Two Habits for Spiritual Health

Half the battle of feeding our souls is overcome by showing up in our daily time with the Lord. After establishing a place, you no longer have to search for your Bible and notebook. Look how much time that saved. After selecting a time, your decision on where to be during that time has been made. Your life is already getting simpler! However, even with all of this, we still face the battle between our ears.

Worthwhile habits help us reach our goals. To make the most of your time with the Lord, try implementing the following:

Screen your attitude.

Approach God’s Word with expectancy. Ask God to speak to you and to grant you a receptive heart. “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6, NIV).

God knows your needs and wants to meet them. Will you let Him? Faith not only says God is able, but also affirms God wants to satisfy me. Knowing our time will be rewarded eliminates some of our nagging thoughts.

Stop screaming distractions.

Sometimes life’s urgencies shout “look at me!” When this happens, use them as opportunities to engage with God. I use a bound journal or notebook for this. I use the front of my journal for Bible Study and turn it upside down to use the back for prayer and transferring my concerns to the Lord. When my writing meets in the middle, it is time for a new journal.

As I write my concerns, I transfer each one to the Lord. Doing this quiets my mind. Just writing your concerns won’t settle your mind. One by one, roll them onto Jesus as you write them down.

Worrying on your knees is still worry. Praying in faith brings the peace of God. (See Philippians 4:6-7). Peace allows us to hear from God.

Always come in faith expecting to hear from God. I don’t mean you’ll hear an audible voice, like Moses did from the burning bush. I mean God will use what you are studying to address your needs and enrich your soul.

Choices add up. If I got sick the moment I ate that really rich dessert and felt energized the moment I ate a serving of  fruit or veggies, it would be easier to predict the long term effect of my choices. But most actions, good and bad, are only seen over time.

So even if you don’t experience a verse leaping off of the page, or have an immediate attitude change, don’t be discouraged. You are putting fuel in your soul tank that will be there when you need it. Healthy character, like healthy body cells, is built by our habits one day at a time.


P.S. Thank you for your prayers, comments and emails. They lifted my spirits, and God answered. My surgery went well. I woke up thinking I had dreamed it all. Now I must strengthen and get mobility back in my knee. Thanks again.


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  1. janis

    What a great reminder to focus! We are never too old in the Lord to be reminded of how precious our time with Him is. Thanks for the good word! A good word makes the heart glad!

  2. Diane

    Am always glad to read your messages. This one addresses what is a real struggle for me.

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