Little Women Need a Big God

by | Mar 7, 2016 | Battles, Faith | 47 comments

This is a week of culminations for many. For Downton Abbey fans, Edith Crawley finally found love. For me, Little Women, Big God is finally released!


Little Women, Big God

God’s ways continually surprise me. If you were God what type of people would you choose to belong to your Son’s family tree? Whose stories would you highlight in Scripture?

Would you choose any of the following?

  • A woman who seduced her father-in-law
  • A professional prostitute
  • Someone from an ethnic group that had been banned from God’s assembly because of their treachery against His people

God did.

While we dust our furniture and vacuum before inviting people into our homes because we don’t want them to see our dirt and imperfections, Jesus highlights the infamy in His family tree.

I’m convinced He showcased these women for us. Their stories remind us it doesn’t matter how big of a mess we’ve made in our lives, how much we’ve lost, or how little we know about God. Little faith in a big God is enough to change our destinies.

This Little Woman

Mother’s Day weekend of my senior year in high school, we buried my mother. The following year, my dad married an insecure woman who didn’t want any reminder of my mother around—including my sister and me. I returned from out of town to find my childhood home emptied. She’d even disposed of my deceased grandmother’s monogrammed sheets and my mother’s satin comforter that covered me every night. Soon, even Pepper, my pet poodle, was gone.

In a brief moment, the foundation of a stable home was swept away. I had no power to stop the mounting losses.

Maybe that is why the women in Jesus’ family tree resonate with me. These women faced crushing problems with no power or resources to overcome them, but they had a Big God. They remind me that my security is not determined by the size of my problems or the size of my strength, but by the size of my God.

I relate to Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary as they faced failure, loss, betrayal, and a murderous hunt. Their stories spotlight God’s care for ordinary women and how He uses our weaknesses as opportunities to reveal His strength and our failures as avenues for His grace.

Drawing from my background in counseling, I’ve included thought-provoking questions and insights to help you practically apply faith when walking through challenges such as facing rejection and temptation, selecting a mate, and forgiving yourself and your enemy. This book is not written to merely inform, but to transform.

As I found out, life has only one unshakable foundation. Little women need a big God. We have one in Jesus.

I want to celebrate the release of Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God with you. Please leave a comment to enter to win a free copy. If you’re in a hurry, simply say, “I’m leaning on my big God!” I’ll pick a winner March 15th.

Click here to comment.


Debbie W. Wilson

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #Tell it to me Tuesdays, #A Little R & R Wednesdays #w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #LivefreeThursday#Thankful Thursdays, #Grace and Truth,

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  1. Kim Scherrer

    I’m leaning on my big God!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Kim!

  2. Tisa Murrell

    Dear Debbie,
    Recently I’ve been struggling in my faith. I feel I’m worse than luke warm. I want to have a revival! I believe your new book will do just that!
    God bless you and keep you and your family and friends!
    I am,
    God’s faithful servant,
    Tisa Murrell

    • Tisa Murrell

      I need my Big God!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Tisa, Jesus wants to revive you. Being honest about your struggles is the first step. Good for you! Ps. 9:10 says those who know His name will trust in Him. God uses our struggles to draw us to Himself. I pray you’ll bring your doubts and cares to Him today and experience Him. He is the great I am…”I am what you seek.”

  3. Debbie Jones

    Hi Debbie,
    I wanted to congratulate you for your “48 Days to the Work You Love” and writing your blog and Bible Studies! Yes, “Little Women” need a Loving God! Thanks for sharing your gifts and love for God and His amazing grace and truth!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Debbie! God bless.

  4. Pam payne

    Don’t worry about entering my name .I just ordered my copy from amazon ….looking forward to this study Debbie! Thank you for being so transparent and sharing your life experiences with us all…so glad we have a BIG GOD!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Pam! Bless you.

  5. Jacqueline Wallace

    Debbie, I am reading the book you sent me and will review it. You have done such an amazing job (and I’m only in the second story!). I’m so impressed and looking forward to reading the whole book. I want to share your book with others so I am throwing my name into the hat!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you Jacqueline! I’m so glad you are enjoying it. I love learning about the real women in the Bible. We’ll meet them one day!

  6. Ann

    Your insights and gentle, yet clear way of expressing biblical truths absolutely is transformative. I for one am so grateful God shared the not so pretty parts of His family since mine was far from perfect and I think most of us can admit that. Congratulations on the release of this book – I wish you huge success!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann! I’m glad He included those parts too.

  7. Cheryl Lynne

    Congratulations Debbie! I’m trusting, leaning and depending on my BIG God!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, my friend!

  8. Cat

    This sounds like a great read!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Cat.

