Why Should I Share My Testimony?

Have you considered the power of your testimony? A favorite aspect of my weekly Bible study is hearing what Jesus is doing in the lives of these women. This week Nan shared an amazing experience of how the Lord met her in a time of fervent prayer. She (and a contact from the family involved) gave me permission to share it with you.

Nan had been praying for a burn victim she had never met. This man was in the hospital for nine weeks and never came to after the accident. One morning, as she listened to her worship music, she became burdened to pray for him. She prayed and worshiped for a good part of the morning. Prayer ended with peace.

Nan felt a prompting to write down the date, the time, and that Earl was going home to see his Lord. “Yes, I thought it was weird. I even said to myself really, Nan? I took a snap-shot,” Nan said. “The phone rang 45 mins later to tell me he had passed.”

When Nan learned the family was gathering to honor Earl on his birthday, she sent the photo to an extended family member and shared her story. God used her testimony, of experiencing Jesus while praying for Earl and the extraordinary prompting to write down the time she felt released from prayer, to comfort this family in their horrific loss.

What Is a Testimony?

A testimony is the good report you give from your experience of knowing and walking with Jesus. Testimonies don’t just cover salvation. They cover an answer to prayer, provision, protection, or direction. It’s telling a thirsty soul where you found living water.

A #testimony is the good report you give from your experience of knowing and walking with Jesus. Share on X

John chapter four tells of a woman whose bold witness led to her town’s revival. Jesus, being weary from His travel, sat by a well. His human need to pause provided the opportunity to meet a Samaritan woman who came to draw water.

This woman, who was living with a man (not her husband) and who’d no doubt experienced great rejection—she’d had five husbands—was rather flippant with Jesus at the beginning of their conversation. But Jesus saw through her defenses and patiently pursued her. He let her know He knew and understood her, including her sin and emptiness. He salted her spiritual thirst and revealed Himself as the One who could satisfy her thirst.

The woman was so excited to meet Jesus that she left her water jug to race back to town to tell the people about Him. “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me everything I ever did’” (Jn. 4:39 NIV).

Many, not all, believed. But the curiosity of those who didn’t initially believe moved them to check out Jesus for themselves. “And because of his words many more became believers” (Jn. 4:41 NIV).

Because this woman testified about Jesus her whole town was changed.

A #testimony is telling a thirsty soul where you found living water. #believe Share on X

The Value of a Testimony

Many testimonies arise from times of testing. Bible teacher Joyce Meyer says that everyone wants a testimony, but after the test, all they have is the monies. They never get around to the testimony. Hopefully, not us!

Another testimony in John 4:46-53, the story of Jesus healing the royal official’s son, promted Nan to share her story.

This official had traveled to Jesus to seek help for his sick son. After Jesus told him his son would live, he headed home. His servants met him and told him his son was well. When he heard this he asked the time when his son got better.

“It was the time he was with Jesus. As for me, the time I was worshiping was the time Earl was going home to Jesus. The son lived on earth. Earl is alive in heaven. I never shared my story because I thought it was strange until I read about the official. It reminded me of my experience,” Nan said.

A Story Worth Telling

How has the Lord met you in your trials?

  • When you brought Him your lack, how did He supply?
  • How did He answer your prayer?
  • When the Lord rescued you from being lost, from harm, from a poor decision, that’s a story to share.
  • The account of how Jesus saved you is a testimony that never grows old.

Everyone may not believe your story. But some may become curious enough to check Him out further. Ask the Lord to open your eyes this week to His work in and around you. Then tell somebody. Who knows the impact your story will have? One day, like the Samaritan woman, you’ll see the impact of your testimony.

They triumphed over him [the devil]
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death” (Rev. 12:11 NIV).

Add your comments here.


Photo by HONG FENG on Unsplash

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  1. Melissa Henderson

    Debbie, this is beautiful. I have heard people say, “I don’t have a testimony.” Yes, everyone has an experience to share. When we pause and reflect, we will find our testimony of God’s love and provision.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Melissa. If we know Jesus we have a testimony. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Gwen Young

    What a gift to be able to attend your bible study last week! A time of such peace and passion for our lord.
    Thank you, Debbie, for continuing to encourage ME to share my stories! You are the best facilitator as respecting how God works uniquely among the very different scenarios of our lives. Keep up the good work. I love YOU!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Gwen. It was a joy to be with you and Janet. Love you both!

