How Do You Prepare for the Big Unknown of Aging?

by | Jul 23, 2019 | Aging, Security | 28 comments

Those watching me heave a carry-on suitcase into a plane’s overhead bin wouldn’t believe I was the arm-wrestling champion of our 5th grade class. The legs that earned me a blue ribbon for speed, in my 6th grade, city-wide relay competition, and scaled any tree with ease, almost failed me when I took the second step of a stepladder with no hands. I am painfully aware I’m no longer fast, strong, or young. What happened?

Aging not only brings limitations, it taps fears when our limbs—and mind—lose the speed and strength we’ve learned to depend on. The recent experience of some friends reminded me that the challenges that unnerve us don’t surprise God. He never leaves us.

The Unexpected Frustration of Aging

My friend’s husband slipped during a vacation and injured his back. Instead of getting better, the pain grew worse. After numerous doctors’ visits and tests, he heard the news no one wants to hear. Cancer. Of the bones. And he needed back surgery.

The surgery left this formerly active husband and father with a back brace and a cane. His wife struggled with responsibilities he’d previously carried with ease. Sometimes the loss of the life they’d taken for granted and the frustration over lack of youthful strength boiled over.

One such day, she fumed to herself and her husband as she hurled boxes that contained a lifetime of accumulated junk and memories into the dumpster at the local junk yard. “Why didn’t we prepare for old age before it was so hard?”

In her rant, her keys sailed with her belongings into the huge dumpster.

My friend’s frustration turned to desperation—and then to God. “Lord, forgive me for complaining. Please have mercy and rescue my keys!”

Halfway down, the keys dangled from protruding trash. She asked two burly men, “Please, would you crawl in and rescue my keys?”

One man fished out a long pole with an attached magnet and snagged the keys. “No problem.”

Has weakness, frustration, or lack of planning dropped you into the middle of a mess? Have your limits or those of someone you love raised fears for the future? We can’t predict or prepare for everything. But we can take refuge in the One who cares enough to rescue even lost keys, for He has promised:

Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you”(Is. 46:4 NIV).

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your many promises. I choose to trust you to rescue me in my stumbles and carry me when I can’t walk.

We can’t predict or prepare for everything. But we can find refuge in the One who knows our future. #security, #aging Share on X

 I’d love to hear your thoughts.

And if you have a story on God’s faithfulness you’d like shared, I’d love to hear from you.


Photo by Katy Anne on Unsplash

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Secrets of Aging with Faith and Purpose

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  1. Ann Musico

    This definitely hits close to home because things can change in an instant. My daughter in law’s dad was in excruciating pain and was scheduled for back surgery. He came through that surgery fine but then suffered several devastating strokes in the hospital. While they didn’t expect him to survive at all, he has but is now in a wheel chair and suffering from dementia. His wife has to make the difficult decision to put him in a home as she cannot physically care for him. It is so sad. My husband and I are so grateful to still be healthy and able to enjoy our children and grandchildren but at our ages we are very aware that things can change in a moment of time. Trusting the One Who holds it all in the palm of His hand and knowing He has good plans is what we do.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter in law’s father. These losses are real. Like you, we must trust our good Father to carry us through every stage and challenge of life. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Horace Williams Jr.

    What an insightful and thoughtful post, Debbie. It seemed that the week leading up to my fiftieth birthday and the weeks that followed that celebration, I grew older in an instant! However, here we are almost about to turn fifty-three and even still nine years to the month after the stroke. God continues to show Himself faithful. Despite my doubts, fears, shortcomings, and sins, He still loves me. He encourages, strengthens, inspires, and empowers me to live for Him. Oh, how my love and gratitude grows stronger for the Savior. Thank you for sharing this post. It was a blessing to read. God bless, sister.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Horace, you always inspire me. I remind myself that He has chosen the weak. What a Savior who never fails us.

