Do You Need Help with Your Messy Emotions?

Do you ever battle messy emotions? Emotions become messy when they rule us instead of us ruling them. Maybe you can relate to Jody.

Jody pulled into the parking lot. Where had all the cars come from? Was she late? Usually the lot was empty. Jody loved meeting with her small group but felt self-conscious walking in last. A familiar battle warred in the pit of her stomach.

She put the car in reverse and drove home. She promised to arrive earlier next week.

Have you ever let uncomfortable feelings stop you from doing something you wanted to do? I have. Like Jody, we miss out in life and relationships when we let unpleasant feelings control us. The night Jody missed Bible study she believed she was the last one to arrive. But she was wrong. The cars in the lot were for another group. She was actually the first. The lie she believed—that she’d be humiliated walking in last—robbed her of the support and encouragement she needed that evening.

Have you ever let uncomfortable feelings stop you from doing something you wanted to do? GYAB E-book to help you manage your emotions is free this week. #hope, #victory Share on X

What Causes Messy Emotions?

What we believe about God, others, and ourselves affects how we feel and conduct ourselves every day. When uncomfortable feelings rule our actions we can be sure that on some level we are believing a lie. How many relationships have been destroyed because one or both parties believed something untrue?

Discovering our identity in Christ transforms how we see ourselves and the world. Knowing that we are secure in our heavenly Father’s love anchors us in situations that would otherwise toss us to-and-fro.

Many battles in life can be traced back to our beliefs. Past trauma and hurts often shape these beliefs. But we don’t have to live as victims of our past, of our emotions, or of our family’s weaknesses. We are new creations in Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit within us.

Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence” (2 Cor. 5: 17 GW).

Do you need help taming your emotions? I’m offering an online study this summer that will address this very area. Also, in honor of Mother’s Day, I have a free e-book for you. Give Yourself a Break from Renegade Thoughts and Messy Emotions is free May 5-9, 2020.

In honor of Mother’s Day, Give Yourself a Break from Renegade Thoughts and Messy Emotions e-book is free from May 5-9, 2020. #gift Share on X

The Give Yourself a Break e-book series covers the same lessons found in the original Give Yourself a Break ten-chapter study. The smaller two-chapter e-books allow readers to sample the book or choose the lessons most pertinent to them.

Join me as we explore the role of emotions and learn to turn messy emotions into mighty faith. Click here between May 5-9 to get your copy!

Opportunities to Grow

Would you like to join other like-minded women for weekly encouragement? Below are two summer study groups. The first one will meet on the internet. The second will gather either locally in Cary, NC or on Zoom, depending on how things play out.

  • Give Yourself a Break: facilitated by Debbie Wilson on Zoom, June 2-August 4th, 2020
    10 weeks on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:3 p.m. EST
  • Little Faith, Big God: facilitated by Ginny Wilson (Local or Zoom to be announced)
    8 weeks on Tuesday evenings beginning June 2, 2020, from 6:45-8:30 p.m. EST

Contact me to sign up or learn more. We will discuss chapter one in our first meeting.

Click here to comment.


Excerpt from Give Yourself a Break from Renegade Thoughts and Messy Emotions

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  1. Ann Musico

    Debbie that insight about how those messy, uncomfortable emotions are often lies we have believed about who we really are is profound!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. When, in heaven, we finally see ourselves the way God sees us may be the time He wipes away our tears. To see how we let lies hold us back from doing and being all He made us to be.

  2. Lisa notes

    Yes, I relate to Jody’s story too. As much as we don’t want our emotions to have the final say, they often do. 🙁

    I’m so grateful for this truth you share: “But we don’t have to live as victims of our past, of our emotions, or of our family’s weaknesses. We are new creations in Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit within us.” amen!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lisa, I have too. Thankful God won’t stop His work in us until we are like Jesus!

  3. J.D. Wininger

    I think self-control, for me, is the most difficult fruit of the Spirit to cultivate and grow in my life. Sure glad I don’t have to rely on my own power to do it.

    • Debbie Wilson

      J.D., that is a challenge for me too, letting the Holy Spirit overcome my lack of self-control. Thanks for joining the conversation!

  4. Melissa Henderson

    Our emotions can wreak havoc in our lives if we don’t learn to deal with them. Thank you for this encouragement.

    • Debbie Wilson

      They sure can. Thanks, Melissa.

  5. Sarah Geringer

    Thanks for this free offer, Debbie! I downloaded today. Happy Mother’s Day to you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Sarah. And I hope you enjoy it.

  6. Jennifer Smith

    I am so grateful that I do not have to live a victim to my emotions. I have many times and I continue to struggle at times but God continues to give me victory!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Praise the Lord! That is a victory worth celebrating! Thanks, Jennifer.

  7. Karen Friday

    Debbie, I let messy emotions control much of my behavior and reactions in the past…and many stemmed from my literal past. I’m learning to see emotions as something to process and not let them control me. I heard Priscialla Shirer explain how emotions don’t have intelligence attached to them and often lead us down the wrong path. All your summer studes sound powerful!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Karen, I like that picture, “emotions don’t have intelligence attached to them.” Too many times I’ve been manipulated and held back by my emotions too. Thanks be to God who uses those times to teach us! Blessings to you!

  8. Steffanie

    Sure is a topic I struggle with. Can’t wait to read your book!!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Steffanie, I hope you enjoy it, and I’d love to have you join our group!

  9. Jeannie Waters

    What a timely topic, Debbie! Excellent post.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jeannie. God bless!

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