How Can You Stand in the Gap?

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Battles | 8 comments

I’m delighted to introduce you to my AWSA (Advanced Writer and Speaker Association) sister and award winning author, Sheri Schofield. Today she challenges us to stand in the gap for America. Here’s Sheri.

Standing in the Gap

Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God” (1 Peter 4:1-2 NIV).

Do you read about the Roman persecution of the early Christians or the sufferings of the Holocaust and feel grateful that we don’t live then? I do. Unfortunately, we are coming to a time in America when there is rising injustice and persecution against those who follow Christ. I know. My family went through an injustice because of our faith. Without God’s help, we would have been crushed. As it is, we live with the scars of that battle in our bodies and hearts.

At the time, it seemed totally unbelievable that such injustice could happen in the United States. But the Lord told me, “Times like these are coming to America. Your experience is just a foretaste. Warn others so they will learn to be strong when night falls on America.”

There is still a slim chance that God will hold back His judgment for a while—IF—

  1. We as God’s people will pray, not just alone in our homes, but in groups of at least two or three, for America to turn back to Jesus.
  2. We will do all that we can—daily—to reach our world for Jesus. He is our only hope.

Each of us needs to ask, “What can I do to change the direction in which our nation is headed?”

What are your strengths? How has God equipped you for this challenge?

Each of us needs to ask, 'What can I do to change the direction in which our nation is headed?' Sheri Schofield #pray, #act Share on X

Doing My Part

I’m not a great speaker for adults, but I’m good at writing and art and have served in children’s ministries for about forty years. I know how to explain the plan of salvation. So I wrote and illustrated a children’s book on salvation.

We had it independently published. God provided for us to distribute nearly 4,000 copies to children on our Montana reservations and in our hometown. We had 1,000 books, translated into Spanish, printed for distribution among the immigrants at the border in El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico. That was our first outreach effort.

We’re now on our second—reaching adults. We had no idea in the beginning that God would do this through us! We did not know how He would provide financing, either. But as we stepped forward, God equipped us, and continues providing what we need to do this work.

What’s Your Part?

What is your spiritual strength? Have you considered what you can do to reach the lost?

What are you choosing to do with the finances available to you? Are you willing to invest those finances in outreach ministry for the lost? Are you willing to become personally involved in reaching lost souls? Has God put some good but seemingly impossible outreach effort in your heart? Step up and see what God will do through you!

If Christians in America each ask God for guidance, He will provide a way for us to stand in a necessary place in the battle to reach the lost for Jesus. He is not short of equipment—only short on workers.

If Christians ask God for guidance, He will provide a way to stand in the battle to reach the lost for Jesus. He is not short of equipment—only short on workers. Sheri Schofield #RefreshingFaith Share on X

Ezekiel records God’s words

I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one” Ezekiel 22:30 (NIV).

By His grace and through His strength, we can stand in the gap for America.

About the Author

Sheri Schofield is an award-winning author/illustrator. As a young college student, she attended Prairie Bible Institute in Canada, then Biola University in California in preparation for her work in children’s ministries. She and her husband, Tim, have developed an outreach ministry, Faithwind 4 Kids. Together, they serve the Lord in Montana, providing Christian materials for families. Her latest book, God? Where Are You? was just released by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. This book presents the plan of salvation for adults. It answers questions many lost adults have about God, in simple words and easily understood concepts.

This book is available at and Amazon.

Offering Help to Navigate Today’s Culture

On July 22, 2021, at 7 p.m. EST on Zoom, Brian and Denita Thomas, will help us develop a Christian worldview by considering today’s issues.

Navigating the culture of today can be challenging and confusing. There is so much fear, immorality, division, lawlessness, and persecution. How do you manage all of these issues and ideologies? The answer lies in developing a Biblical worldview.

Brian and Denita Thomas, founders of God 1st Bible Fellowship, will share information through a biblical lens about ungodly organizations and ideologies at the center of current issues (i.e., BLM, CRT, etc.). They will also empower you with scripture (the sword of the Spirit) to help you be vigilant and stand firm on Biblical principles.

If you’d like to attend this meeting, please contact me to save your spot. This is a free seminar.

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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InspireMeMonday, #InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory  #Recharge Wednesday, #Grace&Truth,

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  1. J.D. Wininger

    What a great question to ask ourselves, “What can I do to stand in the gap for America and our American values?” I loved that phrase, “… before night falls on America.” It sure does feel like dusk these days; and I believe God is fast running out of opportunities for our nation to repent; for His church to repent. I think it must start with the individual. We must show God’s light in this world, starting in our family, then onto community, state, and nation. Well said ladies.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I agree with everything you said, J.D. I was recently reminded of Elisha going against the 400+ prophets of Baal. May we be strong and courageous in the Lord.

  2. Suzette K.

    This is a good reminder for all of us to ask God to show us our gifts and how to use them for His glory.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I agree, Suzette. Sheri’s question made me consider my choices.

  3. Theresa Boedeker

    I taught VBS last week and kids have such open and willing hearts to believe God and his truths. I can see your book being what they need. Thanks for writing it. We are Gods hands and feet. His workers

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Theresa, for taking the good news to the next generation. God bless your work.

  4. Anita Ojeda

    Great questions to ask ourselves! It’s important to pray for our leaders, our country, our neighbors, our co-workers, and especially our families.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Anita. Thanks for reading.

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