Do You Know How to Stop Fretting?

A friend recently remarked, “I’m starting my morning wondering what new loss or bad news the day will bring.” 2020 has punched many people in the gut. Has a long battle or diet of bad news caused you to fret? Whether your enemy is physical, emotional, or spiritual, I have good news. You have help!

Scripture reminds us God is our strength and deliverer. No enemy can defeat Him. He doesn’t expect us to rescue ourselves from trouble. He will save us. But—we have a role to play. If you aren’t experiencing victory over your worries, consider—are you doing your part?

Notice what we are to do and what we are not to do:

Don’t worry …
Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you” (Ps. 37:1, 3-5 NLT).

If you aren’t experiencing victory over your worries, consider—are you doing your part? #fear, #peace Share on X

Resting Is Better than Fretting

Would you rather soak in a fragrant bubble bath while listening to soft music or pace the floor with knotted fists? Worry tenses our muscles and seizes control of our minds and reactions. In contrast delighting in the Lord soothes our frazzled nerves. Tight muscles relax in hope.

Many things can cause us to fret. The Psalm above dealt with evil doers. Your nemesis may be regret over your past, a chronic illness, a rebellious child, or a financial challenge. But the principles apply to any problem. Practicing these constructive activities quiets worry by infusing faith.

How Do We Delight in the Lord?

To delight in the Lord means to enjoy Him. Instead of chewing on a problem, we bask in the pleasure of His company and character. During a dark time in Israel’s history, Jeremiah found hope by directing his focus on to the character of God (Lam. 3:21-26). The circumstances didn’t change with this exercise, but Jeremiah changed.

Have you ever held a flailing child? Soothing words and caresses don’t help when they’re rejected. Neither child nor would-be comforter enjoys the experience.

Now picture an injured child peacefully resting in her mother’s arms. A special bond forms between the comforter and the comforted. The sting of the injury may linger, but sweet closeness blankets both parties with contentment.

Jesus knows our tendency to worry. He invites us to quiet ourselves in His love instead of fretting whenever we suffer injustice or trouble. He enables us to do this, but we must cooperate with Him.

To receive comfort, we must open our hands and let go of our frustrations, fears, tears, and injustices. We must trust Him to right the wrongs and bring good out of the bad.

Stewing will not bring comfort, justice, or relief. Ongoing agitation leads only to bad health and lousy decisions. The next time you want to rant or fret, run to your heavenly Father instead. He wants to comfort you. Will you let Him?

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Ideas for Mom


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Give Yourself a Break



Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


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  1. Ann Musico

    Perfect scripture and perfect advice for these days we find ourselves in Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. This passage is one I return to often. Blessings to you!

  2. Susie Browne

    Trusting Jesus + Resting in Him = Peace beyond understanding only God Himself can give you.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! Thank you, Susie!

  3. Theresa Boedeker

    “To receive comfort, we must open our hands and let go of our frustrations, fears, tears, and injustices. We must trust Him to right the wrongs and bring good out of the bad.” Thanks for this beautiful reminder. He really wants us to come in his presence and delight in him.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Theresa. Open hands allow us to receive the good and release the bad.

  4. J.D. Wininger

    Great post Ms. Debbie. We must choose to live in victory my friend.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! Thanks, J.D.

  5. Shirley G. Miller

    Thank you Debbie. Great reminders and very encouraging!! Bless you:)

    Shirley Miller

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Shirley. God bless you too!

  6. Melissa Henderson

    Today has been a very busy day which has caused me to feel overwhelmed. Everything that happened today has been great and fun, but the day has not turned out like I had planned. After pausing, I had to realize God had a different plan for my day. I thank God for His plan. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Melissa. And how wonderful you paused to realize God’s plan was in action.

  7. Whitley

    A blessing to read tonight. Miss our Thursday study.

    • Debbie Wilson

      So good to hear from you, Whitley!

  8. Barbara L. Latta

    My mom was a champion worrier and I grew up with anxiety. That’s why some of my favorite verses are Philippians 4:6-7. I live on these when anxiety and worry attack. Thank you for this encouraging post!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Barbara, those are favorites of mine too!

  9. Jerralea

    Psalm 37:3 is like a benchmark scripture in my life! How do I learn to delight in Him? I learned about His character and who He is, then I found I could trust Him.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Jerralea! The better we know Him the more we delight in Him.

  10. Karen Del Tatto

    Indeed resting is better than fretting!

    Thanks for sharing encouragements from the Word of God that show us there is no need to fret.


    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Karen!

  11. Jeanne Doyon

    Ah, I have often been that flailing child (even if I look restful). Thanks for your wisdom today

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Jeanne!

  12. Janice

    Just what I needed to read today as worry & fretting came creeping in. Thank you for the reminder to bask in the pleasure of Gods company and character and to rest in Him. So good to know He’s always there for us

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