The Magic of Little Faith

by | Jan 18, 2016 | Faith | 39 comments

Have you graduated from little faith to big faith? Recently Jesus’ words in Matthew 8:26 spoke to me. “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” (NIV). After decades of walking with Him, you’d think I could drop the “little” before faith. Instead, I found myself battling new fears.


My book Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God is to be released March 8, 2016! Whoo who! Yes, I’m excited and thankful. But as crazy at it may sound, the approaching release has produced some dread.

Negative thoughts like: my audience is tiny; my marketing ability is slight, and I’m not ready, have taunted me. Ironically, God has used the title of my book to calm me.

Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God has become a call to faith. I am not supposed to focus on the size of my challenge, my skill, or my experience. As with any assignment, the size of my God is what counts.

Little Women, Big God looks at the lives of the women in Jesus’ genealogy. Each of these women faced humanly impossible challenges, some brought on by their own bad choices. But most of their hardships came from living in a broken world. The most impossible challenge came as a direct assignment from God.

In every case, God showed up and turned these women’s lives around and gave them remarkable stories. The greatness of their God saved them, not the size of their resources—or even the size of their faith.

I realized anew, a mustard seed of faith in a great God moves mountains. I need to quit focusing on how much faith I have and place my little faith in my big God.

Has a health issue, a rebellious child, or a financial crisis stirred up your doubts and fears? Or perhaps like me, it is a wonderful opportunity that has summoned feelings of inadequacy. Repeat after me: “It’s not the size of my problems, but the size of my God,” and experience the magic of little faith in a big God!

Question: Would you rather have big faith or a big God?

Click here to comment. And if you found this useful, please share it with a friend.


Debbie W. Wilson


Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God is available for pre-order on Amazon. Click here.

Sometimes I link up with these great sites: #WordswithWinter #TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #Tell it to me Tuesdays, #A Little R & R Wednesdays #w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #LivefreeThursday#Grace and Truth, #Faith ‘n Friends


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  1. Amy Carroll

    I’m so excited about your book’s release, Debbie. MANY women are going to grow closer to God through this study!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Amy! You are a dear friend and encourager.

  2. Pam

    Ah, Debbie, the Lord has your back on this! The enemy would want to tempt you to doubt, but as I read about the book soon to be released I could not help but sense how much the Lord would use it to bless countless women you will never see or meet. Rest in His love. Facing your fear was what you needed to discover His courage waiting for you. All the writing we do here or in a book can make us feel vulnerable and stir up all sorts of uncertainties and doubts, but I believe the Lord is using the network of Christian bloggers for a mighty voice and purpose and we need to trust that no matter what we feel or see. Yes, and you can feel free to remind me of that if I take the leap of writing a book many have encouraged me to do! Looking forward to reading the book!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Bless you, Pam. I appreciate you and your encouragement!

  3. Kathryn

    I believe having little faith in a big God is perfectly fine at first. Then, as you slowly act on that faith it grows stronger and stronger until at last it is a big faith! Congratulations on your book launch!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Kathryn.

  4. Melissa

    Looking forward to reading your book. I believe God gives me big faith because He loves me. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks Melissa. Faith is certainly a gift and a muscle we must exercise and feed.

  5. Susan

    I look forward to the release of your book, Debbie! I completely understand these feelings you’re having ahead of the release as I’ve also been on a roller coaster of big faith, little faith, doubt and everything in between since we started our business in the summer. I’ll look forward to reading your book as I know it will be an encouragement to me and many others!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Susan, I’m sure you do! I believe those feelings show we are walking by faith. It’s easy to feel strong when we stay cloistered in our familiar havens. Stepping out into the unknown may feel unsettling, but it is where we experience God more deeply.

  6. Ann

    Without a moment’s hesitation – Big God!!! I can very much relate to what you shared. As crazy as it seems, I tend to experience more anxiety and dread over opportunities than over problems! I love your reminder to look at my Big God and not focus on what I perceive to be my shortcomings!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I’m glad I’m not alone! Thank you, dear sister.

