded that he be brought to Him; and when he came near, He questioned him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And he said, “Lord, I want to regain my sight!”  And Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him, glorifying God; and when all the people saw it, they gave praise to God (Luke 18:40-43 NASB 1995).

Jesus knew the man was blind and destitute. However, He wanted the man to ASK HIM, just like you and me. Jesus wants us to bring Him our concerns, fears, and frustrations. He encourages us to be persistent in our praying and to persevere (Matthew 7:7).

I was talking with a sister in Christ who told me that my story inspired her as she still awaited hearing from her prodigal daughter.

“Keep the faith!” I replied. My parents prayed for me for over forty years. At age five, I asked Jesus into my heart, but I was forty-six when I recommitted my life to Christ.

So, I encourage you to keep asking, knocking, and SEEKING GOD’S WILL in EVERY circumstance. When you do that, you know that the Father hears your prayers and will answer you in His perfect timing.

“Give ALL Your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7 NLT).

Just remember to THANK GOD when he does move your mountains!

Are Your Prayers Powerful?

This is a sampling of the brand-new study guide I wrote as a sequel to my award-winning book on the power of prayer. It was published in paperback to encourage readers to slow down and reflect on their prayer life. Filled with lots of room to take notes, answer questions, and reflect on the changes or enhancements you intend to apply to your prayers. There are also prayer prompts to help you get started in an area that may be weak or unsure of what to say.

Many of you visiting Debbie’s site today are familiar with prayer. But are your prayers changing lives? Are they going unanswered? Are they God-focused or self-focused? These are just a few poignant questions asked to help take your prayers to a powerful, life-changing level.

I pray that you will recognize the power available to you through prayer and embrace the Father who loves you and enjoys hearing from His children. Let me help you and point you to the best way to have a powerful prayer life. Nothing is better than knowing the lines of communication are open between you and God.

Click here to comment.

In Christ,

Horace Williams Jr.

Tap into the Extraordinary Power of Prayer with Horace Williams Jr.’s New Release!

Horace Williams Jr. has released the much-awaited sequel to his award-winning book centered on the incredible influence of prayer – Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life: A Power that Transforms Lives Study Guide with Prayer Prompts.

“Horace Williams Jr. has done it again! This precious man has created an awesome resource about the power of prayer. Daily verses, words of wisdom, thought-provoking questions, and plenty of places to write. This study guide has it all!”

Melanie Redd, Best-selling author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster.

Horace Williams Jr.

Drawing wisdom from his unpredictable life journey, Horace knows that praying with intention and purpose helps us build a deep connection with the Father. Prayer can bring significant changes to our lives, and Horace is committed to helping you tap into that extraordinary power!


In 2010, at the height of his sales and marketing manager career, Horace suffered a massive stroke at the office, which paralyzed his left side. During those times in the hospital, God recaptured his heart and gave him a new purpose in life. Horace now has a burning passion for Christ. God continues to transform him and renew his mind. He wants to use his gift of writing and his testimony to encourage people, reminding them of God’s unconditional love and transforming power. He just published his third inspirational Christian book and is about to begin writing a fourth. For more of his Bible-based content, visit

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  1. Horace Williams Jr

    Thank you, Debbie for the kindness in welcoming into your space. I’m so thankful for the people that God continues to bring alongside to walk with me on this unbelievable journey! I pray that your readers and followers are blessed and encouraged by this post and my newest book. May God continue to bless you and yours in all your endeavors, sister.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Horace. You have certainly encouraged us to exercise believing prayer in God’s goodness and ability to hear and act.

  2. Jerralea Winn Miller

    Yes! Keep asking, seeking and knocking. Sometimes we do have to wait, but the answer comes at just the right time. He is an on-time God.

    I enjoyed reading Horace’s words today. Thanks for inviting him.

    • Horace Williams Jr

      Amen. We must pray persistently and seek God’s will when facing mountains.

  3. Ann J Musico

    So inspiring! This is so needed in these chaotic and alarming times. I will be ordering!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yes, certainly needed now. Thanks, Ann.

    • Horace Williams Jr

      Thank you, Ann. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. I pray this book encourages you and inspires your prayer life.

  4. J.D. Wininger

    Enjoyed your post Mr. Williams, and thank you for introducing us Ms. Debbie. I’ll have to take a look at this book. I wonder, how many of us pray not for things but in thanks for things yet to come? Powerful post sir; thank you!

    • Horace Williams Jr.

      Thank you, J.D.I’m glad you enjoyed this post and I pray my book encourages you to pray. thank you for tagging me on Facebook. I appreciate your endorsement of this post. Shout out again to Debbie for welcoming me here and allowing me to share about this inspirational book.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I’m enjoying the book, J.D. Horace’s faith is inspiring.

  5. Mary Geisen

    I also love mountains and the power that is present in their beauty and vastness. Thank you for having Horace here to guest post. Prayer is a topic that never grows old because of the necessity of it in our lives.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Mary, I agree. Like eating healthy, we need those nudges in our spiritual lives too.

  6. Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog

    I loved this line: “It is easy for us Christians to fall into the “trap” of hoping versus believing.” I’ve never thought about it in those terms before, but I can see how I’ve fallen into that trap lately myself. I’ll be keeping your book in mind, Horace. It seems like it will be a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing, Debbie!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Ashely, that line stood out to me too. Thanks for reading.

  7. Joanne Viola

    This is such an important topic as we need to be praying each and every day. I so appreciated that Horace reminds us that we can pray for little and big mountains. God is concerned about it all, and will step into our circumstances as we extend the invitation through prayer. Thank you both, Horace and Debbie, for sharing this post and book with us all! Blessings!

    • Horace Williams Jr

      Joanne, it is such a blessing to hear from you again. I thank that He is open to hearing whatever burdens our hearts, big or small. That is why I wrote this sequel because my heart longs for my sisters and brothers in Christ to embrace the power we have in prayer and not take it for granted,

  8. Jeanne Takenaka

    This is a truth-filled post, Horace! God is so faithful to show us His presence and His love for us. I resonated with what you said here: “When you trust God with the “small” things, and He reveals Himself to you, it becomes easier to confidently bring those “mountains” before His throne of grace.” It’s so true!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Jeanne, I love that quote too and have found it to be so in my own experience.

    • Horace Williams Jr.

      Thank you, Jeanne. It’s so funny. I was surprised and so grateful when Debbie invited me to share about the sequel to my prayer book in this space. However, within minutes, I felt the Lord leading me to write about faith that moves mountains. I knew right then to accept her invitation and trusted God to give me the words in addition to what’s in the Study Guide. A few years ago, I remember someone pointing out that FAITH is an ACTION word. Isn’t it amazing what God does when we take that first step and trust Him?

  9. Paula Short

    Horace & Debbie. This is such an insightful and encouraging message. This was so powerful for me to have read today.
    Visiting today from G & T

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Paula. So glad you visited and thanks for commenting.

    • Horace Williams Jr

      Thank you, Paula for visiting. I’m glad to read you were encouraged by this post. May God continue to bless you in all your endeavors as you seek Him.

  10. Robyn Jones

    I really appreciate this encouragement to have increased faith in my prayer life. Thank you!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I also appreciated Horace’s words. Thanks, Robyn.

    • Horace Williams Jr

      Thanks for visiting, Robyn. I appreciate the support of Debbie and her site. I’m thankful you enjoyed this post. Have a blessed wwk!

  11. Lisa notes

    Nice to see you here, Horace! Looking at that list of mountains, I recognize a few that I’ve climbed and still see in front of me. Thanks for the encouragement to take them to Jesus.

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