I’ve followed Ann Musico’s blog on health for many years now. She provides up-to-date information, warnings, and tips to keep us healthy. I’ve asked her to share some tips with us to help us start the New Year well. Now here’s Ann.
To say that 2020 was a challenging year is an understatement! Besides the usual colds and flu we still have COVID-19 to deal with. As a holistic health and wholeness coach, I read all the credibly sourced research and information I can find. I prefer to be proactive and prevent illness whenever possible.
Natural Tips for Staying Healthy
I compiled the best natural tips for staying healthy in Natural Tips for Staying Healthy: During the 2020 Pandemc and Beyond. When we keep the inner environment strong we can better fight off any bugs we encounter. I regularly use everything I recommend in Natural Tips for Staying Healthy. The book includes my own personal protocol as an example.
Top Risk Factor
One of the greatest risk factors we can change is being overweight. I offer specific strategies for how to upgrade your diet choices, improve your nutritional status and lose weight. One of the most powerful strategies is practicing intermittent fasting. In my opinion there are two factors that are most important in creating a healthy food plan. They are the quality of the whole, one-ingredient foods you choose and how much and how often you eat.
While I definitely share specifics about foods and supplements, which I believe are the foundation, I also include other strategies that may surprise you, but are just as important in protecting you during this unusual time.
Health coach Ann Musico says there are two factors that are most important in creating a #healthy food plan. Share on XAdditional Strategies
Here are a few of the more surprising strategies I would like to bring to your attention.
We need adequate, restful sleep. And since emotional health accounts for up to 80% of the risk of developing disease, we must protect our emotional health. Many people have struggled with fear, anger, anxiety, depression and loneliness during this frightening and chaotic time. Please do not overlook this aspect of wholeness. Writing the words “love and gratitude” on my water pitcher may sound weird, but there are good scientific and scriptural reasons to do so! Natural Tips for Staying Healthy offers more unique ways to approach this.
Gratitude is an extremely powerful force, and it is strengthened as we practice it. I encourage you to look for the positives daily and express your gratitude.
What Are You Saying?
I speak faith confessions daily. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf: thoughts have a physical structure and influence the production of bio-chemicals in our bodies. Thinking determines how you function spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Every thought has a corresponding electrochemical reaction. Depending on the type of thought, specific bio-chemicals are released in response. Happiness, gratitude and love release certain chemicals and sadness, anger and fear release different ones. Thoughts have the power to change your whole system. (As a man thinks so is he! Pr. 23:7)
Particularly during this contentious time, when even family members may not see eye to eye, I urge you to practice forgiveness. We are all doing the very best we can and by extending forgiveness and understanding we help each other and ourselves more than we realize.
An Invisible Toxin
I also show you how to protect yourself from the effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and 5G. These are known to weaken your body. Three of the most critical ways that 5G is known to affect your ability to avoid COVID-19 is that it disrupts cell metabolism, generates stress proteins and causes melatonin reduction. Melatonin has been found to be a powerful ally in protecting against this virus.
Spending time in nature and grounding or earthing are also powerful ways to strengthen your body and destress.
For me the bottom line, which is what I would like to leave you with is this: We are not victims. We have powerful choices we can make daily. I hope what I share will help you do just that.
We have powerful choices we can make daily to protect our #health. I hope what I share will help you do just that. Share on X
Ann Musico is a holistic health and wholeness coach and independent nutritional consultant. She assists clients in achieving vibrant health and wholeness – spirit, soul and body. Visit her website at https://www.threedimensionalvitality.com to learn more about her “3-D Living Program,” her book and weight loss plan, Today is Still the Day, as well as the other coaching packages she offers. Subscribe for her free monthly newsletter and weekly email messages. She believes health is more than just the absence of illness. Let Ann show you how to create a life of passion and purpose, wholeness and harmony.
A Special Opportunity to Have Your Gift to Lighthouse Ministries Doubled
Some friends of Lighthouse are matching donations up to $15,000 given until January 7th. We appreciate you considering Lighthouse in your year-end giving. We provide opportunities for children, adolescents, and adults to build biblical lives and relationships. Your gift enables us to help them as well as single parents, college students, and the unemployed. Click here to visit our donate page.
The CARES act provides two ways for taxpayers to benefit in 2020:
- For taxpayers who do not itemize, they can claim up to $300 with an “above-the-line” deduction directly off taxable income. This can be given at any time in 2020 and to any public nonprofit.
- For taxpayers who itemize, they can now claim 100% of their AGI in charitable giving for 2020 instead of the normal 60%.
Thank you for your consideration.
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I too love the tips and guidance Mrs. Ann Musico provides. I appreciate her mixture of common sense, natural healing, and faith in her counsel. Thank you for sharing her thoughts with us today Ms. Debbie. God’s blessings in the new year ladies.
Thank you, J.D. May the Lord bless you and your family this coming year with physical and spiritual health.
Great message. I hope to lose weight in 2021. This has been an ongoing battle for most of my life.
Melissa, I’m looking forward to reading her new book. Ann makes everything so practical. Happy New Year!
Thank you for sharing Debbie! Looking forward to learning more from Ann’s wholistic health approach and website! Here’s to a healthy New Year! Blessings
Janice, I enjoy Ann’s blogs. She stays up to date on what’s going on. Thanks for reading. Happy New Year!