Highly Sensitive People and How to Go to Heaven

This is Spring Break for many. So instead of a regular blog I want to introduce you to a couple of posts I think you will enjoy.

Busting Myths on Highly Sensitive People

Last year I learned the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and that in many ways I am one. The chapter on HSPs in Anne Bogel’s book Reading People solved the mystery of why I don’t fit into the neat personality category in which I score. What a comfort to see my perceived weaknesses can actually benefit me and others.

Cheri Gregory brings understanding on HSPs and provides a place for HSP Christian women to find community. I met Cheri through the Grit ’n’ Grace podcast she does with my talented friend Amy Carroll. Her posts resonated with me in many ways. She even provides links to explore the topic further including an assessment to see if you are an HSP.

Whether you are an HSP or live, work, or worship with one, I think you’ll find her site eye opening and helpful.

Cheri begins her series:

We’ve always known that we’re a quirky family; we like to think it’s part of what makes us so endearing. But until a few years ago, I didn’t realize that our seemingly unrelated foibles actually fall under the same umbrella.

Each of us becomes easily over-stimulated.” 

Read more here.

Busting Myths on How to Go to Heaven

Jim White, former Assistant Athletic Director at NC State, is our witty friend who listens to the Bee Gees and follows sports. After underdog Loyola-Chicago easily beat Kansas State, CBS analyst Charles Barkley wanted to spend some time with their 98-year-old chaplain Sister Jean.

‘I’m 80-20 against’… Charles Barkley, in the studio, responded to the clip…. It was pretty much 80-20 me going to the Pearly Gates anyway, so I’m not going to say anything bad about Sister Jean…(laughing by all)…it’s gonna be hard to make up that 80 percent…I don’t want to give my 20 percent away’”…

Jim offers a great response to the myth that God decides who enters heaven based on how our good deeds stack against our bad ones. Read his response here.

If your area is enjoying good weather, I hope you grab some time outside. And I’d love to hear your thoughts on HSPs and the Barley-Sister Jean story.

Busting myths on Highly Sensitive People and how to go to heaven. #truth, #insight Share on X

Happy Spring,

Photo by Til Jentzsch on Unsplash

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  1. Ann Musico

    Both posts were so interesting. I signed up to take the HSP quiz. That’s going to be interesting to see. I loved the response to Charles Barkley’s comment – I believe too many people think that way. You always give me food for thought Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, you always provide such thoughtful comments. I think you’ll find the quiz enlightening. I took the one from the link on one of her pages that takes you to Oprah’s quiz. Thanks so much!

  2. Rebecca Jones

    I don’t even think I need a quiz I’m an HSP.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Rebecca, isn’t it great to know we aren’t alone!

  3. Carri

    Hello to one Highly Sensitive Person from another! There are certainly pros and cons to being a HSP–but over all, I’m happy I fall in that category! Thanks for the thoughtful post!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Carri, it’s a gift when we accept who God made us to be. Thanks so much for taking the time to connect.

  4. Bethany Boring

    This is great as so many people believe high sensitivity is a bad thing. This gives me many ideas too!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me, too, Bethany. This research gave me greater understanding for some of our family members’ pet peeves.

  5. Carlie

    This post has left me curious on more than one front. I’ll have to go check these out. Thanks for a light and refreshing post.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Carlie, I have had a lot of fun reading about it. Thanks for joining the conversation.

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