After recently writing and speaking about REAP-ing your thoughts, I’ve had the opportunity to practice what I preach. The Lord seems to get a chuckle over making sure I live what I teach.

This is what I discovered. It is easy to get stuck on the E- expressing part of REAP. Venting your negative emotions, and not moving on to A– asking the Holy Spirit the truth, leaves you caught in an emotional quagmire. Change and hope don’t appear until you push through the A and P part of REAP.

To review, REAP reminds us to:

Recognize your thoughts and emotions.

Express your thoughts and feelings to God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to assess your thoughts.

Practice what He shows you immediately.

This morning when I asked God to help me, He led me to begin listing all my blessings. The list grew very quickly. I found myself beginning to smile. And then the missile hit, “Don’t get carried away now, remember your circumstances haven’t changed.” Splat! My emotions hit the basement, but not for long. I picked myself up again and began to practice focussing on the good that God had brought to my mind.

“This I recall to mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s loving-kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I have hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:21-24

I have a place in my journal where I have listed verses that speak to me. I reviewed these verses again and began to practice rehearsing them in my mind. Like Jeremiah I have found that my circumstances don’t have to change for me to have hope. I just need God’s perspective!

You are one of the blessings in my and Larry’s life. Thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement and financial partnership. We want to be here for you too!



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  1. Earle Finley


    I really have found you insights very encouraging and edifying to me as a husband, father, friend and co-laborer with you in Christ. May the Lord bless you and continue to use you for the good of the people and His glory.

    Your brother in Christ,


  2. ella thompson

    Debbie, Ditto what Earle said and I agree that God lets us practice what we preach because it becomes more real. I’m still “practicing” and hope to have it perfected quickly.

  3. Gwen

    I am so elated to have this re-newed relationship. As my Aunt Pat often reminds me, “Our timing is not always God’s timing!” Thank you for sharing so many words of wisdom through your blog. Our feelings and experiences are meant to be shared!

  4. Jan Waters

    Hello Debbie,
    I am so happy that you and your husband are working for the Lord. Gwen told me about your website and I have enjoyed reading about your ministry. I am still in Allenhurst married to Dennis with 2 grown children. I would love to talk with you sometime. Again, I am glad that you are doing well and you look great! Jan Waters

Refreshing Faith Blog

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