Could you use some joy? I was recently reminded of the acronym JOY. Jesus, Others, You. Putting Jesus first in our lives brings joy to our hearts. But how do we always put God first when sick children demand our attention or work deadlines hang over our heads?
While putting God first on our list of responsibilities and interests helps us visualize how our priorities rank, another illustration works better for me. I like to picture my life as a pie cut into slices with God as the hub. Making Him the center means His influence permeates every slice of my life. As circumstances change, God leads me to invest more time and energy into different pie slices. God directs and empowers all my time according to the need at hand.
Join me at Bible study tools where I talk about “How Can We Always Put God First in Our lives?”.
While putting God first on our list of responsibilities and interests helps us visualize how our priorities rank, another illustration works better for me. #God1st #RefreshingFaith Share on XRecently Connie Albers had me on her “Equipped to Be” podcast where we discussed Little Faith, Big God and the grace to grow when our faith feels small.
Upcoming Event
On July 22, 2021, at 7 p.m. EST, Brian and Denita Thomas will help us develop a Christian worldview considering today’s issues on Zoom.
Navigating the culture of today can be challenging and confusing. There is so much fear, immorality, division, lawlessness, and persecution. How do you manage all of these issues and ideologies? The answer lies in developing a Biblical worldview. Brian and Denita Thomas, founders of God 1st Bible Fellowship, will share information through a biblical lens about ungodly organizations and ideologies at the center of current issues (i.e., BLM, CRT, etc.). They will also empower you with scripture (the sword of the Spirit) to help you be vigilant and stand firm on Biblical principles.
If you’d like to attend this meeting, please contact me to save your spot. This is a free seminar.
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Photo by Dan Dumitriu on Unsplash
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Mama taught me that manner of prayer many years ago (J-O-Y). I sometimes wish I had learned that lesson better. Thank you for the reminder my friend.
You had a wise mama, J.D. Thank you for your encouragement and support.
I love this line, Debbie: “If we’ve pleased our Lord, it’s okay to disappoint someone else.” I’ve struggled with this all my life. I’m afraid I take the admonition to live in peace with men as much as possible too far; pleasing others is much too high a priority for me when my self-worth is bothered by disappointing people. Lovely post. Congratulations on posting an article at Bible Study Tools. 🙂
Ashley, I’ve felt that struggle too. How freeing to have only one we need to please!
I absolutely love the idea of having Him as the hub of a pie and the slices coming out from Him and knowing He can be directing me in each area of life.
Thank you, Ann. The days and seasons of our life are always moving. When He is at the hub He makes it all balance out.
Praise God He makes every thing balance out.
He is an awesome God!
TryHim and see.
Now more than ever we need to hang tight to our biblical worldview as the world we live in spins out of control. Putting Jesus first and being in His word, faithfully, is the only thing getting me through. Will have to check out the Zoom presentation. Very helpful post!
Bev xx
Amen, Bev! I hope you can join us.
I want to always put God first. I am thankful He forgives me when I fall short.
Amen, Melissa! Thank you.
Putting God first keeps us from giving Satan footholds. It’s protective and loving. We tend to want our way–and step in the mud on our own. Good message here.
Great thoughts, Nancy. Thank you.
I like your pie analogy . If we put Jesus first, and ask how he would want us to serve or love others (especially those we don’t understand or have ignored for far too long), we’ll know what to do!
Anita, that is a terrific application! Thank you.
putting God first is huge. and yes>> Keeping Him first requires intentionality. We don’t put God first without doing it on purpose. It’s too easy to get swept into the waves of the world and it requires intentionality to stand firm and choose Jesus 1st. Love this reminder and practicality.
Mariel, I agree. I must be intentional. It is not an automatic human response. Thanks so much.
I am definitely on board for this lesson, Debbie! It’s one thing to say he is first in my life, but certainly a challenge to live as if he is every minute.
A challenge for me too, Michele. I want Him, but sometimes I want to keep moving and forget to pause and be sure I’m following.
Debbie, what a great post. I appreciate your practical suggestions. And the JOY acronym is so good. Your example of Martha going from serving Jesus to trying to boss Him around? Umm, yeah. I may have done that. Once or twice. Your perspectives in this post are so good!
Yep, I’m guilty of that too! Thank you, Jeanne.
I like the idea of running everything we do by God first to see if that is what He wants us to focus on. Sometimes, I can let the good crowd out the best because I don’t take time to see if God wants me to pursue that options. Thanks for the reminder.
It is easy for me to repeat what worked yesterday without seeking direction for today. Thank you, Joanna, for joining the discussion today.
Debbie, my church is called The Church of Joy, named for Jesus, Others, You. Mary of Bethany was a prime example of putting God first. She sat at Jesus’ feet to learn from Him before she did anything else. Thanks for sharing!
Love that, Barbara! Imagine if all churches practiced your church’s motto.
I’ve taught my Sunday School class that acronym for years (J-O-Y) and as Joy is my word for 2021, I certainly agree that putting God first equals JOY!
Yes it does! Thank you, Donna.