  9. Chris

    I was initially drawn to your book when I read the excerpt on Tara’s blog, “God gave animals instincts. He gave humans himself.” My 16 year old daughter is to write a paper on what is more powerful, instinct or intellect. We know the Holy Spirit can fill them both. I love the chocolate milk analogy, too. My daughter and I could both benefit from a book with insights about rejection, temptation, forgiving yourself, and other issues. Thank you, Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Chris! Yes, it is so much better to have Jesus living in me than to be limited to instincts!

  10. Marilyn Couch

    Debbie, the one word that stands out to me is “resonate” –
    the lives of these women, who
    weren’t perfect & yet fell in love
    with Jesus because He first loved them. May His Voice alone resonate through this study & bring many to fall in love
    with Him in a fresh & freeing way.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! Thank you, Marilyn.

  11. Alisa

    I love the stories of these women, Debbie! I love that God used imperfect people. It give us a hope and encouragement that He will indeed use us as well. Thank you so much for sharing this with us today. Congratulations on your new book, I anticipate reading it soon! Linking up with you at Intentionally Pursuing.

  12. Carol Wilker

    I want to know more about my God and how big He is to help me over-come my imperfections. Thank you for your insight and your walk with the Lord that helps set us on the path to know Him and trust Him more and more!

  13. Sandra W

    Thank you so much for this wonderful blog, Debbie. Today’s blog is a huge reminder I needed. I had my 3rd child a year ago, which was a precious surprise as my other children are closer to teenager stage. I feel like I have backtracked a lot in the last year as I have been trying to lean on my own abilities with a baby that hasn’t been easy. The Lord has been showing me that I need to be leaning on him and he used your blog today to cement that idea in my mind. I am excited about your new study and looking forward to it!

  14. Debra Irene

    Clever title. Congratulations on the completion of your book. Looking forward to reading it.

  15. Beth Bustin

    What a BIG GOD we serve!

  16. Nilsa Galarza

    I’m leaning on my big GOD! 🙂

  17. Ann Johnson

    Debbie, if you wrote it, I want it!
    I’m leaning on my Big God!!!!

    Love and bless you,

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann!

  18. NOMI

    Sometimes we let our problems overcome us and we forget that God is bigger than the monsters on TV or the monster in our closet. I am not alone… God is always with me.

  19. Beth

    I’m so sorry that you faced such mounting losses so early in life, Debbie. But I’m grateful that it has given you intimate and deeper insight into the lives of these women from the Bible. I can’t wait to get and read your book, my friend. I know it’s going to knock my and so many other’s socks off! Thanks for sharing about your book at my place today too. I’m praying that you reach the masses with your message of hope in the Lord.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Beth. And I know that you know God uses our experiences to give us a depth of understanding we can’t seem to get any other way. Thank you again for sharing the message of our big God!

  20. Doris Swift

    Congratulations, Debbie!! God is bigger!!

  21. Rhonda Martin

    Sometimes the smallest details need the largest amount of attention. I’m a small detail and need my big God’s attention and power.

    • Debbie Wilson

      And Rhonda, just think, He even has the hairs of our head numbered! You are precious to Him.


    Congratulations Debbie on your book! I had wondered were you had been. I have missed your insightful and encouraging comments. Sounds like an incredible book! I must recommend it to my sisters. I am encouraged when I read the Bible and am reminded of the people that God used for his glory. In spite of their faults, failures, and weakness, He used them in a mighty way. I thank Him for showing us that He can and will use us for His glory when we seek Him. Congrats again on the book. May God continue to richly bless you and yours in all your endeavors! Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Horace. I always enjoy hearing from you. We certainly have a big God who is willing and able to use little us.

  23. Elizabeth

    It has taken me while to realize how MUCH I need my big God! Thank you for your encouraging words!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Elizabeth!

  24. Lori @ Frog's Lilypad

    Hi, Debbie. I just read the most beautiful review of you book and added it to my list to research more. I’m so thankful God is bigger than me and can handle all the big stuff in my life. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Lori for hosting! I’m thankful I found you. 🙂

  25. Crystal Storms

    Congratulations, Debbie, on your new book!!! I too love that Jesus points out the weaknesses in His family tree. They help me see the difference His grace makes.
    Sweet blessings to you, friend. : )

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Crystal. Glad to have you back.

  26. Becca Catoe

    In the midst of all the uncertainty in my life and my brokenness and failures I am choosing to lean on my big God and remember that my hope is in him and not my circumstances

  27. Cathy Lawdanski

    I’m leaning on a big God and today praying this scripture over a situation – If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault and it will be given. James 4:8 (I think 🙂 )

  28. Debbie Kitterman

    Congratulations on the release of your book! I know how very exciting it is to finally have your book be finished and in print. Congratulations on your accomplishments and may your book truly transform the lives of those who read it and may they receive freedom from the very words that also transformed you. I pray Gods richest blessings for you and your book!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Debbie. And may the Lord bless you in your endeavors too!

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