by Debbie W. Wilson | Oct 27, 2014 | Faith, Fear, Life Experiences, Peace, Rest
Playing off of Psalm 139:14, my friend Sandi likes to quip that she is fearfully made. The mounting bills for the overages on our home renovation made me identify with Sandi. By: Ryan Wick Every time I thought I was caught up, another bill arrived. My email delivered... by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 31, 2014 | Battles, emotions, Faith, Fear, Life Experiences, Life skills, Peace
I’m a woman of faith who wrestles with doubts. Not doubts about whether God exists or if He’s good. My doubts are more about whether I’ll miss His will or if I’ll like His will for my life. These concerns sabotage my ability to rest in God. Photo by: Robert... by Debbie W. Wilson | May 27, 2013 | Peace, Perseverance, Personal Growth, Regret
The devastating tornado in Oklahoma ripped open the hearts of those affected as surely as it tore apart their homes. A man turns to stare at a pile of rubble, “I finished paying off my house last week. I’m lucky though, my family is safe. But I lost everything... by Debbie W. Wilson | Nov 15, 2011 | Battles, Life Experiences, Peace
“Just keep it simple, Debbie,” my friend advised. I want to “keep it simple,” but sometimes life isn’t simple. That morning as I was trying to share something with Larry as he was rushing out the door he interrupted me to ask about our dog. “You are leaving, and you... by Debbie W. Wilson | Aug 15, 2011 | Battles, Hope, Life Experiences, Peace, Relationship with God
The apostle Peter slept soundly the night before he was to stand trial before cruel King Herod. If anyone had reason for a sleepless night, Peter did. James, a fellow member of Jesus’ select twelve disciples, had just been martyred by Herod. His death had pleased the... by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 28, 2011 | Battles, Healing, Life Experiences, Pain, Peace, Relationships
“I am afraid that I am watching my anorexic daughter die,” the words released tears of concern. The woman next to her squeezed her hand. She understood her concern, just that weekend her son had given them a scare in his recovery process from his own problems. One by...