Faith to Live By

by | Aug 2, 2016 | Faith | 6 comments

Josh McDowell’s teaching on Christian apologetics super-charged my confidence in the Christian faith when I was a young adult. Many think faith is “blind.” But I learned that is not true of the Christian faith. That’s why I’m delighted to have Pamela Christian share about the books she’s written that help us examine what we believe and discover a solid foundation for our faith. Following her post is another resource I think you will enjoy.

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Now here is Pamela…

An article published by ABC News set me off, broke my heart, and thrust me into action. Why? Because the article clearly revealed how so many, including highly educated leaders, are utterly deceived, and don’t even know it. It is, after all, the very nature of deception that the victim is unaware.

The article stated that Americans are tolerant of religious faiths, as demonstrated by them taking different tenants of different religious beliefs and creating a faith of their own preference.

First, in reality, that makes the individual “god” of his or her own life, submitting only to oneself. Second, it is an emotional response to matters that have material, even eternal impact. These precious people are on a very dangerous path, and I had to do all within my power to respond.

I sat down to write what I thought would be one book in response. But while writing I quickly realized there would be at least three books in what I came to call the “Faith to Live By” book series.

Having been in ministry for over twenty years, I have been aware of the beliefs of our post-modern culture. Ever since what’s become known as the Age of Enlightenment (beginning 18th century), nearly every standard has been eroded because of the conclusion thinkers of this era made about God.

“The Enlightenment thinkers developed a way of understanding the universe called Deism—the idea, more or less, is that there is a God, but that this God is not the figure of the Old and New Testaments, actively involved in human affairs. He is more like a watchmaker who, once he makes the watch and winds it, has nothing more to do with it.1 This then means that man is supreme, able to determine what is right and wrong apart from any other standard. This explains how we’ve come to the place of moral chaos of our day.

Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies, is the first book in the series, endorsed by Josh McDowell among others. It helps people examine not only what they believe, but what people of other religious faiths believe.

After examining truth and faith, I then seek to examine syncretism, which is the effort to have all religions be equal and lead to the same God and heaven. By devoting a chapter to the five major world religions and one to New Age, I provide my readers with basic information about the origin and tenants of the different religions. When properly understood, one must admit that there is no way to syncretize the different religious beliefs, without some serious compromise and who is to say what the compromise will be?

Since most people believe that human beings have an eternal spirit and that what we believe and do in this life determines our life hereafter, how utterly important it is to examine what we believe and why we believe it, else we be deceived and not know it.

How important it is to examine what we believe and why...else we be deceived and not know it. Share on X

The second book in the series is Renew Your Hope! Remedy for Personal Breakthroughs. Having sufficiently demonstrated that God exists and is a good, loving, and personal God in book one, this second book helps people learn how to appropriate the benefits available to them by having a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus. This second book is endorsed by Dr. Charles H. Kraft, among others.

The third book is due out by the end of this year. The title will be Revive Your Life! Rest for Your Anxious Heart.

IMG_7631_low res rtd (4)If you do not want to base your life on lies, if you need some breakthroughs in your life to get you to a better place, if your look at this world and experience anxiety and unrest, then my books, blog, and ministry can help. In fact, what I do is always with you in mind. You can have a confident faith, a certain hope, and a heart at peace and filled with joy, even in the midst of the turmoil in our world.

Available wherever fine Christian books are sold.

Endnotes: 1

Pamela Christian is an award winning author, popular keynote speaker, and radio and television host. You can learn more and contact her through her web site at

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Here’s the other resource I promised. Check out the prayers and help offered at

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #WholeHearted Wednesday#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #LivefreeThursday#Thankful Thursdays, #Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus

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  1. Ann

    These sound like wonderful resources. Scripture tells us that it is the truth that sets us free so knowing the One True God is the place to begin!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! Thanks, Ann.

    • Debbie Wilson

      “Faith is not a buffet.” Great way to put it, Andrew. Thanks so much for visiting and sharing.

  2. Beth

    I love Andrew’s analogy above. Our faith truly is not a “buffet” that we can pick and choose what “tastes” good to us in any given temporary moment, Debbie. Thanks so much for highlighting this great author. I’ve not heard of Pamela before but will have to check out her books further. They all sound so intriguing and helpful as resources for those who don’t fully understand their faith or believe something that is faulty and false.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Beth, I like Andrew’s analogy too. I enjoyed an interview I heard with Pamela and wanted to highlight her. I think so many don’t know what they believe or why. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

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