by Guest Post | Oct 17, 2017 | Life skills, Purpose, Relationships
Friends, I am back in the USA and able to respond to your comments and emails again. I want you to meet my friend Jayme Hull. I met her at a conference last year and immediately felt connected. Jayme has a proven track record of ministering to the next generation and... by Guest Post | Oct 10, 2017 | Purpose, Relationships
I invited Erica Wiggenhorn, an awesome AWSA sister who also writes and teaches Bible studies, to share some insights from her new study on Acts. Welcome Erica! You, dear one, have been issued a divine invitation. Beckoned by the King of Kings for the grandest... by Guest Post | Sep 26, 2017 | Life skills, Relationships, Spiritual Growth
Janet Thompson takes the mystery out of mentoring in her new book Mentoring For All Seasons. Enjoy this special introduction from Janet… I grew up in Southern California where, with few seasonal exceptions, the weather was consistent year round—sunny and... by Debbie W. Wilson | Aug 22, 2017 | Forgiveness, Relationships
Recent events in Charlottesville jerked my emotions. Demonstrators and counter demonstrators engaged in a brawl that ended with three dead and others injured including journalists. The dead included two police. Blame-casting rumors swirled like no-see-ums on the humid... by Debbie W. Wilson | May 16, 2017 | Discernment, God's will, Life skills, Marriage, Relationships
I’m taking a little break, so this week I’m sharing an article I wrote for I hope you enjoy it. 5 Types of Men That Make Bad Husbands When alarms sound in our heads, we need to listen. This is especially true when they concern potential... by Larry Wilson | Mar 7, 2017 | Relationships
Is there someone you care for but can’t seem to reach? They seem detached or don’t understand you. What’s missing is engagement. Webster defines engage: “to mesh with.” Being with someone and failing to connect is as satisfying as hugging someone wrapped in vinyl. In...