Secrets of Aging with Faith and Purpose
Those of us of a certain age can relate to my friend and fellow author Kim Henry as she shares her thoughts on aging. Enjoy her post and be sure to check out the link to the introduction to her new book Do I Still Matter, Secrets of Aging with Faith and Purpose. I...
Are You Wishing Your Life Away?
Has pain ever tempted you to wish your days away? Years ago, one of George MacDonald’s short stories struck me. I could relate to the boy in the story who wanted to speed through the hard parts of life. While I don’t remember the name of MacDonald’s story or its...
15 Bible Verses on Aging
Do you know someone celebrating a birthday? Here are some Bible verses on aging.

When You Feel Done but God’s Not Finished
My good friend Deb DeArmond has a new book that just released called We May Be Done but We’re Not Finished. It’s a compilation of stories from women of a certain age on how to make the rest of life the best of life. Here is an excerpt from Deb. Come Wake...