How Much Does God Love You?

How could anyone ever doubt Abraham’s love for God after he offered up his only son Isaac to Him? Here’s a more personal question: how could we ever doubt God’s love for us when He offered up Jesus? Photo by: Aaron Burden Did you know that Abraham saw the coming...

Body Piercing—a Sign of Love?

Jacob lifted Anna, spun her around, and lightly set her down. “Oh Jacob,” his wife smiled and gently stroked his ear. “How I love you.” The touch on his ear took Jacob back to the day the awl pierced it. Six years of serving his master and five years of loving his...

How Do I Know God Loves Me?

Have you ever questioned God’s love for you? I found a beautiful illustration in Scripture that settles that question. In the book of Hebrews, Jesus quoted part of Psalm 40, but He changed one line. J. Vernon McGee amazed me by tying this to an Old Testament custom....

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