New Children’s Book: Wonder of Life

Have you wanted a fun way to introduce the children in your life to the creation story? Last October I introduced Joan Benson and Marjory Wingert and their inspiration for a new series of children’s books to you. Their newest book, Wonder of Life, recently released. You will love the message of their new book.

Spring is here! From flowering trees, budding blossoms, and blades of green dotting our landscape, new life surrounds us. And just as we see God’s fingerprints reflected in His Creation, we also see the wonder of his work mirrored through new life in a mother’s womb.

Image Bearers

In a world shouting human life is disposable, God’s Word proclaims it is priceless. Whether inside or outside the womb, all human life is created in the image of God. Think about that. We are made in the image of the “immortal, invisible, only wise God” of all creation (1 Timothy 1:17, KJV).

But how can a tiny life housed within the walls of a mother’s uterus bear the image of our Creator God? Because it is in the womb where God stamps his image and breathes his breath into their lungs. As reflected in Psalm 139, it is here in this secret place where He shapes each precious life as his masterpiece. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14 NIV).

In a world where people are racked with doubts about their significance, purpose, or reason to exist, we can point to Genesis. Within these historic pages, we find the source of our confidence and hope. Equipped with God’s Truth, we can offer his perspective to a confused and chaotic culture. Why? He holds the answer to all questions.

Value and Worth

As Christian parents and grandparents, we believe children must be taught at the earliest ages who they areand why they are precious in God’s sight. Why? Because when children grow up without this biblical foundation, they will question their significance and worth. Even worse, some may choose to end their lives.

Therefore, our little ones must grasp how precious they are to our Creator. This intimate relationship with our Creator God, adds significance. How? Because once they understand they are children of God, they will see their worth through God’s eyes. Precious. Valuable. Worth dying for. As each child sees through God’s eyes, they can walk in the fullness of his promises. They begin to understand their own unique purposes, and how God prepared good works for them before they were born.

Once children understand they are children of God, they see their worth through God’s eyes. #Precious. #Valuable. Worth dying for. Share on X

 Wonder of Life

In our current culture, our children are taught gender is fluid and life is disposable.  We desire to arm parents with tools to teach their little ones about their value, not only to their human families but to an almighty, loving, Creator God. With this understanding, our hope is they will never doubt their reason to exist, nor God’s good, good plans. They will realize if a pregnancy forms, the life within is bearing the image of God Almighty.

Our latest book in the Cornerstone Concepts for Kids, Wonder of Life, builds on the Genesis foundation in a kid-friendly way. Children will learn the biblical creation story while discovering how God set humanity apart from all other life. But most of all, children will understand how God loves them and was involved in their lives, “knitting” them together while they were yet in the womb.

We offer the Cornerstone Concepts for Kids books as beautiful resources for Christian families. However, we pray these books will do so much more. We believe they will provide a spiritual armor to help insulate each child from the anti-biblical ideologies of our day. We pray they will help your children foster deep relationships with God and infuse them with an awe and WONDER OF LIFE.

How can a tiny life housed within a mother’s uterus bear the image of our Creator God? Because it is in the womb that God stamps his image and breathes his breath into their lungs. #newbook, #wonderoflife Share on X



Joan C. Benson is an inspirational speaker, a former educator/reading specialist, a wife, mother to four, and a grandmother to eight precious ones. Her debut historical fiction, His Gift, was released in 2020. She co-authored God’s ABCs, a twice award-winning children’s fiction, the first of four books in The Cornerstone Concepts for Kids series. Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race released in October 2023.



Marjorie Wingert loves encouraging parents, equipping women, and connecting with children. She is a wife to Nathan and mother to one young daughter. She published her first children’s fiction book in 2020, Meet Mr. Caleb and created a CD with original music. Marjorie co-authored the award-winning children’s fiction, God’s ABCs, released in March 2023 followed by Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race, released in October 2023.

Thank you, Joan and Marjorie, for your work and for sharing with us today!Comment here.Blessings,

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  1. Michele Morin

    This sounds like a great resource for families!

    • Joan C. Benson

      Thank you, Michele. We are earnestly trying to reach families of young children with a biblical framework for life. As a long-time educational publishing writer (former reading specialist), I know the reading material in schools has taken a turn toward “inclusivity” for even young kids. I felt like God wanted me to write fun stories biblical foundation for the youngest of our children on the current cultural ideologies. Our prayer is when kids are told they can “be” something they are not, they will shake their heads and know in their hearts that the Bible says something else. They are priceless creations by Almighty God, MADE IN HIS IMAGE! Woot!

      We believe we must “arm” our little ones with God’s truth before the culture forces its ideology on them regarding all these important issues (gender, racial diversity, the value of life, and our identity in Christ). The last book in this Cornerstone Concepts Series was intended to be the first, but due to an illustrator change, we are publishing it last. Who Am I? asks this big question so children can be grounded in confidence that they are a “child of God, made in His image.”

      We have a parent-child devotional (independently published, but on Amazon) to take the topic back to scripture and delve a little deeper depending on the ages of the children. The parent-child devo is not quite finished yet for Wonder of LIfe, but it will be out soon!

  2. Ann Musico

    So very needed in this day and age. Another book I will be buying for my grandchildren.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      A breath of fresh air in this time of such darkness.

    • Joan C. Benson

      We appreciate your support in this project. Marjorie and I both felt God nudging us toward writing these books to provide a spiritual armor for the youngest among our Christian families. By learning God’s perspectives FIRST, they will be less likely to be deceived.

      THANK YOU!

      • Joan C. Benson

        THANK YOU!

    • Joan C. Benson

      THANK YOU!

  3. Linda Stoll

    a beautiful offering. these are the moments when i look back with such fondness when my grandkids and kids were little and we cuddled up reading book after book on the sofa. what a sweet time.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Linda, you bring up a good point. Those times benefit more than the kids.

    • Joan C. Benson

      Nothing better than lap reading for young children. The activity provides love, nurture, and hopefully good moral content. Sprinkling in fun and laughter and you have a dynamo force of good!

  4. Yvonne Morgan

    What an amazing sounding book. Thanks for sharing about it

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks for reading, Yvonne. I love that they are doing this series.

    • Joan C. Benson

      We do want little ones to realize how important they are to our God, the Creator of the Universe. He did not breathe his breath of life into the animals or plants! Our hope is children will grow up knowing how He knit them together in their mama, and they are NOT disposable.

      God bless!

  5. Joanne Viola

    Debbie, this sounds like a wonderful book to read to children. It is so important for children to know they were created by God who loves them and thereby, know their lives have great worth. Thank you for sharing this!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanne, especially today they need this message. Thanks for reading.

  6. Joan C. Benson

    We are excited to share this message of how wonderfully each little life has been made. If God made each of us, then we must know we are not the same as the shrimp. The teaching of evolution has diminished this difference so that kids think the animals are just the same as humans. Nada! We are made in HIS IMAGE!

    Thanks for sharing!
    In His Love,
    Joan and Marjorie

  7. Annie Yorty

    What a great and much-needed book series. Thank you for sharing this resource, Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I agree it is much-needed. Thanks, Annie.

  8. J.D. Wininger

    Thanks ladies, for sharing another useful resource to help our kids. God’s blessings.

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