The Benefits of Mourning Your Sorrow

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4 NIV). Years ago, the sudden and unexpected death of the father of a young family rocked our family. I couldn’t help but observe the grief etched into the faces of the deceased man’s...

God Can Be So Cruel

I want to introduce you to Christine Lindsay and her new book Finding Sarah Finding Me. Her story about giving up her daughter for adoption and wanting to be reconnected touches that place in us where we’ve not understood God’s ways. Now here is Christine....

Grief Shared Is Halved

  A driver’s license had to be the next best thing to wings. As my sixteenth birthday drew near, I feared something would keep me from getting mine. My birthday fell on a Sunday delaying my dream one whole day. With my license finally in hand, I didn’t think...

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