How to Build Better Relationships with Encouragement

How do we build better relationships? One way is to be an encourager. Exxon Mobil promised their gasoline would put a tiger in your tank. Encouragement provides the tiger energy boost our friends and loved ones need. We build better relationships when we fill our friends’ tanks with encouragement.

Encouragement comes in different forms. The Bible says our words have the power to bring life. “The soothing tongue is a tree of life (Pro. 15:4 NIV). Applauding the qualities we notice in people encourages them and can promote spiritual faith. I know it gives me a boost when Debbie compliments my work or appearance.

Use Encouragement to Build Better Relationships

  • Character
    “I appreciate how hard you work to help out.”
  • Personality
    “You’re a good listener. That’s a rare quality.”

The goal isn’t to flatter. We want to speak truth in order to build up the person (Ephes. 4:15-16). When we allow discomfort or distractions to interfere with offering encouragement, we miss out on opportunities to strengthen those people and our relationship with them.

Edmund Burke is attributed to having said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Just as cars need gas to go, people and relationships need encouragement to grow. Let’s take the initiative to build up others.

If we can help you with personal or relationship areas, we’d be delighted.

Just as cars need gas to go, people and #relationships need #encouragement to grow. Let’s take the initiative to build others up. Share on X

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  1. Ann Musico

    I could not agree more! Encouragement is definitely soul nourishment!

    • Debbie Wilson

      It certainly makes a big difference for me. Thanks, Ann.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    Yes, let’s all encourage each other and watch as God’s love grows and grows in our hearts. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Melissa! Thank you.

  3. J.D. Wininger

    I see you’ve got a pretty wise fella there Ms. Debbie. I sense that you encourage each other. I loved how Mr. Larry stated (paraphrasing here) “Encouragement isn’t flattery, it’s a genuine desire to build up others.” I’m always fascinated, or maybe the word I should use is disgusted, when I see people that believe they have to tear down others to build up themselves. Another peeve of mine are those who exhibit false humility. In reality, they are simply practicing another verse of the false flattery song your Mr. Larry speaks about. Great post! Hoping to read/hear more of your hubby in future posts. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, J.D. Yes, he is a keeper, for sure!

  4. Julie Lavender

    I love this line in the post: “Applauding the qualities we notice in people encourages them and can promote spiritual faith.” I’ve often thought that my words could encourage and build up someone emotionally, but I’ve never thought about it encouraging their spiritual faith. Thanks for pointing that out!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Julie, I don’t think we think about that. But it makes sense doesn’t it? Especially when the Bible tells us to meet together and encourage one another. Thanks for reading.

  5. Joshua J Masters

    Encouragement is such an important element to our spiritual growth. I often ask God to show me who I can encourage that day. It changes my perspective and encourages me in the process.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joshua, I like that you start your day with intention by asking God to point out who you might encourage. That is something we all should do.

  6. Joanna Eccles

    Thanks for the reminder to encourage others. A man who has friends, must show himself friendly. I can take God’s truths to my friends and family so they can be renewed in Christ.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanna, great Scripture. And that God’s truths are the best encouragement.

  7. Cathy Chung

    I really needed to hear this today. I said something my husband complained was not encouraging. I asked and he told how I could have said the same thing more encouragingly. I love encouraging people but don’t seem to do it as well at home. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Susan Schulz

    Agreed. Great power in our words. So important to speak life into others.

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