Have You Had Your Greens Today?

by | Jan 8, 2014 | Health

I’m always looking for good recipes that are healthy and simple. After sharing six super foods that protect your immune system earlier this week, I thought you might enjoy a collards recipe that uses two of the six immune-boosting foods.

The Black Dog Café in Raleigh, NC closed a long time ago, but their collards live on in the Wilson home. Yancy, the café’s chef, told me how he cooked them. Below is my rendition of his oral recipe. Because you don’t cook them to death, these collards don’t have the strong odor or taste of some greens I’ve had.

Raw collards take up a lot of volume but cook down to about 1/5 of the original volume. If you are doing several bunches you can add more to the pot as they begin to wilt. Cold weather collards are generally the sweetest and most tender.



For every bunch of collards you need

1 large sweet onion

1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

1 cup of water

Apple cider vinegar

Ground Cayenne pepper

Collards must be washed well—as in several times. Chop and remove any stems that seem too fibrous. You can buy the bagged prewashed, chopped collards. We like to get ours from the local farmer’s market.


In a large pot sauté the onion in a small amount of cold pressed peanut oil. I add the salt when the onion begins to soften. If you are cooking many bunches, you can add half the salt after you add the collards.

After the onions are soft add the collards, water, and remaining salt. When the water boils, cover and cook for approximately 40 minutes. Stir as needed to combine the onions with the collards as the greens begin to wilt. Their color will have deepened to dark green when they are ready.

When the collards are cooked, sprinkle apple cider vinegar over them and stir well. Add Cayenne Pepper to taste. Serve hot and enjoy two super immune boosting foods in one bowl!

For variety you can add canned tomatoes.

Question: What’s your favorite way to eat greens? Click here to comment.


Debbie Wilson

Deborah W. Wilson

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