How to Experience Comfort and Joy All Year

by | Jan 3, 2017 | Faith, Hope, Joy | 12 comments

A couple of weeks before Christmas my cousin flew from San Antonio, TX to Washington DC. Young soldiers being deployed overseas filled her packed plane. When the captain announced they were on the first leg of their trip to Afghanistan, the plane applauded. But one man did more. He told a flight attendant he wanted to give his first class seat to a soldier.

My daughter and I had just returned from Chicago. Because Ginny works for the airlines we were bumped up to first class on the trip to Chicago. We flew coach home. Here are some differences we experienced between coach and first class.

  • In coach, five seats were crammed into one row (three on one side, two on the other). First class had four in the same amount of space (2+2).
  • In coach, we fought for elbow space. First class had a console between each roomy seat.
  • In coach, they offered us pretzels and a soft drink. First class provided steamy washcloths and a hot meal.
  • In coach, after the pretzels, that was it. First class offered warm chocolate chip cookies.

Our recent experience made my cousin’s story all the more poignant. Susanne said the soldiers on her plane looked young. She watched the attendant select an especially young, slender guy from the crowded coach section and usher him into first class. A couple of minutes later, a large man lumbered out of first class and crammed his bulk into the soldier’s coach seat. 

Thinking about those young soldiers leaving the safety of home at Christmas to protect us and picturing the large man surrendering his first class seat for a soldier he didn’t know touched me. It was a small picture of what Jesus did for us.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).

Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor. (2 Cor. 8:9) #joy Share on X
  • Before Jesus filled a manger His presence filled the galaxies. He left the expanse and glory of heaven to be confined into one body on one planet.
  • Before Jesus was an infant He was the Almighty. He spoke and worlds were created. He set aside His power to become a helpless baby whose very survival depended on others. The Creator became a creature.
  • Before the incarnation Jesus knew everything. He set aside His omniscience to become like us and grow in knowledge.
  • Jesus didn’t move from first class to coach. He moved from heaven to earth—to hell on the cross—so that we could live in heaven. He took our shame and guilt so we could share His glory.
  • He died in weakness so we could live in the power of the resurrection (Ephes. 1:19-20).

Have you pondered what Jesus did for you? When we focus on Christ we discover strength, comfort, and joy, not for just a season, but for a lifetime.

Support our brave military spouses with Buy One, Gift One program. #gratitude Share on X

Speaking of our military, you can support and encourage our brave military spouses who shoulder responsibilities of family, employment, finances, and wounded warrior care by participating in a Buy One, Gift One program.

For every copy of Little Women, Big God that you buy between now and January 10th we’ll donate one book to Support Military Spouses who will include them in the Appreciation Care Packages they donate to military spouses around the USA!

Just email a copy of your receipt showing your purchase to so we’ll know to send one book to Support Military Spouses for every book you buy between now and January 10th!

Learn more about Little Women, Big God here.

Click here to comment.

Happy New Year,

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#Teaching What Is Good#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention, #HeartEncouragement, #LivefreeThursday#Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus, #Word of God


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  1. Ann

    That is such a beautiful real life picture of what Christ did for us. Thank you for sharing Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. I love what that man did.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    What a beautiful message of love! Thank you for sharing the story with us. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Melissa. Isn’t it fun when we see love expressed and remember the One who loves us best?

  3. Bonnie McConaughy

    What an inspiring and touching story, and so wonderful about the books as well!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Bonnie.

  4. Ellen Chauvin

    What a beautiful story, Debbie! And what heart rending reminder of what Christ did for us, leaving His heavenly home to die on the cross for us. Thank you for sharing.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Ellen. I love it when life supplies glimpses to help us appreciate what Jesus did for us.

  5. Michele Morin

    Debbie, what a sweet and memorable metaphor for the incarnation. So accessible and poignant!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Michele. So good to hear from you.

  6. Starla Jimenez

    Great reminder. Thank you for supporting our military. Thanks for linking up over at the Grace & Truth link up party.

  7. Rachel Britton

    What a beautiful picture of what Christ has done for us. And thank you for reminding us of the sacrifice of many men and women so we are live safely.

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