“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you...
Are You Engaged in the Right Work?
How do we know if we’re doing the right work, if we’re investing our time, energy, and resources in the best way? I once shared a house with two roommates. We rotated the weekly chores so that we had different ones each week. One roommate offered to help me with mine....
Seeing Beyond the Parade: God’s Eternal Perspective
Have you ever wondered what your story looks like from God's eternal perspective? What will it be like when our vision isn't limited by time? Like a reporter watching a parade from a blimp, God sees all of history at once. That’s why He makes no mistakes. But we can...
Is Modern Tolerance an Aspect of Love?
Would you rather be loved or tolerated? Our secular culture has replaced “love your neighbor” with tolerance. The traditional practice of tolerance recognized and respected other’s beliefs and lifestyles without necessarily agreeing with them. Today’s definition...
Are You Pursuing the Pleasure Of God’s Company?
God recently provided three gentle reminders that He created me to enjoy Him and the life He’s provided. Are you enjoying the pleasure of God’s company? The Discipline of Celebration I was surprised and delighted to discover that Celebration is one of the spiritual...
Helpful Ways to Secure God’s Word in Your Heart
Have you considered the benefits of having God’s Word in your heart? Maybe a more important question is how do we secure God’s Word in our hearts? Are there ways that work for aging brains? Benefits of Having God’s Word in Our Hearts First let’s recall some of the...
Are Your Relationships as Strong as You Think?
One summer my aunt made homemade strawberry ice cream. Thick pink cream with bits of red strawberries dripped off the churn’s paddle she laid on a platter. We eagerly accepted our bowls to sample this picture-perfect treat. But one taste screamed something was wrong....
Help! I Hurt the One I Love
There’s nothing better than enjoying a close relationship with one who knows and loves us. In fact, good relationships contribute to a healthy life and are a godly priority (Eccles. 4:9-12; Jn. 17:21). Disruption of a relationship through insensitive behavior causes...
Are You Prospering? A Look at Joshua 1:8
Sizzling North Carolina temperatures this July 4th proved too much for our air conditioner. Our dog Strider pawed his favorite air vent on the normally cool pine kitchen floor, trying to coax it to release cool air. Larry texted our A/C man. He was at the...
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