Come and Abide: How to Shed Your Burdens

Today, my AWSA sister Kathy Collard Miller introduces us to her new book Pure-Hearted: The Blessings of Living Out God’s Glory and challenges us to come and abide with Jesus. I know you’ll enjoy her look at Mary and Martha and how Jesus’ words still relate to us today.

Kathy is giving away a copy of her book. Details below. Now here’s Kathy…

Don’t Worry; Martha Will Do It

I wonder if Martha, the sister of Mary, was the dependability queen in her town, Bethany. I can just imagine at the Women of the Temple Committee meeting for the upcoming women’s luncheon event, the chairperson asking, “Now who can we get to cater the lunch?”

Everyone looks around and another woman asks, “Where’s Martha?”

Mary speaks up, “Oh, she’s at the meeting for the Temple Benevolence committee.”

A third woman raises her hand. After being called on by the chairperson, Lydia says, “Ask Martha. She’ll do it.”

Could Martha have worn an invisible S on her tunic? No, not for Superman, although many most likely called her Superwoman. But S for steadfast and its twin sister, dependability. Why else would Martha have been so crazy busy when Jesus came visiting? Remember the story?

“Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lords feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, ‘Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.’ But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:38-42).

What motivated Martha? Of course we’ll never know conclusively her heart’s motive. But, many of us are like her because we have chosen the same technique to gain approval and applause: busyness and productivity.

We know Martha didn’t have to do everything she did because Mary, who was equally considered the hostess, didn’t. I have no doubt Mary did what she was supposed to do and then chose to abide at Jesus’s feet.

If Martha is like me, she thought of “one more thing,” “one more dish,” “one more decorating touch,” “one more …” Did she think, “Just wait until Jesus sees this. He’ll feel so important and valued.” I would have.

But Jesus loves Martha’s soul well. He doesn’t want her to carry the heavy yoke she puts upon her own shoulders. He doesn’t need anything to make him feel important or valuable. Jesus seeks only his Father’s approval and applause.

In his concern for her he woos her by pointing out the result of her sin: anxiety, anger, critical spirit, feeling abandoned, even blaming Jesus for not making Mary do what Martha thought she should do. She accused Jesus of not caring for her.

Her motive was to provide rather than abide. Jesus was saying, “I love you too much. Please look at what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Come and abide.”

He says the same to us.

Her motive was to provide rather than abide. @KathyCMiller #burdens, #ChristianDevotions Share on X

Pure-Hearted: The Blessings of Living Out God’s Glory

Filled with biblical principles, practical instruction, and motivational stories, Pure Hearted is written for women. Every chapter includes a profile of a biblical woman along with discussion questions for groups or individuals.

Kathy is making a copy of Pure-Hearted available to the winner of a book drawing. One winner will be randomly selected on January 22, 2018 from those who comment (US addresses only can win). Enter to win by commenting.

Kathy Collard Miller is an award-winning author of over 50 books that include Christian living topics, women’s Bible studies, and Bible commentaries. She is a speaker who has shared in 8 foreign countries and over 30 US states. Kathy and Larry have been married for 47 years and are the parents of 2 and grandparents of 2. They live in Southern California and often write and speak together. Visit her at She would love to hear from you.

Twitter: @KathyCMiller


This guest blog is adapted from Pure-Hearted: The Blessings of Living Out God’s Glory

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  1. Martha Heckenberg

    I would love to read this book. There are so many especially those who are in the ministry such as pastors wives that feel like they have to do it all. So therefore they carry a heavy load. They do what they think people expect them to do instead of living out what God has called them to do.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Martha, it is too easy to slip into believing that lie, isn’t it? Thanks for commenting.

    • Kathy Collard Miller

      Hi Martha, important point. Any of us who are trying to love well a woman in a ministry position can understand and be gracious if she doesn’t do everything we think she should–or minister to us personally like we’d want. Oh, to be able to give each other space and permission to follow only what Jesus’ wants us to do. That’s true love. Thank you, Martha, for giving us that wise thought.

  2. Ann Musico

    This was absolutely wonderful! I have always related very strongly to Martha. I like that distinction – she was providing instead of abiding. And I love how you pointed out that Jesus didn’t need anything to make him feel more valued – He only cared about the Father’s approval. I would definitely love to read the book. These are beautiful insights.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I want to be like that too, only caring about the Father’s approval. Thanks so much.

    • Kathy Collard Miller

      Thank you so much, Ann, for your encouraging words. I’m so glad the post was meaningful for you. I can be a Martha-kind of woman also so it’s a challenge for me. No wonder I like to write about her–to remind myself!

  3. Kathy Collard Miller

    Debbie, thanks so very much for hosting my guest post and for allowing me to offer the book giveaway. I appreciate your important ministry!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Kathy, I’m delighted to share it and know it will encourage many. Thank you for sharing it with our audience!

  4. LisAnn

    Very good and fresh insights into these two well known sisters. ‘Good’ intentions aren’t always ‘best’ intentions, and we need to be reminded of this so often. I definitely want to read your book!

    • Debbie Wilson

      LisAnn, “‘Good’ intentions aren’t always ‘best’ intentions.” Well said. Thanks for commenting.

    • Kathy Collard Miller

      Wow, LisAnn, I love what you said: “Good intentions aren’t always best intentions.” Sometimes we fool ourselves and say, “I had good intentions”. Unfortunately, what we said or did wasn’t for that person’s good. So thank you for commenting here and being a part of the drawing. I hope either by winning it or buying it, you’ll be encouraged by reading “Pure-Hearted.” God bless you!

  5. Brenda Flowers

    This book sounds like a book that will help me and many women who want to abide more and more according to God’s will and His best.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Brenda, I think it does too. Thanks for reading.

    • Kathy Collard Miller

      Thank you, Brenda, for commenting, and I do truly believe ‘Pure-Hearted’ will indeed help you to abide more and know more clearly God’s will–because muddy and murky motives won’t be blocking our intentions –as much. Of course, we’ll never be perfect but even if we grow in this area, God will be glorified. So thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I value you doing that. And we’ve put you into the drawing.

  6. Shirley Miller

    Thank you Debbie. This was well written and a great encouragement!! I have been seeking the Lord as to what He wants me to take on and to let go of.. This was very timely.
    Shirley Miller

    • Debbie Wilson

      Shirley, I know the Lord will reward you seeking His direction in these. We need to do it regularly, don’t we?

  7. Sarah

    I have found I too have struggled with this biblical story and see myself as a Martha as well. I can listen to pastor speak on this and feel at the time that I understand but then applying it is another story. I would love to read this book and discuss it with others and become more understanding of the biblical teachings.

    • Kathy Collard Miller

      Thank you, Sarah, for being a part of interacting about this wonderful biblical story. I wonder if Martha is one of the more often discussed Bible characters. Most likely for sure biblical woman. I wouldn’t doubt it. We can relate to her so much. So know you aren’t alone and there are certainly positive and God glorifying aspects of her personality. It just depends upon the motives!!! That’s what my book stresses and I trust, will help readers to cleanse their hearts of muddy motives. God bless you, Sarah, and thanks for entering the drawing.

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