Crafting Hope: The Backstory of “Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race”

Today, I invite you into the hearts of two women who are transforming their worries about the present culture’s impact on our children into something positive—a series of children’s books. Meet Joan Benson and Marjory Wingert and their newest book, Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race.

When God Speaks

Amidst a floundering economy and raging division, progressive anti-biblical ideologies now target the youngest of our children. As parents and grandparents, we all face a choice: sit on the sidelines or act. For us, the answer was simple. Protect our children. With pen and voice, God stirred us to action through story and rhyme.

We prayed and asked the Lord what we could do. If parents bundle their toddlers against winter’s bite, even more they should be protected from evil. Meditating on Ephesians 6, we knew toddlers and preschoolers couldn’t arm themselves like we can. It seemed clear. We must instill God’s Word and a love for righteousness in our children even before full comprehension emerges. In this way, God’s truth can shield them from falsehoods (Ephesians 6:17-19). Their spirits will recognize the mismatch.

Joan’s Story

A few summers ago, I was assigned to write stories for third-grade readers in an educational publishing writing project. To my shock, I discovered five pages of gender designations in guidelines requiring the inclusion of gay and trans characters. My heart stopped. For me, the assignment was an instrument of indoctrination, “normalizing” behavior opposing God’s word, without an opportunity for parental input. I broke my contract and adopted a new assignment.

Marjorie’s Story

My call to action arose when my daughter was four months old. Attending a seminar, my facilitator charged us to answer every cultural attack upon our children with Biblical Truths. Since then, I’ve striven to ground my child in God’s Word. But everywhere I turned, progressive agendas imposed upon our daily lives. Whether in the media, sports, education, or even churches, the erosion of Biblical values sadly continues. So, when Joan shared her new calling, I was eager to jump aboard!

Our Mission

God led us to create foundational stories for young children which address the most invasive social/cultural issues from a biblical perspective. Dubbed the “Cornerstone Concept Series,” we aspire to ground children in Truth from their earliest understanding. Though written to entertain with brightly colored illustrations, these books teach Biblical truths on challenging topics: gender fluidity, the value of life, creation, and racial diversity. Accompanied by a companion devotional with scriptures and talking points, parents, grandparents, and teachers may delve deeper and help develop biblical strategies. Each story will also have a companion coloring book for concept reinforcement.

To date, the first two books of the series have been released by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. God’s ABCs, and its companion parent-child devotional are available on multiple platforms. Told through humorous alphabet characters, gender identity questions are addressed based on the truth of God’s design.

The latest release is Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race. In this delightful rhyming story, children will learn how God sees our diversity and uniqueness. It is a call for unity and respect, based on the biblical analogy of the Body of Christ. The accompanying parent guide will soon follow along with a coloring book.

Protect Your Children

All who have children in their lives, arise! Take action and protect them before the enemy teaches them his lies. Culture will continue to attack Christian values, but with God, we can equip our little ones to stand in faith with eternal impact.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:-6-7 NIV).

Check out Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race

Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race: Paperback

Let’s Be One: God’s Human Race: Hardcover 

Check out God’s ABCs

God’s ABCs in Kindle

God’s ABCs: Paperback version

Read more about the authors: Joan C. Benson and Marjorie Wingert.

Are you concerned about the impact our culture is having on our children? Be inspired by two women who are transforming their worries into something positive—a series of children's books. #childrensbook #newbook Share on X

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  1. Donna Reidland

    Debbie, thank you for letting us know about these books! I have little ones that I spend time with and I’m so concerned about helping their mama teach them God’s truth in a world that has gone crazy. I’ll be ordering every one!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Awesome! Yes, I’m very concerned too, Donna.

    • Joan C. Benson

      Thank you for letting us know, Donna. We have a parent-child devotional that takes the topic to scripture, and provides discussion ideas for parents/grands/friends to talk to the children at a deeper level. The first one is shown on Amazon separately … if you search by our author names you will see it. The one for Let’s Be One is not finished, but it will soon be available as well. This is our passion, as you might tell. 🙂 We must protect our little ones, and His Word is the best armor we know!

      God bless and thanks again!

  2. Lisa Brittain

    Thank you!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Lisa.

    • Joan C. Benson

      We appreciate your interest and support!

      God bless you!

      PS We have an accompanying parent-child devotional on Amazon (use my name to search, if you want to see). It provides ways for parents/grands and teachers to take the topic back to scripture and gives good discussion ideas.

  3. Michele Morin

    Sounds like a sharp tool for parents to employ in their godly parenting!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I agree. This generation needs all the support they can get!

    • Joan C. Benson

      Thanks so much Michele! We have another more in-depth tool for parents/grands and teachers to use to take the topic back to God’s Word. It’s a parent-child devotional that takes the topic to scripture, and provides discussion ideas for parents/grands/friends to talk to the children at a deeper level. The first one God’s ABCs parent guide is shown on Amazon separately … if you search by our author names you will see it (Joan C. Benson, for me). The parent guide for Let’s Be One is not finished, but it will soon be available as well. This is our passion, as you might tell. We must protect our little ones, and His Word is the best armor we know!

      God bless and thanks again!

  4. Ann J Musico

    Exactly what I’ve been looking for for my grandchildren.

    • Joan C. Benson

      I’m so excited to hear this, Ann. We must provide our young ones a way to withstand the ideological onslaught in the culture. God’s Word is the best armor of all, as you know, so we hope between the fun story, parents et al will take the time to use the parent-child devotional (on Amazon where God’s ABCs is sold) to talk to their children & grandkids.

      One morning as I awakened and prayed about this project, the Lord reminded me of a time long ago when my first baby was a toddler. We lived in the Midwest and I was so excited to buy my little guy his first snowsuit (armor)! The Lord spoke to my heart and said if we as parents go to the trouble of protecting our babies from the cold and snow, we should even more protect them from the lies of the evil one.


  5. J.D. Wininger

    Thank you for introducing us to these two ladies of courage and conviction Ms. Debbie. Wonderful to know of more resources out there to help us help our children.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I’m delighted to support these ladies.

    • Joan C. Benson

      Thank you so much, J.D. We all need to act to protect our kiddos from the anti-biblical ideologies swirling around disguised as new “truth.” By providing God’s truth FIRST while they are still lap readers, they will begin to recognize how the culture is not saying what the Bible does! Did you know diamond experts begin by studying the real thing first so they can recognize the flaws more readily when they encounter false gems? Same principle!

      We have a parent-child devotional guide on Amazon to accompany God’s ABCs, and it will take the story topic to Scripture directly. Check it out! The parent guide for Let’s Be One is not quite finished yet … but coming! 🙂

      May God bless you as you do all you can to protect your children.

  6. Lisa Blair

    Thanks for the book reviews, Debbie!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      My pleasure. So thankful to hear their stories.

  7. Priscilla Bettis

    Bravo Joan and Marjorie. And thank you for your creativity and hard work!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Amen! Thanks, Priscilla.

  8. Joanne Viola

    Thank you for sharing about these books, Debbie! I’ll be checking these out for sure 🙂

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I’m excited to let others know about them.

  9. Linda Stoll

    I love the books that are coming out for our children and grandchildren. More than ever in the onslaught of technology, the act and art of reading to our little ones is more priceless and valuable than ever. Thanks for featuring these gifted authors, Debbie.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I agree. So important. Thanks, Linda.

  10. Tammy L Kennington

    Thank you for sharing the book titles above! I’m grateful these two authors are releasing such wonderful, Biblical content.

    Thanks for linking up at Grace and Truth!

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