by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 4, 2016 | Aging, Life skills, Marriage
While the passing of time makes some homes look dated and faddish, age only enhances others. I thought about the difference good design and quality materials make on a recent stroll through a section of town known for its beautiful older homes and established yards. I... by Debbie W. Wilson | Jul 25, 2011 | Aging, Life Experiences, Life skills, Relationships
“Can I call you Mama?” I asked as my aunt reached for my hand. I was seven and spending part of my summer with my mother’s only sister. She had lived with us when I was very young while her new husband was overseas. She entertained me with songs like “The... by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 20, 2010 | Aging, Life Experiences, Purpose
One of the most engaging and beautiful women I ever met was my neighbor Margaret Meyers. Mrs. Meyers shared our shady street in Southern California. We met one Christmas while caroling. I still remember her opening her door and greeting us from her wheel chair. As... by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 13, 2010 | Aging, Direction, Eternal Perspective, Life skills
Finishing a project well brings satisfaction. Finishing a life well brings great joy and reward. The Bible supplies many examples of people who began well and fizzled out. Matthew 25:21 reveals the ultimate desire of every child of God; to hear “Well done, good and... by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 6, 2010 | Aging, Hope, Life Experiences, Perspective
Have you ever longed to keep the wisdom of your age and yet stay forever young? No one wants to go backwards, but we all want to be young – as in healthy, vibrant, strong, and beautiful. God says that very wish is what He has planned for you. Therefore we do not...