I Spent Today in Prison

I just returned from speaking on Forgiveness Brings Freedom to inmates in the women’s prison. Dew4Him ministries put on an awesome, A-1 quality retreat for these women, complete with skits, music, a potter throwing clay pots, and a home cooked meal of barbecued chicken and homemade pies. So many inmates had signed up, the prison had to draw names, because they couldn’t fit them all in the gym.

They wear different colored uniforms to designate their sentence length, under five years or five years to life. The majority wore the color that represented the longer term. Some look so young. Some looked old. They expressed such gratitude and were so responsive to the teaching and worship. Honestly, it was one of the most alive groups I’ve ever been with. They worshiped joyfully, listened attentively and responsively, and stood and cheered their gratitude for all of us who had participated.

Twice the guards stopped everything to have an inmate count.  The inmates would leave their seats and line up for the count to make sure everyone was still there.  The second count came between worship and the last talk.  One prisoner said, ” I had almost forgotten where I was.”

I was most touched at the end when some individually approached and asked me to pray for them. When the prayer ended I couldn’t help but notice the tears streaming down each one’s face. They wanted to live good lives, be good moms when they are released, and want their children taken care of while they are away from them. One said her baby was turning two this month.

Maybe you would like to pray for these women too. God knows their names and needs. They have the same longings you and I have. Many haven’t had the resources and support we’ve had. Pray for the one who is released this January, and has no place to go. Our God is able to to exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask or imagine!


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1 Comment

  1. stephanie sudano

    LOVE your new blog. and LOVE the beautiful picture at the top of your page:)

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