Worry Has My Number; So Does Jesus

by | Feb 27, 2018 | Faith, Fear, Worry | 18 comments

I don’t look for worry, but worry knows my number. She worms her way into my dreams. She captures my full attention before I know what’s happened. “Not now,” I moan. “Let me sleep.”

My dark dreams can take various shapes. Sometimes I’m back in school and can’t find my class until the day of the final exam. I walk into the exam totally unprepared.

Other times shadows of doom haunt me. Whatever the dream, worry is the common theme. Worry that I’m not prepared or that I lack what I need.

God’s reassured me that He’s bigger than my worries on many occasions. Here are some biblical pictures that have spoken to me.


God told Abraham to send his son Ishmael away. The water Abraham provided for Hagar and Ishmael’s trip ran out. In the dessert this spelled death, and Hagar knew it.

She laid Ishmael in the shade and walked some distance away because she couldn’t stand to watch her son die. As she burst into tears God spoke to her.

“‘Hagar, what’s wrong? Do not be afraid! God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Go to him and comfort him, for I will make a great nation from his descendants.’

Then God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well full of water. She quickly filled her water container and gave the boy a drink” (Gen. 21:17-19 NLT).

The water Hagar needed was right before her all along. But she needed God to open her eyes.

Sometimes I need God to open my eyes to see what He’s already provided. When I focus on my lack I overlook His supply.

A Rock Is a River

One morning after a visit from worry, my friend emailed, “In our study yesterday we learned a rock is not just a rock; it’s a river. (When God told Moses to strike it and out came a deluge to quench the thirst of every Israelite and all the livestock.)”

I’d recently read that story (Exodus 17:1-7) and knew exactly what she referred to. I thought of the scores of big rocks we unearthed when we started planting our yard. If God used rocks to supply our needs then I was in good shape.

1 Corinthians 10:4 reminds us that this wasn’t any rock. The rock was Christ. Christ is our provider. He is Yahweh yireh, “The Lord Will Provide” (Genesis 22:14 NASB).

When Jesus walked the earth He said, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:37-38 NIV).

Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. The rock that quenched the thirst of a nation lives in me!

What do you thirst for? Author John Thurman said men usually want to feel respected, needed, and competent. Women long to feel cherished, valued, and secure. Jesus satisfies our deep longings when we allow Him to fill our empty souls.

Someone said, “Satisfaction doesn’t come from having it all but from knowing all is well.” All is well when I stand on the rock.

All is well when I stand on the rock. #peace, #devotional Share on X

Question: How has God met you when worry called?


Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#Kelly Balarie & Friends#Recharge Wednesday, #Coffee for Your Heart, #TuneinThursaday, #Dance with Jesus, #Grace and Truth,

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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  1. Pam Ecrement

    I think the world around us (not to mention the one within) gives a lot of opportunities to have worry sneak in. Sounds words, my friend.

    By the way, my favorite hymn is “It Is Well With My Soul”. We sang it at both of my parents’ funerals.


    • Debbie Wilson

      Pam, I love that too. And it has double meaning when we know its backstory. Blessings to you.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    Beautiful message! God has met me many times when worry called. Recently, I had an unexpected MRI and I am claustrophobic. Everything with the appointment happened so quickly and I was very nervous. However, God provided medicine and great doctors and nurses and technicians to guide me along the way. My husband was a great support, too. My worry turned into faith as I went through the MRI. Thank You God.

    • Debbie Wilson

      “My worry turned into faith as I went through the MRI.” I love those words. So often our peace seems late, but God uses our fears to deepen our faith. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, Melissa.

  3. Sue Schechtman

    God soothes my worry with worship music that flood my soul with scripture. Much like you worry follows me into my dreams. My Creator knows how much music is a part of my being and in no time after waking up anxious, I am dancing around the kitchen praising God.

    • Debbie Wilson

      That makes me smile! There is power in praising God through music. Thank you, Sue.

  4. Sandi Brown

    Needed this reminder today

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Sandi.

  5. Ann Musico

    Your friend worry has visited me quite often – not sure how he/she has enough time for both of us!! God is so faithful and I have combined tapping (Christian EFT) with prayer and scripture and it has just amplified the feelings of peace and the deep conviction that all is well. God truly is faithful and wonderful beyond words.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, you need to write a post on Christian EFT. I’m not familiar with that. Yes, worry sure seems to get around! Maybe she has lots of relatives. 🙂

  6. Debbie Williams

    All truly is well when we stand on that rock.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! Thanks, Debbie

  7. Jennifer

    Visiting from Tune in Thursdays.
    He definitely is our rock, He is the only one who can fill that void in us.
    And so much more, builds esteem, worth, value, He cherishes us & is relentless in His kindness & pursuit of being the lover of our souls.
    How absolutely amazing is that!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Jennifer! Jesus is amazing.

  8. Jacqueline Wallace

    I appreciate those thoughts, Debbie. Thank you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jacqueline. So good to hear from you.

  9. Betty Draper

    Wish I could write I don’t worry, I just trust the Lord for all things, all the time. But it seems I must have that period of worry before trust to make trust more precious. It’s such a relief to turn from worry to trust and in my own power impossible but with His power in me, His Word in my mind He draws me to trust. The older I get, the more I experience my perspective on worry changes. I don’t worry about worrying…it’s the natural flow of the flesh, it will be with me till I go heaven. What I don’t have to do is let it own me. Getting to the root of my worry helps, for me it’s fear and underneath the fear is the need to control things and underneath that is just plain sicken pride. It helped me to understand the difference between worry and caution. I have lived in some pretty hard place where caution has saved my life, worry steals life. This is a great post and much needed for we are all cut of the same cookie mold, shaped like worry.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Betty, you share some wonderful insights. Worry will visit but we don’t have to let it get us down, and knowing the difference between worry and caution. Thanks so much! I agree, we are more alike than different in these areas.

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