  3. Susie Browne

    Wow! What a powerful testimony, Nan. I’m so blessed through your sharing. When we stay in tuned with the Holy Spirit, we’ll see His hands working all around us. Praying that we will take every opportunity to share our testimonies with whomever God sends our way. Debbie, thank you for your commitment to teach/ facilitating our weekly Bible Study. Your spirit of JOY is contagious. May the Spirit of JOY strengthen our faith and through the sharing of our testimony , our JOY In Christ gets multiplied.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Susie, you are so right. Our joy is mulitplied when we share and hear what God is doing among us. You are a joy!

  4. Ann Musico

    This is so powerful Debbie and such a huge encouragement to share these wonderful ways the Lord works in our lives!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. My heart is encouraged when I hear stories of God’s faithfulness, even as you’ve shared so many here in you comments.

  5. Marilyn Nutter

    First-your cover photo is breathtaking! This was a powerful post and so clearly outlines the value of telling our story which is God’s story in us. Whether others believe it or not is not my responsibility. The Holy Spirit will move in His time. My job is to tell. Thank you.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Marilyn. How wonderful we can leave the results with Him.

  6. J.D. Wininger

    I loved the different perspectives you brought to this ever-important subject Ms. Debbie. Yes, we all have a testimony; and we will all be given times and places to share it. We will also find people placed in our paths to share it with. We may not recognize it, but I firmly believe God, through His predestination/omniscience, places us in the right position at the right time to carry out His plan for our lives. When we are walking with Him, we are effective. Wonderful post ma’am; thank you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      J. D. I agree. Nothing is happenstance. The Lord orchestrates the path of His own.

  7. Julie Lavender

    Thank you, Debbie, for the reminder that testimonies don’t just cover salvation. We can all share, at some point, a way in which God answered a prayer, made a provision, provided protection, or showed us direction. Thank you for the reminder!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Julie. I know other’s testimonies fuel my faith.

  8. Nan

    Debbie, thank you for your time in leading our Thursday morning bible study. It’s been 4 years since my very first study
    “Give Yourself A Break”. Where I knew nothing and how much I’ve grown in Gods word. You are always so encouraging. I love sharing my testimonies who ever wants to listen. God gave me another opportunity at the bank today. I was running in and out. I just asked a question about his children and God opened the door. Hour and half later! Even tho I was hurting with him there was a JOY in my heart that I was sharing Jesus and how he rescued me. Jesus tells us to go and tell others what he has done for us. Learning to rest in his word, trust him and believe, God has revealed so much to me. It’s the most JOYful experience in the world. I want everyone to have what I have. I am truly a new person in Christ. I love my Jesus! God has blessed me putting you in my path. So grateful!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Nan, you bless me every time I’m with you! Thank you again for always radiating Jesus and for allowing me to share your story.

  9. Candyce

    I love your bullet points which help us find a story to tell. It doesn’t have to be an earth-shattering event, such as being saved from a drug addiction or pulled from the brink of death, as some testimonies are.

    The subtle can make an impact too. Great reminder and message!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Candyce. Yes, Jesus is alive and at work in every person who walks with Him. Our personal experiences with Him are part of our story.

  10. Amele

    Thank you, Debbie, and God bless you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Amele!

  11. Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog

    Loved this: “A testimony is the good report you give from your experience of knowing and walking with Jesus. Testimonies don’t just cover salvation. They cover an answer to prayer, provision, protection, or direction. It’s telling a thirsty soul where you found living water.”

    The word ‘testimony’ used to be one of those baffling concepts to me. I thought it was just the story of salvation—how I had lived in sin for years and then everything turned around when Jesus came into my life. But I felt like I had no testimony since I got saved at eight. How boring is that, right? 😉

    In the last few years, though, I’ve learned that testimonies are more than salvation. They’re all the ways God’s shown up for you. Now, I think the reader and writer in me makes me think of testimonies as chapters.

    Great post, Debbie! God bless!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ashely, I like your concept of chapters in a book. That makes me think I can’t wait until God shows us all that went on behind the scenes!

  12. Aimee Imbeau

    Sharing our stories is vital. Not only does it bring others to faith in Jesus but retelling them deepens our own faith. Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth this week!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Aimee!

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