  3. pat haley

    I prayed for a promise this morning. It came through you. Isaiah 46:4 Thank you. Love you, Pat

    • Debbie Wilson

      Isn’t that a wonderful one to hold to! Thank you, Pat!

  4. cynthia pierce

    Great post, Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Cindi.

  5. Rosanne Hodgens

    Hi Debbie, Your blog surely spoke to me, today.

    I have had many struggles the past few years, and it has been hard. But, I know God is faithful.

    His protection covers us if we just avail ourselves to it.

    Thank you for the reminder. Love, Rosanne

    • Debbie Wilson

      Rosanne, thank you so much for sharing God’s faithfulness. I’m glad Jesus told us we can have peace in Him in the midst of our trouble. Blessings to you!

  6. Marcia

    Excellent. “Why didn’t we prepare for old age before it was so hard?” Truth.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Marcia, we can’t believe it will happen to us can we?

  7. Judy Radcliffe

    Last year was a series of hospital and doctor visits for my sweet husband. In January he went to be with Jesus. With that said I am left with wonderful memories and a lifetime of an example of how to age and go thru life with incredible joy and perseverance in spite of circumstances. You see,Bruce walked with Jesus and hoped in his healing to be here on this earth but God in his mercy healed him in heaven. Bruce was one of a kind and
    Inspires me to trust Jesus for each day
    in spite of my my aging body.
    I am so thankful that I know the end of the story .
    Thank you Debbie for your words of encouragement and for truth.
    Love you.
    Judy Radcliffe

    • Debbie Wilson

      Judy, Bruce was one of a kind. Always upbeat. We all miss him so much. And what an example of how to live everyday, no matter what our circumstances. Love to you, my friend.

  8. K.A. Wypych

    This is a reason to always remember to be grateful for what we have and an insightful message about preparing for the future.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, there is. Thanks, K.A.

  9. J.D. Wininger

    Am living this trial right now Ms. Debbie. Trying to run a ranch, maintain a working farm, help manage a household, and deal with the seeming constant barrage of headaches, problems, and crises — all while having only one usable arm and trying to rehab it — certainly makes me want to throw up my hands and give into despair. God’s word seems the only promise I can hold onto in these times. Holding tightly! God’s blessings ma’am.

    • Debbie Wilson

      J.D. I think this post has shown me we’re not alone. Our losses can scare and discourage us. But God’s promises lift us up and keep us going. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. Susie

    Do you have a blog on finding purpose and or releasing strongholds? My daughter has been struggling with self harm and suicide ideation for almost 2 years. Trying to find a new counselor and psych who is Christian-she did find a new church.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Susie, if you go to my link free stuff in the header, I have something on recognizing DARTS. You might look at my book Give Yourself a Break. It has a several chapters I feel would minister to your daughter. I recommend Neil Anderson‘s books Stomping Out the Darkness and the Bondage Breaker too. Or Victory Over the Darkness if she’s grown. May the Lord lead you and set her free.

  11. Julie Lavender

    Thank you, Debbie, for the reminder to prepare as best we can, but more importantly, to trust in the one who knows our future and will be with us every step of the way!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      What a comfort for those of us who know we aren’t prepared. Thanks, Julie.

  12. Maree Dee

    Debbie – This hit home. I have to admit I struggle a bit with this aging process. But you have reminded me good health is a gift.

    Of course, I know God will be with me no matter what so I don’t worry about it, but quite honestly I don’t like it. I want the energy I had at 25 and realizing I don’t grieves me sometimes.

    Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Link-Up.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Maree Dee, I grieve the loss of that energy and ability to rebound to. It does help to know that it’s normal, but it is part of the curse we’re living under. Praise God, he will redeem these bodies.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Linda!

      • Linda Stoll

        And this post on aging is speaking to me right where I live, Debbie. 64 looms in less than a month. And I’m walking with my 89 year old mom through the most difficult season of her life.

        • Debbie Wilson

          Linda, aging reminds us of the shocking brevity of life. We were made for eternity.

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