"And don’t say, 'Now I can pay them back for what they’ve done to me! I’ll get even with them!'” (Proverbs 24:29 NLT) Have you ever noticed how the lovely colors and features of some fishing lures give them a jewelry-like beauty? But every lure, even the beautiful...
I Tried to Forgive; But I’m Still Not Free
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” ~ William Barkley[1] We’ve read stories of how when others forgave heinous crimes, love and compassion for the wrongdoer replaced their former bitterness. But what if we've tried to forgive and that hasn’t been our...
Yvonne Morgan: Why I Write Children’s Books
Yvonne Morgan's mission trips continue to impact her. I'm delighted to have her share with us about her new children's book and why she writes children's books. Why I Write Children’s Books As my grandchildren grew, I started writing children’s books. I wanted them to...
God Will Carry You
When I was little, I loved having Daddy put me on his shoulders, especially if we were swimming in a pool. Maybe you remember a parent carrying you to bed when you were sick or had fallen asleep in the car. When Corrie, our yellow lab, could no longer negotiate steps,...
Aging Gracefully: Biblical Encouragement for Every Season of Life
I doubly feel the swiftness of passing years in January. The month not only marks a new calendar year; it’s my birthday month. A couple of years ago I listed 15 Bible verses on aging that seemed to resonate with people. Today let's address some fears and challenges...
You Can Experience Freedom in the New Year
A new year brings the hope of a fresh start. Today my friend Paula Neall Coleman tells how she found freedom from out-of-control emotions and behaviors. We can too. Comment for a chance to win a copy of her new book Experience the Freedom You Already Have in Christ in...
What Does It Mean to Be Pure in Heart?
During my nineteenth summer, my girlfriend and I visited my aunt’s family in Sweden. They took us to Dalarna for their historic Midsummer festival. We stayed in a charming stuga (cottage) by a clear lake surrounded by trees and wildflowers. Having come from Georgia...
Merry Christmas 2024
Larry and I are grateful for you, our friends and family. May you enjoy a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate God's greatest gift, Jesus! Merry Christmas! &
Guard Your Heart From the Christmas Bandits
Do you remember the “Wet Bandits” in the original “Home Alone” movie? I've met another kind of bandit that cases our homes—the Christmas bandits. In a familiar parable, Jesus described four types of soil that show how our heart condition determines whether the gospel...
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