  7. Kristi Woods

    So, so love this: “Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God”. Goodness! So true. And when we keep the focus on our big God, not our little faith, situations turn amazing. Debbie, I am praying for your audience ~ that they will hear precisely as the Lord is speaking through the words you’ve penned. Best wishes on your book’s release.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Kristi! Thank you for your prayers. That is the best support.

  8. Tara

    I’m so excited about the release of this book! I’m also very thankful for your ministry and this blog. I’m am blessed every week with a timely word. I can’t think of one time where your thoughtful and playful words weren’t relevant to my current situation. Today is no different! God bless and keep moving forward!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Tara! You have blessed me today!

  9. Marilyn Couch

    Debbie, I want to encourage others who know you to order
    copies & pass them around &
    then encourage them to do the
    same. That’s the best marketing
    tool & the vehicle The Lord will
    use to spread His Word. He will
    reward your obedience. I plan on giving out some while we’re in Florida. We can pray for & help one another. Love, Marilyn

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yeah! An ambassador in Florida! Thank you, special agent Marilyn!

  10. Michele Morin

    What an exciting time – and also a faith-stretching time for you! Looking forward to diving into this read. I was just reading in Revelation about how “they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives . . . etc.” Nowhere there does it say that they overcame because their faith was so amazing. It’s all God. Can’t wait to read more of your words on this.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Michele, what a stirring verse. May we be as faithful. And yes, it is all by His grace! Thank you, dear one.

  11. Lisa Morris

    I desire a BIG GOD!! Although I have focused more on my little faith. He is so Big and so good! I am excited about your book release! I pray god uses it mighty for His glory. Your neighbor at Word Filled Wednesday Link Up.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Lisa! I’m so glad He is greater than our shortcomings!

  12. Mary Geisen

    Congrats on the release of your book. I love the title and am sure that this book will be a treasure for many women.

    I would much rather have a big God because my humanness gets in the way of sometimes having a big faith. It’s how God made us. I am praying that God continues to work in you and through your book. Blessed to be hanging near you at Wedded Wednesday today!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Mary. I agree. Our humanness keeps us relying on Jesus.

  13. Joanne Viola

    How exciting for you & may God bless you & the message your book brings. We all need a bit of encouragement to grow our faith a little bit more. Our needs may be great but our God remains greater. Glad to have been neighbors today at Women With Intention.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Joanne. God is always greater. Thank you for your encouragement today!

  14. Holly

    Very insightful Debbie. You made me feel so relieved about the days my faith is little. Thank you and best wishes on the book launch.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Holly!

  15. Judy Turnbull

    How exciting about your book release! I too wish that I could drop away the “little” and replace it with “big”! I can totally understand the anxiety related to releasing a book. Blessings to you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Judy, I appreciate your encouragement.

  16. Beth

    I can’t wait to read your book, Debbie. I’m always so blessed when I visit your blog, so I know it’s going to grab me and teach me a thing or two! 😉 And I can so relate to your feelings of inadequacy, especially when facing a daunting task. But I would think that the hardest part was writing your book and you were able to get that done with the Lord’s help! You go, girl! Woot woot!

    In answer to your question, I would want the BIG God every single time. He is the one who can increase my little faith if I will simply lay it at His feet and keep it there! Hugs to you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Beth! Big God every time!

  17. Celeste

    It really helped me to read this post. Your encouraging words helped me shift my focus from me to God. And by doing so I am more at peace. I have preordered your new book and can’t wait until it arrives.


    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Celeste! Isn’t it amazing how that works! May the Lord grant you deep peace and joy as you trust in Him.

  18. Kerrian Adebanjo

    It is always good to think of the “bigness” of our God. A God who is not intimidated by any request we have. God is too bug to fail us.
    Thanks for reminding us of His almightiness. Congratulation on you book. I have posted it on my twitter page.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Kerrian! I appreciate you helping to spread the word. God bless you, my friend.

  19. Kerrian Adebanjo

    It is always good to think of the “bigness” of our God. A God who is not intimidated by any request we have. God is too big to fail us.
    Thanks for reminding us of His almightiness. Congratulation on you book. I have posted it on my twitter page.

  20. Jennifer

    Your book sounds fantastic! May God bless your message with fruitfulness as you point women toward Him. Thank you for sharing this with us at Grace & Truth. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jennifer!

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