Finding Your Purpose in Life

“I want to know my life counts.” Nancy, Marcy, and I all nodded. Our children are grown. We have breathing room in our schedules and wonder what we should be doing. We’ve discovered that “What should I do with my life?” is no longer a question just for young people. We wanted an assignment that would add purpose in life not busyness.

When posed with a similar question Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent,” (John 6:29, NASB). Believing is my work. Believing in Jesus for salvation is only the beginning. I must also trust in Him to fulfill His purpose through me.

I’ve discovered God has some impressive titles and assignments that aren’t confining but provide purpose in life. Try these on:

  • Title: Saint—We have been set apart as holy for the Lord, (Rom. 1:7). Just as the pots and pans used in the temple were holy because they belonged to God and were set apart for temple use, so believers belong to God and whatever we do with Christ as our focus is sacred. “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,” Col. 3:23 (NASB). How we work and who we serve through our actions are more important than what we do.
  • Implication: Every activity can be an act of worship if our focus is right.
  • Title: Royal PriestBut you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light,” (1 Pet. 2:9 NASB). A biblical priest was to represent God to the people and the people to God. God has called us to care about people. Tune in to the people you see. These are divine appointments. Smile and listen. Pray for them. I’m sure you remember those who’ve connected with you. I do.
  • Implication: We can bless those we meet and bring their needs to God.
  • Title: Ambassador—An ambassador is an official representative of the one who sent him (2 Cor. 5:20). The biblical word ambassador carries the meaning of elder with it. As we mature in our love for Jesus we become more like Him. This helps others want to become friends with Christ.
  • Implication: Living as saints and royal priests lets the world know Christ loves them.

Our particular talents, spiritual gifts, and opportunities affect how these roles are played out. Some reveal Christ with a home cooked meal or a mowed lawn. Others through a phone call or a note, but every believer has an important role in the kingdom.

How would seeing yourself as God’s priest change how you relate to people who serve you? How does believing Christ has chosen to display Himself through you bring purpose to your life? I’d like to hear how you find purpose in life.


Ladies, would you like to give another woman a hand up. Dew4Him ministries in Zebulon, NC is looking for volunteer mentors for their Jobs for Life program. Contact them at

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  1. Ann Musico

    Debbie – powerful post and beautifully done! Those are amazing titles we can wear – simply awesome to think about and I fully concur with what you said about looking for an assignment that adds purpose and not busy-ness!

    • Debbie

      Ann, thank you for sharing. God has certainly given us awesome purpose and titles.

  2. Diane

    Thanks friend. Will share this with my team. Clear ways to be salt and light.

    • Debbie

      I love hearing from you, Diane. God bless you in all you do for so many.

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